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Posts posted by Scoreboard82

  1. when's that bank guy from his holiday?


    do u think that's why we've  not had any info?



    He'll probably be on a six month round the world cruise, and phone signal isn't great on boats.

    or a sinking ship in the toons' case.

  2. IF our club did this we'd be against it,  Mackems think anything their club do/ is associated with is genius. mental also noticed a thread on their saying we are s*** as HMV have Shearers DVD on for 3 quid.

    Sour grapes 'cause they've never had anyone worth making a DVD of.

    It may take a while, but revenge for the current crap we're having to take will come.

  3. I defy Mike Ashley to look into the eyes of a terminally ill, frail man like Sir Bobby, who represents everything good and passionate about football and Newcastle United, and continue to treat the club the way he does. Makes me sick :(

    Aye, was thinking along those lines myself. As i watched the pictures of Sir Bobby pre-match tonight, i thought to myself that i hope and pray that he gets to see  this club back on it's feet.

    Sort it out man Ashley.

  4. Quite enjoyed my trip to the Galpharm, new ground and all. Arrived about 4:30 and encountered the thickest steward ever as i tried to park at the ground. As we drove towards the car park, he walked in front with a "car park full" sign, facing us. Jokingly, i said "It's not is it"? "What"? he said. I asked again and he just looked at me blankly, and didn't have a clue that i was referring to his sign.

    Walked in to town centre, where you'd think they'd never seen an away fan before, judging by the amount of stares we got. I swear one bloke almost broke his neck as he passed in a van. Got back in time to see the toon players arrive at the ground. Most of them posed for photos and signed autographs, but Shola side-stepped everyone. If only he would move as quick on the field.

    Huddersfield said we had 1654 fans there, but surely there was more than that. Certainly looked it. They had an annoying section of fans who even sang Sunderland on occasion. One idiot even had a Mackem top on. I'm 99% certain he didn't walk around with that on outside the ground pre-match. It would have been more red than red/white.

    Thought we played ok, but seemed to run out of ideas once we got to the edge of their box. Beye was like a mad man at HT. Their No 18 waved his hand in front of his mouth as he argued with Beye, a kind of "your breath stinks" gesture. This obviously touched a raw nerve judging by his reaction.

    A less than convincing finish from Nolan for the goal, but they all count.  

  5. SJP is fantastic. I love the way it towers above the city as you approach from Gateshead. It's gonna be quite a thrill for those fans who don't usually get to visit, when they see it for the 1st time next season. Especially the likes of Scunny and peterborough, who are used to going to the likes of Cheltenham.

    I don't like new stadiums because they're all the same with different coloured seats. The Reebok is probably the best of the bunch, 'cause of the different design.

    Particularly dislike Wigans "JJB" on account of it being an identikit stadium where i've seen us lose on 4 trips out of 4.

    Going back a few years, Shrewsburys "gay meadow" was very picturesque. Surrounded by trees and next to the river. Some old bloke used to row up and down the river, fishing out the stray footballs.

  6. It gives you a sense of belonging, and pride, believe it or not. I'm certainly still proud of where i come from anyway, despite NUFCs' problems. My heart bulges with pride when an away end packed with toon fans are belting out songs together.

    Certain goals are just ecstacy to celebrate.

  7. Come on lets be serious here, who the hell would want to buy us?  Club in turmoil, the fans are disillusioned, players are disillutioned, a club thats known as the national press whipping boys. 


    If you were a foreign billionaire with no legience to any english club,  what club would you buy?  Probably not championship newcastle.

    The club is only in turmoil, the fans and players are disillusioned, only because no-one has bought us as yet. A new buyer would easily remedy that. The potential here is massive. Hopefully someone can see that.

    God knows how much longer this whole thing will drag on for. The suffering, it seems, is endless.

  8. Got a couple of signed KK items. One a programme from david bartons testimonial at Darlos old place, feethams. We played there the day afters Keegans last league game v Brighton.

    The other is a 1984 style retro shirt that he signed when i took the bairn to his soccer circus up Glasgow way. After the conversation i had with him that day, i KNOW kk loves this club. I could feel the warmth and passion for the Toon in his voice. Little did i know that he would take over at NUFC only months later. All ended in tears unfortunately.

    Anyway, that's enough sentiment. Apologies for going off topic. 

  9. From the online brochure:



    Defo no patch on the back.

    That's a small mercy at least. A pale yellow patch on the back of that would have truly made it look awful. Now, i'm beginning to think it might be bareable.

  10. I'm still bemused as to why the hell anyone would choose to renew their s/t at this present time? Baffling.

    Because it's the cheapest way of going to games that i intended to go to anyway.


    Is there an offer on for renewing before the deadline?

    Not that i know of. Personally, i'm on the 3 yr direct debit thing. I was just thinking of the difference between buying a S/T or paying for each game individually.

  11.     I don't cause the crap against Hull had an effect on the team and everything for the whole season. Not only this past season we will pay for it next season as well. Becasue of that demonstration the club put on sale and on care taker manger. I am not saying Ashley is Jesus but we have to take some responsbilty as well.



    Yet to be proven, but Ashleys actions towards the previous manager probably lead to us having a caretaker manager, and not a fans demonstration.

    We have nothing to be blamed for at all. Ashley made a mistake that was un-popular with the fans, IMO one of the biggest mistakes ever made at NUFC. The fans voiced their opinion, angrily, it must be said, and Ashley decided he wanted out. We couldn't  just sit back and watch a popular manager be forced out. 

  12. Got mine printed at florida print, metrocentre yesterday. Done a canny job. Plain black number and lettering, so i've avoided having the football league logo on my shirt. they cut the number out from some black stuff, which made me wonder afterwards if i could've got them to try the old NUFC logo. You know, the circular one ,with the magpie beneath.

  13. I was in the club shop the other day and heard the woman in the shop telling someone it was a tenner for the back printed as long as they brought the receipt back. What do you get for your tenner? I mean in terms of how many numbers/letters can you have?

    Unfortunately i've misplaced my receip, so how much should i expect to pay?

  14. Those criticising KK are living in some kind of dream world


    i'd say the one who refuse to criticise him are the ones living in the dream world, aka 1995.

    Yes, 1995 was a bit of a dream world. KK enabled us to dream of being champions of england. Granted we ultimately missed out by a whisker, but wasn't a bad attempt considering he'd taken us from the brink of relegation to the old division 3.

    I can't believe those who back Ashley over KK after seeing what's went on during Ashleys' time here.

    All KK wanted was to be given a fair chance to bring success to NUFC, and i don't believe he was given that chance.

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