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Everything posted by fredbob

  1. If they're not £20m each he doesn't want to know. fredbob gets sillier all the time Dave, fancy you agreeing with him Are you kidding me? This is priceless. I'm silly for not judging the boards ambition based on the a rumoured bid for a cheapish player?? Haha - you get better and better, the thing is even as you read this you will know how stupid you are being but will soldier on irrespective. Where were you when we supposedly big for £15m+ Modric? What were the clubs ambitions then? ever heard of the phrase "don't believe anything till the player walks through the door and kisses the badge" Oh my god. Some of the stuff you come out with NE5 - completely oblivious arent you? Remind me again - has Diane walked through the door and kissed the badge yet? Do we even know we've bid for him? Set yourself up for that one. Im sure you'll ignore this though. Cringe-tastic You have absolutley no retort to this so i fully expect a change of tack or you to ignore this. EDIT: And i'm the silly one. eerrrr........I wasn't talking about Diane and didn't mention him - see clipped posts. And get a sense of humour. As you won't be told anything, of which you have no first hand experience, it may be the best course of action for you
  2. If they're not £20m each he doesn't want to know. fredbob gets sillier all the time Dave, fancy you agreeing with him Are you kidding me? This is priceless. I'm silly for not judging the boards ambition based on the a rumoured bid for a cheapish player?? Haha - you get better and better, the thing is even as you read this you will know how stupid you are being but will soldier on irrespective. Where were you when we supposedly big for £15m+ Modric? What were the clubs ambitions then? ever heard of the phrase "don't believe anything till the player walks through the door and kisses the badge" Oh my god. Some of the stuff you come out with NE5 - completely oblivious arent you? Remind me again - has Diane walked through the door and kissed the badge yet? Do we even know we've bid for him? Set yourself up for that one. Im sure you'll ignore this though. Cringe-tastic You have absolutley no retort to this so i fully expect a change of tack or you to ignore this. EDIT: And i'm the silly one.
  3. If they're not £20m each he doesn't want to know. fredbob gets sillier all the time Dave, fancy you agreeing with him Are you kidding me? This is priceless. I'm silly for not judging the boards ambition based on the a rumoured bid for a cheapish player?? Haha - you get better and better, the thing is even as you read this you will know how stupid you are being but will soldier on irrespective. Where were you when we supposedly big for £15m+ Modric? What were the clubs ambitions then?
  4. We do have a precedent of extremely quiet during negotiations. Most of our transfers last summer were pretty low key - Enriques was completely unprecedented in my book. I wouldnt be disspaointed if that same process happened again.
  5. You must be the reincarnation of Nostrodamus, making that prediction. To be fair, it wasnt a prediction, apparently thats how much he was being linked with spurs for.
  6. So NE5 are we not allowed to sign anyone under £x m? Simple yes or no will do. I wont hold my breath though.
  7. Aye, our spine would be african which cant be healthy for the club if they were to leave suddenly.
  8. Just means we gotta sign more players to cover the players we'll lose every 2 years. Its affected us already this year, will continue to affect us if the players turn out to be key.
  9. Yeah i've been leaning towards France having checked up on the international scene just lately. It'd be interesting to see if Germany can follow up on what was a very promising World Cup. Them and Argentina were the two best teams in that tournament. Benzema to flop. Feel free to quote me on that. What are you basing that on like? Pure guess-work? Not at all. I think for as arrogant as the young french man is, he's being too over hyped, the lads still young and he'll not be ready. Plus it seems alot of his goals come on smaller stages. See i think that arrogance will serve him well.
  10. i thought this was a joke thread but there seems to be a genuinitey about it! Personally, anyone who agrees with this thread is openly admitting that they are jealous, nothing wrong with that like, im persoanlly a little bt envious of thier current standings at the moment. Im not kicking up a fuss about it im just looking forward to the day when they start posting identical threads on their own websites about us!
  11. Fair enough, thats your opinion. I personally think he's wasted at Chelsea and doesnt seem too bothered by the fact. Compare that to someone like Bentley and you see the difference in character he just smacks of someone who has very little ambition, not a determined winner who wants to play but someone who is happy to sit on the bench and collect medals. At one point he was considered one of englands brightest talents, and instead of proving that tag he's chosen to sit the prime of his career mainly onthe bench.
