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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Hull were absolutely fucking crap. So easy. What's happened to the left side of Brewcie's face btw? Looks like he's getting cauliflower face.
  2. toon25

    Papiss Cissé

    We're such a professional setup these days Fucking hell. This is just one big boys club, really. 'Steve watched a bit of it...' Ffs.
  3. Fucking little scrote. Hope it turns out horribly for him.
  4. toon25

    John Carver

    It's bound to be from the children's section.
  5. toon25

    John Carver

    They've missed a trick, really. Another puppet manager, even on a temp contract, would at least have given us the 'new manager' bounce that would have seen us safe. Instead we've to put up with the same shit, the same rank unprofessionalism and ineptitude of 'Woody' and gang and all the while slipping into a relegation battle. I'm sure someone like Sherwood would've taken the job until the end of the season. Fuck, man. Still so angry.
  6. toon25

    John Carver

    There's no way 25% of people bothering to click on the poll were our fans, like. If they are, they should be lobotomised.
  7. toon25

    John Carver

    There's no plan for the summer at all. They'll hedge their bets on Carver keeping us in mid-table obscurity so they can offer it to him full time. I hope they all get a shed load of shit on Saturday. Coincidentally, why do we always seem to play Hull after major disappointments?
  8. toon25

    John Carver

    "I know her better than anyone else. Pass the scalpel." :lol:
  9. toon25

    Lee Charnley

    One need only glance through some of the posts on the Delle Ali thread to see how easily some people are pleased. Nobody in their right mind should be praising this shower. For anything. The club is rotten to the core yet folk will commend the regime for buying up a raw kid from League 1.
  10. toon25

    John Carver

    John fucking Carver, man. That's what they think of us.
  11. toon25

    Lee Charnley

    'Forgive'. Fuck me, man. How much more do folk want to take? This 'appointment' pretty much shows what NUFC is all about these days. They're not getting a penny more from me, and they're not getting any more of my attention either. Season ticket renewal my arse. They can stick it. And if enough people were to follow suit, perhaps they'd get the message and fuck off. Carver is what most of our fans deserve if they continue to think Ashley, Charnley, Carr, et al. will come good. They're complicit in supporting the regime, in quashing any sort of ambition we're due as fans and, ultimately, killing the club. Fuck them all. Disgraceful.
  12. toon25

    John Carver

    Tbf, Pardew had a track record of managing top flight teams. Even if he is a cunt.
  13. toon25

    John Carver

    This is honestly the most nonsensical appointment the club have made in my lifetime. And that's after the fat cunt tried to resurrect he career of Uncle Joe. I've not known a less qualified manager to be appointed in charge of a Premiership club. What a shower of bollocks,
  14. toon25

    John Carver

    Unless we want relegation we really need to hope he can pick up a couple of wins sharpish. Highly doubt he'll get them. He makes Pardew look like Ancelotti.
  15. toon25

    John Carver

    Hound this neanderthal out asap please.
  16. toon25

    Lee Charnley

    Fat fucking cunt. We're completely and utterly fucked with twats like him in charge.
  17. toon25

    John Carver

    Thing is, you know they had no fucking intention of getting another manager in. They're completely inflexible to deal with changing circumstances. Be it a big bid for a player too good to refuse or manager that decides to leave mid-season, if it's not in the plan, they won't do anything to move forward. There's also no way someone else is lined up. They're hedging their bets on Mclaren leaving a likely promoted Derby which I doubt significantly will happen. We'll then be string along for a month believing they're looking for a top class appointment only to once again end up with Carver. It's a complete embarrassment. Carver barely has the credentials to be a decent coach, let alone manager. Last straw for me if this comes off.
  18. toon25

    John Carver

    Absolute fucking disgrace. Fans lied to time and time and time again. This isn't a club anymore.
  19. toon25

    John Carver

    I hope we give those twats in charge exactly what they deserve if Carver is appointed. Astounding incompetence from all concerned. Like fuck are they waiting for their 'target' to become available in the summer. It's bollocks. Smoke and mirrors to keep fools turning up in droves and pumping money in the club.
  20. Jon Stead owned Chelsea defence, like. Perfect centre forward play.
  21. Jesus wept. 'Ferreyra a bad move'....
  22. Who'd be needing a massive payoff? Galtier or McLaren? Carver, Woodman and Stone - all contracted until 2020. Why the fuck would you contract Andy fucking Woodman for 8 years? Jesus.
  23. toon25

    John Carver

    Spot on. Fingers crossed.
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