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Gallowgate Toon

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Posts posted by Gallowgate Toon

  1. Wow, can't believe people are saying good to this, its quite ridiculous, but then again as soon as Harper makes a mistake (History shows he drops some clangers) then we will see what some people say. There is clearly no comparison between the 2 keepers, i doubt that Harper would ever have got into the PL's team of the season, if he had started as many as Shay. Who says football fans aren't fickle.

  2. I think between Gallas and Toure.

    i went for Toure in the end, as he is still so young (26) but still so good, very consistant, and very good defender.

    For me John Terry is way too over-rated.

  3. Tottenham are about to fall i think. In fact they are the new us in a way. When sir bobby was here we had a few class seasons with him, then we have a poor start to the next season for many reasons a la the lads got cocky and thought that they could club more than train and be good professionals (not all the players, but some of them), we should have kept bobby on to turn it round, but we go and get a bastard of a manager instead, and we have the fall from grace, gone from being a top champions league team to midtable stragglers, and now we are picking up the pieces. Spurs are in huge danger in doing this, i believe Jol could turn it round and turn it into a decent season, but the way its looking, he will get sacked and if Spurs do a Bolton and get an absolutely shite replacement then Spurs will do what we did, decline, and its really shite, as it has been for us the last couple of seasons.

  4. Skirge -- are you saying you didn't think Owen gave his all v. Tottenham?  He did a lot of hard work, dropping to pick the ball up, linking play, holding the ball up...I assumed Sam took Owen off because he looked knackered.  After all, Owen's not exactly a big lad, not used to being asked to play link-up for his less-able partner (sorry, I've never been impressed with Oba's build up play, his passing is a major weak point and he has trouble with the ball at his feet, not off his chest) and I thought he worked his bollocks off for the team with little to show for it at the end of the day.  If Owen doesn't score, people assume he's played poorly or doesn't give his all.  He played very well, and I suspect he played exactly how he was instructed to play by Sam (dropping to get the ball, linking up...it's not Owen's instinctive play, I don't think).  All that suggests to me that he was definitely giving his all -- and willing to swallow the fact that such play does not always flatter him or win him anything but backhanded criticism. 


    I'm not slating Martins, he scores some crackers.  But I hardly think he was the "pick of the forwards" v. Tottenham.  I think Owen is still the stronger option, if Sam decides to play with a big targetman (like Viduka) and I think Owen is simply the superior striker.  Overall, I think Owen showed a versatility against Tottenham that could serve the club very well.  Martins can and should learn a lot from playing with someone of Owen's class -- and that can only be good for Newcastle in the long run.  Because we could conceivably keep Martins for another 10+ years, and if he develops well he could be the next legendary #9.  In time. 

    Owen didn't really do that well against tottanham, he like martins lost the ball on 3 or 4 occasions. He got knocked off the ball, had a few bad touches and did a couple of misplaced passes, but then again so did Oba, they are strikers, they aren't supposed to have amazing passing etc, thats the whole point in a midfield. Everyone tries to big up his link-up play and stuff, when really its not as good as everyone makes out, he even said in that interview with tubes ages ago, "i know i don't do alot out the box, and i am not known for my work outside the box, more of my work is in the 18 yard area", sums it up really.

  5. Ratings and opinions


    Given - 6 - Not much to do really, some good catches and seems to look more commanding of his defensive unit.

    Beye - 7 - Good Pace, still needs to learn about the league though. Very solid going forward, and at the back, He only got done twice, as did Enrique. Still he's a great defender, but my only concern with him is his final ball. Still a fan though.

    Cacapa - 8.5 - My MOTM, absolutely perfect defender, no more needs to be said.

    Faye - 8.5 - MOTM was always between him and Cacapa imo, both were fantastic and have the perfect bruiser and brains partnership, absolute beast in the air.

    Enrique - 7 - Solid enough, but like Beye needs to learn the ropes. Technically he is excellent his left foot is something else, he isn't too rash doesn't dive in but sometimes his positioning is questionable. As a player streets ahead of Taylor, this is the difference between a Spanish 21 year old and an English 21 year old.

    Zoggy - 7 - Not massively in the game today, was too greedy at times, his dribbling ability scares defenders.

