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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    John Carver

    The fact this useless sack of shit is still anywhere near the club is an indication of the utter contempt with which Ashley, Charnley and co regard the fans. Fucking ridiculous. Sack the lot of them.
  2. The lot of them (coaching staff) were more interested in being popular and having a laugh than getting the best out the players. Like a strange David Brent parody. 'So JC, tell us about your staff' 'The playas, they're the legs...Mike, the brains...Lee the thumb' 'And which part are you John' 'The huuma'.
  3. :lol: Says a lot that Taylor refers to Carver as a 'mate'.
  4. Carver, Stone and that useless fat wanker Woodman have got to go, like. Incompetent doesn't even come close.
  5. Not being the manager, I reckon.
  6. Is Carver on the shortlist?
  7. One of the main reasons I don't want McClaren is that people would continue to misspell his fucking name.
  8. For some reason I've always wanted one of the Bristol clubs to come up too.
  9. toon25

    John Carver

    If Carver had it he wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut.
  10. toon25

    Ryan Taylor

    The fact Carver played this fella over Abeid man. Nowhere near good enough and never was.
  11. I'd never trust a physio that looked like a heart attack waiting to happen tbh. If I was injured I wait for it to heal naturally than put myself in the hands of these fuckwits.
  12. toon25

    John Carver

    Have a shit holiday you fucking useless neanderthal. Almost singlehandedly dragging us into a relegation battle is quite some feat.
  13. toon25

    John Carver

    If the decision was up to thumb head, I'd be concerned. But there's apparently a 'board' of sorts deciding so who knows. They hedged their bets on Carver because they didn't have a plan A, let alone B, when Pardew went. There's no way Carver has suddenly proved he can do the job. Moreover, given the Ashley propaganda yesterday, which I think was almost exclusively a ploy to sell more season tickets, I just couldn't think of a worse way to cause more people to cancel than appointing 'JC' full time. Enough on here, myself included, will fuck this shower off next season if we're dealt another massive insult.
  14. toon25

    John Carver

    I still honestly don't know who'd be daft enough to think this bloke was any good. Even the thickest cunt would realise we were in the shit precisely because of Xarver.
  15. toon25

    John Carver

    I'm confident there's absolutely no way he'll get it. If there's a meeting tomorrow, it'll be to pick up his p45. The players fucking hate him and the fans hate him. If he's any friends left at the club it's those losers that sit with him on the bench. I hope they follow him out the door too.
  16. toon25

    John Carver

    If we don't hear anything by Wednesday, I can see this nonsense runing on well into the summer, whether it ends up being this useless cunt or not.
  17. toon25

    John Carver

    Just heard his interview on talkshite. Unprofessional. Undignified. Unqualified. Go and fucking drink yourself into oblivion 'at the bar somewhere' you wretched sychophant.
  18. At the end of the day, the fact he's come out and actually said something is a huge sign that the respective campaigns against him are beginning to cause some concern. Kudos to the AO guys.
  19. This. They're an absolute joke,
  20. toon25

    John Carver

    He'll be gone this time next week imo. They'll pay him off after the shite he's served up, he fucking neanderthal.
  21. Just want this bollocks to be all over and done with. We're going down, sinking without any semblance of a fight.
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