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Posts posted by Scoreboard82

  1. I had to watch the game on setanta, at home. Unfortunately i was ill and and i gave up my ticket. TV cameras followed him through the whole performance, and i don't think he swore. He did break up his singing with the odd mumble. I struggled to pick up on what he said, and i was 3 yards from my tele, which was fairly loud. I'd be surprised if things could be heard more clearly in the ground.

    Personally, i like his Blaydon races thing, but i think it should only be done v the Mackems. If the fans got behind the side in the 1st place, no-one would need to try and get an atmosphere going. Frankly, some of our lot are embarrassing, booing our own players and leaving before the end of evenly poised, crucial games.

    It's not only the team that will be cleared out if we go down. It'll sort the fans out too.

  2. I still think we could manage 5 or 7 points from Boro, Fulham, Villa games. Hopefully Hull/ Mackems pick up next to nothing. It's probably wishful thinking on my part. I'm bracing myself for going into the Championship really.

  3. I'm a fan of Miranda.



    Probaly is the prettiest Wigan fan they could find though, tbh.

    She reminds me of a cabbage patch doll.

  4. Saw Viduka coming out of Morrisons at Cowgate this afternoon. Maybe he shares a bed-sit with students in Fenham? He had a small plastic bag, probably full of beans to eat cold, straight out of the tin.


  5. hope jonas is still around to wear it for real.


    i like it. prefer the white number square on the back to the black



    EDIT : They will probably wear it at Villa wont they ?

    The back's poor. An attempt to get an extra few quid off us for a number as usual. Hope it won't be the last time we wear a premiership badge on it if it's worn at Villa.

  6. i didn't get an answer earlier so I'll ask again :  what has happened to Sami Ameobi ? :kinnear:

    He was walking badly as he walked round the pitch at yesterdays u18s game. At one point the ball rolled off the pitch and down an embankment. Sam went down to retrieve it, but complained about how steep the hill was as he clambered back up. Surely he can't be as lazy as Shola.

  7. It´s bloody weird after a full day of Shearer on the lips of all the press and all over the telly, there is still bugger all official from the club or on the webpage.


    Something smells I tells ya.

    On Look North, they stopped Lambias at the ground and he said they would be in touch with the press later. He had his chance to deny stuff then.

  8. St James’ Park was dangerous at times for the home fans.


    The Gallowgate at Keegans 1st match against QPR being the worst — both before and during. Why that wasn’t all ticket was always suspicious, if not insanity.


    The Strawberry corner at big matches was always dodgy safety wise.




    Those comments in the article about the police at Hillsbrough are apalling, but yet unsurprising if you can remember those years.

    I watched that game while hanging on to the advertising boards in the "Scoreboard" end at the Gallowgate, from where my forum name arose. It was absolutely chocka in the ground on that fantastic day.

  9. 9 now. Not quite doomed in view of the home games against boro, pompey and fulham, all are win-able, as is Stoke away. Beat Boro and we'll more or less put the final nail in there coffin. Win against Pompey or stoke and we'll drag them right back down. It's all talk though. The team have to go out and actually do it.

  10. I don't know how Shola ever made it into the professional game, but some of our fans were a disgrace when booing him onto the pitch yesterday. If people think he's not making an effort when he's playing then i can understand him getting some stick, but to boo him before he's involved in the game is not on.

  11. Have you seen the state of some of the people at games even with the situation as it is now? I like a drink, and have been guilty of being stotting drunk at games meself. I think we get enough as it is. Imagine goal celebrations with people carrying pints. Everyone would just get soaked, which might seem a good laugh when you've had a few youself, but not such fun when you're sober.

  12. A lot of fans who get stabbed are looking for trouble. There are some fairly notorious areas in Rome where Ultras meet up and fans are told in no uncertain terms not to venture there. Unfortunately this just gives the hard nuts ideas and they go down there and get shivved. Own fault really.

    Maybe that's true, but it seems in this case the Arsenal fans were merely sitting on a coach when it was ambushed.

  13. How many times have fans of British clubs been stabbed by Romans now? It happens almost everytime a British club go over there. Absolutely nothing is done about it either. There's outcry at the very hint of disorder by fans from this country, but it seems it doesn't work both ways.

  14. For all those who reckon Keegan was right to walk in 2008, do you also reckon he was right to walk in 1997?


    For me, he was wrong to walk back then, he broke my heart for no apparent reason. The basis of his exit was proved by history to be a load of bollocks as Shepherd continued to back his managers as best as he could.



    I'm not sure why he walked in 1997, but he had transformed the club completely by the time he did.

    All those people who think he should have battled on longer than he did this time around, surely realise that he would've been held responsible for the non-performance of any players recruited for him, eg Xisco. Unreasonabe circumstances in which to continue IMO.


  15. Amazing that something like this can still attract criticism.


    In fact no, its nothing short of f***ing pathetic.


    It got criticism from me because I signed up to a three year commitment to a season ticket last year. We were told that we were getting a discounted price for doing so. Now 12 months on anyone can have the same price, without the commitment for another 2 years. So the benefit of me signing up for a season ticket for 3 years now are what exactly?


    Fine he has brought the prices down in general, but why s*** on the fans who have commited long term to the club?

    Aye, I agree with your point blefuscu. I'm signed up for D/Debit also. Personally speaking, i'm not too disappointed, because me and the bairn sit in the family section. The cost of our season tickets this season is already £112 cheaper than they were last season, so i'm mindful of that, but you're right in saying that we will be getting no more benefits than those who haven't commited themselves.

  16. It must be bad for those who do turn up at Darlo games. One minute they're watching a side challenge for promotion, the next they're practically out of the race because they've been docked points. It's ironic that some casual fans may think, why bother turning up to watch a mid table side, with nothing to play for? This results in them getting even less cash through the turnstiles.

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