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Posts posted by Scoreboard82

  1. God help them, he will just get a huff on about something and leave like he always does then sue for compen  :thdn:

    If KK left without provocation, then why did no half decent manager want to take his place at NUFC?

  2. It’s very simple. The importance of gate receipts is far more important in the championship. If we as supporters withdraw our custom Ashley will be forced to sell the club for what he can get. If we hand over a years worth of money now he’ll be free to do what he likes, which given his track record will surely be to f*** the club over.


    By not renewing supporters can respond to events, at what point I’d withdraw my custom is hard to say but at least I won’t be impotent like you and Wullie.

    Fair enough i can see your point about fewer renewals maybe forcing a quicker/cheaper sale. What i can't understand however, is that despite telling us not to buy season tickets, you will continue to pay on match day. I don't see how that is going to force his hand, because you'll pay more to see games than us. If you really want to hit him in the pocket then surely you have to stay away.

  3. You won’t need a ST to go to games next season… so what is the real reason you're renewing?


    It’s a question of trust. If you pay on a match by match basis you retain some influence over events. Buying a ST leaves you impotent. Do you trust Ashley?

    I signed up for the direct debit scheme, knowing that i'd want to go to the games anyway. This was the cheapest option.

    I don't trust Ashley, but hopefully he'll be gone soon.

    Oh, and by the way, anyone who pays on a match by match basis will be giving him even more money than they would have if they'd bought a season ticket. I don't think paying on a match by match basis is any real protest. I could understand if you weren't going to stay away from the games.

    And if he isn’t? What if he stays and carries on treating the club s***, what are you going to do about it? Nothing seems to be the answer.

    I'm going to do what i enjoy, and carry on watching my team. When i no longer enjoy going to the games i'll stop. As i've said, i believe we're  more attractive to a prospective buyer when they can see some money coming into the club through attendances. They might see that the club has some potential.

    Anyway, it sounds like you still intend to pay your money on match days. What are YOU going to do about the situation. At what point do you stop paying on the day and not turn up at all?

    That should've said "WERE going to stay away" in my last post. Excuse my typo.

  4. You won’t need a ST to go to games next season… so what is the real reason you're renewing?


    It’s a question of trust. If you pay on a match by match basis you retain some influence over events. Buying a ST leaves you impotent. Do you trust Ashley?

    I signed up for the direct debit scheme, knowing that i'd want to go to the games anyway. This was the cheapest option.

    I don't trust Ashley, but hopefully he'll be gone soon.

    Oh, and by the way, anyone who pays on a match by match basis will be giving him even more money than they would have if they'd bought a season ticket. I don't think paying on a match by match basis is any real protest. I could understand if you were going to stay away from the games.

  5. i'm not renewing until ashley has left, simple as that



    People who renew while Ashley is still in charge are propping up his regime, giving him more time to screw us over. Buying a ST in the current circumstances will do more harm than good.


    Mmm? Not sure about that. I would think any potential buyer of NUFC would be encouraged by healthy season ticket sales and the incoming revenue that comes with it.

    If the club isn't going to go down the financial pan, it needs money to come in. I can understand the reluctance to back Ashley in any way however.

    I prefer to think that by renewing, i'm backing the club and not Ashley. Hopefully that club will be around long after Ashley's gone.

    I understand your POV but the time has long gone for pissing around with half measures and compromise.

    Ashley won’t willingly sell the club at it’s market value. His hand will have to be forced. Are we going to fight for the future of our club, or just hand over our cash like nowt’s happened?



    I'm renewing my season ticket because i enjoy going to games, as poor as we are at the moment. To not go would be to deprive myself more than anyone. What happens when/if we become a half decent premiership club again? Do i just turn up at the games, as you say, like nowt's happened? As for the future of the club, there might not be a future if it's skint.

  6. i'm not renewing until ashley has left, simple as that



    People who renew while Ashley is still in charge are propping up his regime, giving him more time to screw us over. Buying a ST in the current circumstances will do more harm than good.


    Mmm? Not sure about that. I would think any potential buyer of NUFC would be encouraged by healthy season ticket sales and the incoming revenue that comes with it.

    If the club isn't going to go down the financial pan, it needs money to come in. I can understand the reluctance to back Ashley in any way however.

    I prefer to think that by renewing, i'm backing the club and not Ashley. Hopefully that club will be around long after Ashley's gone.

  7. This road sign changing is old hat really. We regularly changed the signs on approach to their place to read "stadium of sh**e" when we 1st started going.

    Let them enjoy their momentarily stepping out of the Toons' shadows. They've waited long enough.

  8. florida print in metro centre printing the old nufc logo, full size of the white patch

    Sounds canny, at the right price. Better than the name of someone who could move on.

    How much do nufc charge for letters/numbers, and what do the numbers look like for next season? I refuse to put anything with a championship logo on my shirt.

    We're a Championship team now. Or did that whole relegation thing escape you? Cos if it did, buddy, I've got some bad news...

    Oh sorry, have i missed something? My point is, smart a*se, that i don't want to wear a championship badge pure and simply because i'm embarrased that the club i love is in the championship in the 1st place. I don't want to walk around advertising the fact.


    Gosh, you're right. Here's a bucket of sand: bury that head! We're in the Championship, so learn to enjoy it. Sorry if you need to constant glare of the Sky cameras to maintain your enjoyment boner. Pass the fizzy pop, chaps!

