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Everything posted by RR15

  1. Let down by one team again.
  2. http://i50.tinypic.com/qs3ynm.jpg
  3. RR15


    Already heard "Parpoo" and "Wonga Bus" today at graft
  4. RR15


    Looking at RTG now at work, and every single thread is about Newcastle or the derby.
  5. why? http://i.ytimg.com/vi/T80aP6yW4rc/0.jpg
  6. Closest I've been in a while to winning. Betting
  7. RR15

    The England Thread

    I see your point, still better than watching Adrian Chiles in HD, I can see the sweat gathering on his top lip man.
  8. RR15

    The England Thread

    For all those that want to watch football, channel 951, Belgium V Scotland.
  9. RR15

    The England Thread

    Adrian Chiles filling for 45 minutes.
  10. Keeping my mouth closed, and head down until Sunday afternoon. Feel sick
  11. RR15

    Players in public

    Hoy James McClean in that hanging cage downstairs in Sinners.
  12. RR15


    I've got a photo on my phone of John O'Shea doing the Jonny Wilkinson in Aspers.
  13. Quick mock up on paint. http://i48.tinypic.com/11sfk3d.jpg
  14. RR15


    He feeds off attention, starve him of it and he will eventually die and maybe become a normal male.
  15. Jayson, are you one of these troll characters?
  16. RR15

    NUFC Songbook

    Shane Fergie, Wooah. Shaane Fergie Woaaaah, defenders can't handle his pace, confused by his baby face.
  17. RR15

    Football pet hates

    "The Kop will suck the ball into the net in the second half". Thousands behind the goal inhale sharply and the ball rolls in? Aye.
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