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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Bruce talking about/insulting Rafa again Problem is people will just take it at face value and go along with it, let's sully the name of the best manager we've had in almost 20 years
  2. 2 down within 15 mins then. "I've got a great job until a Saturday or Sunday..." that's like working in retain and saying I love my job, i just cannot work with customers, being a doctor is great, just don't ask me to see none of those pesky patients and it's the best job in the world.
  3. Would rather gouge my eyes out with a blunt rusty spoon that's been up a tramps arse
  4. Crowds dropping, apathy growing, what could we do to stir some interest up??
  5. That Sensible Monk guy is either a sandwich short of a picnic or on the club's payroll.
  6. Miggy, Miggy, Miggy can't you see, Brucey's gone and dropped you for route one footy.
  7. Utterly, depressingly, predictable. The whole piss poor scenario is playing out just as anticipated from the moment this useless sack of kebab meat was hired as Rafa's replacement. Good luck getting out your own half vs Leicester without Almiron fat boy. Having said that there's probably no use for Almiron if we're going "back to basics" the instruction will be to hoof it and play the percentages.
  8. Prexit means prexit and I bet we're out before brexit
  9. Reading the comments gave my eye aids, also what is it with these Fulham supporters all weighing in on everything NUFC related at the moment? Get back in your own lane, obsessed weirdos
  10. Defence isn't that bad tbf - 8 goals conceded from 6 games isn't a disaster. The lack of goals is the big worry. We aren't going to score goals with 30% possession at home. 25% and I think the defence has done ok up to now but I can also see that changing as the season goes on and the confidence is completely sapped out of them.
  11. I said 10 at the beginning of the season, I'm sticking to my guns, he can use Rafa's formation all he wants but without his drills and tactics they are useless, the players haven't a clue where they should be or what they should be doing. We can't score and we can't defend, Bruce doesn't have the wherewithal to get the best out of the players he has, formulate a set of tactics based on opponent and to play to the strengths of the £80m worth of talent he has in attack.
  12. Watford had more possession against Man City today than we had at home to Brighton
  13. He needs to not be tracking back so far, he's being asked to do far too much, he's acting like a box to box winger/wing back. Bruce will ruin him and the boo boys will blame him, wasted here unfortunately.
  14. In case anyone hasn't read the quotes, here's what cabbage heed said about Rafa: Amazing considering Rafa had literally none of those issues when he was manager. Absolute bell end
  15. I read on twitter Caulkin saying how poor this game was so I tuned in for the last 30 minutes out of morbid curiosity, I was not disappointed! Clueless, directionless, incompetent and wouldn't have scored if we got an extra 6hrs added on. Bruce is absolutely clueless, MA FC will be lucky not to get relegated unless something changes and quickly, desperation for points will see more key players injured also, but it's a break from the old ball and chain so it's all good
  16. Can't work out if this is a typo, or an intelligent word that i've never come across. typo Freudian slip Urban Dictionary seems it's quite fitting:
  17. I don't hate the guy but can't be arsed to listen to his sound bites or watch him huff and puff on TV dampening expectations. Rafa to Bruce man, absolute travesty, like going from Mila Kunis to Waynetta Slob
  18. That's me up here for the next 8 days, just been up to SJP, still gets me walking up to that stadium (it's been over a year since I was last here) but it feels sad too. I couldn't even walk in the shop knowing I wasn't going to buy anything but still could step foot in there. I wouldn't put a penny in that guys pocket, I don't know how people can walk up to that stadium every other week and hand over hard earned cash knowing where it goes. I get the pull of the place, I really do, just stood outside it gets you right there, but outside has to be the limit. One day, when he's finally gone, I'll go back in, but not now.
  19. Mattoon

    Fabian Schär

    Only way he gets a new deal is if it means Ashley can get more money by selling him
  20. Comments are encouraging. This was my favourite:
  21. And so it begins again... https://twitter.com/shxIvey/status/1170319193432100864?s=09
  22. Mattoon


    The fans are literally giving him circa £30m a year, of which he's not spending, whether they like it or not, want to see/admit it or not, it's the crystal clear truth.
  23. Absolutely this, Owen was a finisher with lightening pace that scared opposition defenders to death. Once he lost that pace, he lost his edge. He remained a great finisher but never adapted his game after his injuries. Shearer suffered some horrific injuries but always managed to find a way back by changing his game to get the best out his strengths, Owen gave up and wanted to retire. Without the passion, heart and desire of the aforementioned players he had no interest in getting the best out of himself, just coining in on his previous reputation. He doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Shearer.
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