    Butt - 8 - I don't like him and for someone of his experience he gets far too wound up, he was good today though effectively breaking down attacks, and simply passing the ball along.

    Geremi - 7 - he keeps the ball well, hardest worker on the team, he is a good passer too, Shouldn't take as many set pieces as he does but i'd rather have him in the middle than Butt.

    Owen - 6.5 - Where is the pace?, its just vanished. Anyway such a clever footballer, makes up for it, People saying his link up play is excellent, well it wasn't tonight lost the ball on 3 or 4 occasions, had more time for that one-on-one too.

    Martins - 7 - His pace makes defenders s*** themselves, had Dawson and Huddlestone(?) all over all night. Nice flukey chest control for the goal, and a decent finish tbh. He got round the back on some good ocasions. Can be the headless chicken but he had an intelligent and calm link-up game tonight, and with his pace and skill he is great on the counter, he is a much improved player this season, too greedy at times, but he's a striker, so who cares.



    Milner - 6.5 - Solid and provided cover for Enrique.

    Roz - 7 - Energetic.

    Barton - 6 - good to see him back, some good passes and positioning, one bad pass, not the end of the world.


    Like your review of Emre mate, I didn't notice he was playing either

    Haha just changed it.

  6. Ratings and opinions


    Given - 6 - Not much to do really, some good catches and seems to look more commanding of his defensive unit.

    Beye - 7 - Good Pace, still needs to learn about the league though. Very solid going forward, and at the back, He only got done twice, as did Enrique. Still he's a great defender, but my only concern with him is his final ball. Still a fan though.

    Cacapa - 8.5 - My MOTM, absolutely perfect defender, no more needs to be said.

    Faye - 8.5 - MOTM was always between him and Cacapa imo, both were fantastic and have the perfect bruiser and brains partnership, absolute beast in the air.

    Enrique - 7 - Solid enough, but like Beye needs to learn the ropes. Technically he is excellent his left foot is something else, he isn't too rash doesn't dive in but sometimes his positioning is questionable. As a player streets ahead of Taylor, this is the difference between a Spanish 21 year old and an English 21 year old.

    Zoggy - 7 - Not massively in the game today, was too greedy at times, his dribbling ability scares defenders.

    Emre - 7.5 - Creative and used some skill, good worker and a decent shift put in.

    Butt - 8 - I don't like him and for someone of his experience he gets far too wound up, he was good today though effectively breaking down attacks, and simply passing the ball along.

    Geremi - 7 - he keeps the ball well, hardest worker on the team, he is a good passer too, Shouldn't take as many set pieces as he does but i'd rather have him in the middle than Butt.

    Owen - 6.5 - Where is the pace?, its just vanished. Anyway such a clever footballer, makes up for it, People saying his link up play is excellent, well it wasn't tonight lost the ball on 3 or 4 occasions, had more time for that one-on-one too.

    Martins - 7 - His pace makes defenders s*** themselves, had Dawson and Huddlestone(?) all over all night. Nice flukey chest control for the goal, and a decent finish tbh. He got round the back on some good ocasions. Can be the headless chicken but he had an intelligent and calm link-up game tonight, and with his pace and skill he is great on the counter, he is a much improved player this season, too greedy at times, but he's a striker, so who cares.



    Milner - 6.5 - Solid and provided cover for Enrique.

    Roz - 7 - Energetic.

    Barton - 6 - good to see him back, some good passes and positioning, one bad pass, not the end of the world.

  7. He scored a good one-on-one against Mexico, both of his goals were pretty awesome imo. Hope he gets a start against Spurs now after those goals.

    It'll be him and Owen I'd have thought with Viduka and Ameobi injured and Smith suspended. Hope so anyway.

    The starting team will be very interesting, but if they do start, its what we've been waiting for all season.

  8. Why exactly shouldn't he say he's going to be our first choice left-back?

    Because if he says it and he barely plays, then he will look like a t***?


    Who cares? I'd rather he said that than 'I'm going to sign and my target is a place on the bench'.

    I really don't know anything about him, being ambitous is a good attribute, but stating something so early on is a bit stupid, as his words could easily back fire on him.

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