    Let's hope we can enjoy it. That depends on how well/badly we do of course. Hopefully our stay in the championship will be short before going back up, but for me i think it's more a case of enduring championship football. It's my club and i'll take whatever goes with following them. Don't expect me to proudly parade my championship logo on my shirt though.

  9. florida print in metro centre printing the old nufc logo, full size of the white patch

    Sounds canny, at the right price. Better than the name of someone who could move on.

    How much do nufc charge for letters/numbers, and what do the numbers look like for next season? I refuse to put anything with a championship logo on my shirt.

    We're a Championship team now. Or did that whole relegation thing escape you? Cos if it did, buddy, I've got some bad news...

    Oh sorry, have i missed something? My point is, smart a*se, that i don't want to wear a championship badge pure and simply because i'm embarrased that the club i love is in the championship in the 1st place. I don't want to walk around advertising the fact.

  10. florida print in metro centre printing the old nufc logo, full size of the white patch

    Sounds canny, at the right price. Better than the name of someone who could move on.

    How much do nufc charge for letters/numbers, and what do the numbers look like for next season? I refuse to put anything with a championship logo on my shirt.

  11. I'll be looking to get to (as a minimum):


    West Brom


    Sheff Utd or Burnley






    Bristol City


    Sheff Wed



    Crystal Palace




    Nottm Forest







    :indi: :indi: :indi:

    Dear me, looking at that list brings home the harsh reality of this mess.

  12. got a text from a southern based geordie "mate" taking the p**s. He's not a football fan and doesn't understand what we go through. He suggested i end my interest in NUFC, and of course i wont do that. Being a Toon fan still gets the blood pumping, even through the bad times.

    I'm going to visit him in a couple of weeks, something that was pre-arranged. Hope we don't fall out over it.

  13. How good would it be to stay up now? Sunday will simply be one of the best/worst days of our football supporting lives.

    My predictions are 1-1 with the Toon, and 1-0 to Man U. Hope to god i'm right, but have to try and mentaly prepare myself for the worst.

    At least it'll be decided one way or another, and we can move on.

    I don't like Bernie Slaven, but he came out with a canny quote the other night when he said "it's like sitting in the electric chair, waiting for someone to flick the switch".




    :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


    clear winner for me

    I like that. It's defiant and valid wether or not we survive. If the worst happens, lets be even more defiant and show this country of Toon haters how good us fans really are by turning up in good numbers. f**k the lot of them.

  15. Sky live test commentary

    17 minutes - Sunderland's strong travelling support bellow out a rendition of, 'Cheer up Alan Shearer'


    Let's hope they're still singing about us rather than supporting their team next Sunday too, it's been doing our survival hopes wonders.

    Unbelievable isn't it? A game in which Sunderland can assure survival. Do their fans get behind their team and sing them on to a vital victory? No, they sing songs about Newcastle for about 15 mins solid instead.

    Super fans eh?

  16. We've still got every chance of staying up, as hopefully only a draw will be needed. Villa seem a shadow of their former selves.

    Whatever happens, i'll be glad when our destiny is sealed. I've had enough. We've been through the emotional wringer this season.

  17. I was saying only last night, that he'd been good to us this season. Gave us that dubious penalty v the mackems, and gave Stoke a goal kick at Hull last week, when it was obviously a corner and a chance to equalise at the death. It seems he's not so keen on us anymore.

  18. What that demonstration at the Hull game proves (I think it was instrumental in our defeat - although some disagree) bearing in mind the precarious league table is that any form of protest should be kept well away from matchdays.

    If Hull hadn't beaten us that day we'd be safe now, if we do end up going down they have a lot to answer for.

    I can't believe that professionals can be affected by banners and protests. We lost that day simply because the team wasn't good enough. What was our excuse for losing to the likes of Blackburn and the Mackems?

  19. You're either on the train or taking an all night bus getting you in at 6am...


    We go for the bus me think, just take some beers in london, then sleep on the bus  O0

    Saves us one night in a hotel  ;D


    Thanks for all guys!


    EDIT: Easyjet will fly us from Stansted to Newcastle and back on sunday, cheaper than train, and and aloooot faster!

    There's the megabus. It's about £19 each, so not sure if it's the cheapest option. Leaves London at 23:15 and arrives at 05:40. Long journey, but will save paying for a hotel. Buses are decent, with a toilet etc.


  20. The back looked awful on the stadium announcer at half time. Still buying one though. Could be purple with yellow dots on and as long as it's got that club crest on, most of us would still get one.

  21. I think some of the stick Keith is getting is a bit harsh. He's simply passionate about the club, and, like most of us, is upset at it's decline. He has his own idea of who is responsible, and has made it clear that he doesn't expect everyone to share his views.

    You can't get away with hitting people at football matches, but many would have reacted in the same way in those circumstances.

    I find it sad that a true fan is banned, while some fans leave games early, turn on their own players, boo substituted Toon players off etc.

  22. Hulls' loss yesterday is our "get out of jail free" card. Please lads, don't throw it away Tomorrow. I'm not building my hopes up at all, because years of let downs have made me naturally pessimistic about the Toon.

    Win Tomorrow and i think we'll stay up, draw, then who knows? Heaven forbid we lose, then it'll be hard having to make up 3 points on  2 teams.

    I fear a sleepless night tonight. It could be one of the best/worst games of our lives. Things are starting to go through my mind, like how i'll feel on Tuesday morning etc.

    It's an awful situation, and i never want to go through this again.

  23. My sister-in-law reckons she heard on the radio, that you get 15% off new Toon shirt on presentation of a season ticket at the club shops next Thursday. Anyone else heard likewise?

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