What say does Shearer have in the matter?
I'm sure Shearer would do everything in his power to prevent Bassong going to Sunderland. Besides I can't see Bassong deserting us to join a team that was only 2 points better off than us last season. Two years time the rolls will be reversed again.
Shearer isn't employed by the club so has no say whatsoever. And I think you're overestimating Bassong's loyalty.
Not refering to his loyalty but rather the fact that if he was to leave it would be to a better team. With any luck the Shearer thing will be sorted before any deals go through. Although I wouldn't put anything past this ownership, I really don't think they would do anything to compromise Shearers plans as I believe he is integral to the sale of the club.
I read the other day something that makes sense regarding Shearer and a potential takeover.
Ashley might want him appointed to make the club more attractive (popular manager already in place, fans happy etc) - but that relies on this supposed bank agreement in case there's no takeover. Another party though may want Shearer to hold off signing a deal so that they can negotiate the price of the club down, then have an sly agreement in place to appoint him anyway.
There could be some kind of power struggle going on regarding Shearer's appointment.
I firmly believe Shearer will be appointed no matter what the outcome, what does rely heavily on the outcome though is capital, therefor team building, therefor probability of Premiership status next year. Not something that can be done on a shoestring budget with all the transfers in and out of the club needed.