  12. See for me SWP and Joaquin offer similar risks - SWP hasnt produced anything substantial for the past 3 years would still command a big fee and would also comand a hefty wage, he's also been content to sit on the bench. Joaquin for me is the better player although like you say hasnt been spectacular recently he's been in an underachiveing side desperate to sell - if Villa is being touted at £16m then i think we could get Joaquin for an even lower price. Toss up for me.
  13. Joaquin's agent has been touting him in england - mentioned Everton and Spurs. Would have him here quality player on his day. Would have him over SWP.
  14. Weren't the USA ranked in the FIFA top 10 quite recently?
  15. Spot on. Aye but what happens after Real? Im sure he sees it as the pinnacle to be there at 22 surely he wouldnt want to see out his career at Madrid, im sure he'll want to do it later in his career. Newcastle of course, jeez. Rather not sign has beens, thanks.
  16. Spot on. Aye but what happens after Real? Im sure he sees it as the pinnacle to be there at 22 surely he wouldnt want to see out his career at Madrid, im sure he'll want to do it later in his career.
  17. This is also my concern - id hate to see us pay good money for someone who seems to be happy to be on a bench. Says a bit about his character.
  18. I think you'll be struggling to find many that fall into the "others" category. Isn't Lennon about five years younger than SWP? Let's see, 1 mill versus 22mill? I'd say you got a better deal and given that SWP may have lost his edge there could easily be an argument made that Lennon is a better long term prospect. You've got to be kidding me, Lennon at best is a poor man's Kieron Dyer and that's saying something. Really don't rate him, he's quick and can beat the odd player but ask him to do anything else at all and you've no chance. Average at best and because of his attitude would have to be a very very low price to even consider him. I'd take SWP over him any day. Kieron Dyer was a good player for us no matter what anyone says, people are judging his ability on who he was rather than the effect he had on the team anytime he played. The thing is, everyones saying they would take SWP in a flash despite him getting minimal football for the past 3 years- being pretty satisfied with not having much football and not really showing any consistently good form which has forced the managers hand. Lennon has had more football in recent years (i think) is younger and will be cheaper with the potential of improvements - he's 21. I like Lennon persoanlly- he hasnt set the place on fire this year but he was excellent when the team was playing good football under Jol. I definitely take a gamble on him.
  19. Have you actually predicted a signing correctly yet? Im just curious because Spurs have only signed one player (?) and i cant remember you posting on here at the time even though it was pretty clear he was down in London. Was your sister in law out the loop that time?
  20. I know this is completely theoretical, but I think that the likes of Paisley and Clough would be up there in the Premiership. Of course it's all opinion and we'll never know. In the grander scheme of things, e.g. pre-Premiership and Internationaly, Mourinho still has much to achieve. What hasnt Mourihno achieved at club level? His managerial career is only something like 8 years old and he's won everything going - i dont think that record is matched by any single manager in the world at present or past. Maybe im wrong.
  21. Id actually put Mourihno above Wenger - i know Wenger didnt have the resources that Mourihno had at his disposle but you have to look at what he did at Porto to counteract that argument even though it isnt strictly relevant to "Premiership manager".
  22. How new? Late 2005 was the first match I ever watched. Souness was the first manager I knew of. You poor b******. The definition of someone who isnt a glory supporter.
  23. Hyperbole much? One might, might, reasonably say that The Special One is one of the top five managers in the past decade. One of the best ever? Utterly ridiculous. And to suggest that Roman Abramovich's reckless and wasteful spending "made the PL instantly more attractive to foriegn viewers" is just as fanciful. The Premier League was already fantastically attractive overseas - as much as one might say Spanish and Italian football is of higher standard, the fact remains that the English version is the one fans all over the world want to see. That has been the case since before Abramovich's birth, and probably will be after his death. His biggest legacy will be the new era of hyperinflation. Want to know why Darren Bent is worth 18m? Or why Owen earns 120k p/w? - just have a look at some of the fees Abramovich has paid to other clubs, and the wages to the players. Ok so his achievemetns dont quite stack up against the greatest ever but i'm willing to bet he'll get there in the end, isnt he already in the list of best ever managers in the English league after only 3 seasons? That man has guaranteed success written all over him. What it gonna take for him to be considered in the greatest list? A second CL trophy - very feasible in my opinion some more Championships - agains very feasible. all in all i hardly think its that much of an exaggeration.
  24. Thing is with a set up like this - even without the rumours i'd still be worried because i think it'd only take one spark for it to go wrong. The more we lean to conflict the more precarious the situation is.
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