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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. I tend to agree with this, as much as it all annoys me, after Rafa what have we got to look forward to? It's painfully obvious where Ashley wants us to be, changing managers changes nothing. The only way to get the majority of fans on the same page is to give them nothing to enjoy, Bruce is capable of that so keep him in.
  2. Hilarious! He's made it 10 times funnier and 10 times worse for himself by kicking off about it, guaranteed he's going to get it double barrels everywhere he goes now. Saying he's not bothered 26 times only proves he's bothered and saying we got BATTERED with such venom like a petulant child just makes it all the more funny. What an absolute helmet :lol:
  3. Mattoon


    He's definitely shown sparks of ability but it's impossible to know if he'd improve in a better environment. The coaching setup and general hopelessness of the club doesn't help and if he's a confidence player then there's nowhere to fuel that ability right now. The whole situation is an abomination at the moment, it takes strength of character to perform in these circumstances and he's shown none, it's clear he's given up. It's not his fault he's been given a £40m price tag but he's not exactly trying to fight back the hate like Perez did. The deal stinks.
  4. Probably stupidly, I have been taking on his tweets on Bruce these past few days and he's changed his tact, he's now saying the anger is misplaced and should be aimed at Ashley. My reply was that it's the most sensible thing he's written in forever and instead of banging his Bruce fanfare drum maybe he should be going after the real problem himself instead of defending the indefensible. Obviously I got no reply, but I think he's going to start back peddling when the results continue as they are now.
  5. Luke is a male Katie Hopkins, the Richard Keys of written media, I don't for one second think he believes half of what he says, he's nailed his stance on Bruce to the mast and cannot and will not back down. He's just stirring the pot to create controversy, to be relevant and edgy, he's just a WUM and does it for the likes. When it all goes tits up he's the one who's going to look like the prat he is.
  6. George Caulkin not taking that crap
  7. A manager 18th in League 1, the third tier of English football just outfoxed Steve Bruce, you can't make this up, he has no tactical acumen, no ability to affect a match mid-game. The media will praise Rochdale (as they should), blame our players but nice guy Brewcie will get away scott free as usual. Embarrassing that.
  8. Oh it's clearly bollocks, what annoys me most is that under a cacophony of evidence showing how bad Bruce is, they choose another piece to explain why he's "better" than Rafa. The Comical aren't even hiding their pro-Ashley regime anymore and if you read the comments, there's plenty of thickos lapping it up.
  9. Mattoon


    2 days in and POTY, new record
  10. Absolutely delicious the ones crying about it are the ones it's aimed at. Absolutely gauling that they can find this kind of ire against an ex-player that scores a goal against us but not a peep towards the guy who's responsible for our better players leaving because of lack of ambition. Criminal that kind of anger is so misplaced.
  11. Hope you enjoyed the match you free ticket wankers, great way to see the new year in Mike Ashley Football Company finally looking the team it deserves to be
  12. Fuck me! Taping up a hamstring injury and attempting to stick him back out there for 45 minutes ??? fucking peak Brewcie this shit
  13. Fatigue affects decision making as much as physical attributes. Either way it was an unforgivable mistake but yes you can absolutely blame bad decision making on fatigue.
  14. ☝? this is truth, there's no protection for the back 3, Leicester are cutting through at ease, it's all very last ditch. They can't play it ou5 because no one is making themselves available and as soon as pressure builds we hoof it and it's coming straight back. Tactically inept and the second half is only going to get worse.
  15. Lejuene has been out for almost a calendar year and forced to play 3 games in a week because our tactically inept manager hasn't got a Scooby how to change a system and rotate tiring players. The media will lay the blame at the players door though and Brewcie will come out smelling of roses. This is an abomination of football, we should be 4 or 5 down by now.
  16. Can't see anything but a humiliation for Brewcies boys today
  17. Correction: we have some decent players when they're all fit, we need a decent manager to have a decent team. I don't see Ashley buying anyone in January, especially when we've this many points on the board.
  18. Absolutely ridiculous line of defence to say that an empty stadium doesn't affect him. Of course it does, for a start £30m loss is a huge dent in income no matter what other avenues of income are coming in. Secondly, what TV company are going to want to damage the brand by showing games with a backdrop of empty seats? Reducing the broadcasting income too. Ashley hasn't had some master stroke dishing out free tickets, it's another short-termist patch up, popping a plaster on an open artery. Who's going to want to pay for a season ticket in the close season if they can get one for free if they hold out? This was just another way for Ashley to get one up on anyone that protests against him, it's reactionary and vindictive, nothing more, nothing less. All it has done is alienate paying fans and devalued the brand (once again). Ashley has proven, AGAIN, with definitive proof that he is thin skinned and any negative press absolutely bothers him, yet our fans are still too blind to see. Immediate, consistent and unrelenting action will bring change, but he has supporters wrapped around his finger.
  19. I think it's a huge mistake, the game has passed him by.
  20. Well that was fun I echo the above opinion, we all can agree that Ashley is the real problem, Bruce's involvement is up for interpretation and his ability/results are too. Trouble is, you come in after Rafa and you're going to be measured with a Rafa sized stick, no one could truly replace him and anyone that came in after that fiasco was going to get pellets and do you blame the fans for feeling that way? Whether it's Bruce's fault or not it's a huge slap in the face and confirmation that survival is the dizzying heights of ambition, like it or not Bruce's past record is nothing short of discraceful and he shouldn't be here. Whether it's in the PL or tumbling down the tables, one day we will get rid of Ashley and we can all celebrate together, we all have differing opinions on how best to achieve that and what needs to happen. If you get triggered by other people's opinion then maybe you shouldn't be on here, we're all entitled to feel how we want to feel and attacking each other solves nothing. I think Bruce is a waste of space, he's an extension of Ashley, a shill and I want him gone, i want everyone gone until Ashley can't hire anyone any more, if it gets rid of him, I'd accept playing in the 3rd tier of football and I don't enjoy seeing us win because it's not us anymore, its Ashley FC and it doesn't deserve my love. I can understand people holding on to whatever is left and hoping we can stay in the league and be sold, I don't agree with it but I cam empathise. The only thing I can't understand is paying Ashley money to do what he's doing to the club.
  21. Bruce once again proving he can't stamp his own image on the team and can't change a game, Ancelloti proving a good manager can make the right subs and changes to counter the issues on the pitch and we had no answer.
  22. You only get that many individual errors in one game when the players are unsure of their role. This is down to coaching.
  23. Stevie Brewcies Black & White pacifists! Trying to change formation again, stamping his image on this team good and proper
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