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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Has Hughton actually picked a team without a DM in it this season?
  2. How much would Moses be available for? - i.e. is he likely to be out of our price range anyway. Tbh, if I was fat Ash I'd be thinking, 'young talent, with the promise to get better with right coaching etc. buy him cheap now and sell for a profit in a year/year and a half or so'.
  3. To be honest I'm hoping that the West Brom game and the results tonight will have been enough to give them a kick up the arse. God knows they've needed it.
  4. Fucking West Brom. How many points are we ahead of them now?
  5. toon25

    Darren Ferguson.

    If Shearer does go and we go down my undoubted favourite would be Steve Coppell.
  6. Im based in Norwich and owing to the ridiculous train costs (and hassle) it's been difficult to get to any games this year.
  7. Get that utter fucking clueless cretin of a manager out of this club and things will look rosier. Under his stewardship I cannot feasibly see us getting a win anytime soon - even away to Brom. Cannot put into words how frustrated, disappointed and angry I am with the situation at the moment. Have tried to feel apathetic about us and football in general recently, just to stop the constant frustration but time and time again I'm drawn back. Nolan's signing gave me real hope only for it to be dashed once again today.
  8. If Smith saves our season I'll eat the biggest hat you can find. Actually you can fill the biggest hat you can find with shit and I'll eat that. That's how certain I am that it'll never happen. Odds on more bookings than goals again for Smith this season? mackems.gif That's better, nothing like a bit of Smith bashing to cheer up a fucking awful day!
  9. To be fair, with a complete cretin in charge there is no way we were ever going to buy foreigners with potential and promise - Kinnear's a more 'good old English clogger' type of manager. The fact Xisco has barely been given a chance shows this. Despite the speculation I'm not sure that Donadel or Veloso are JFK type signings
  10. One good signing would have done, like. Agree. Would have done wonders for morale - could have given players and fans a real impetus for the forthcoming run-in. We were promised so much but, once again, we are let down. What a fucking joke - I guarantee fat Ash will regret this.
  11. I highly doubt that. Exactly, we would have added a talented, young midfielder to our squad which would have seen us improve no end. I think the real damage that has been done in this window is in terms of morale. Even one more player, in a position that we needed bodies i.e. CM, would have done the world of good to morale around the place and may have given players and fans that extra impetus needed for forthcoming games. With the situation as it is, we better start getting some form together and start praying!
  12. Spurs won't sell? Redknapp compared his finishing with that of his wife's in public! Not whilst Defoe is on the sidelines. If they can bring in Keane the wobbly cunt might sell but even then I don't think they'll take less than £12-15 million - money that I can't see Ashley spending on one player alone at the mo.
  13. We're dreaming if we think Bent is coming up here. Spuds won't sell and if he had a choice between us and the Mackems I don't think he'd come here.
  14. toon25

    Kinnear Out

    One of Kinnear's problems is that, rather like Roeder, he seems 'starstruck' by 'big name' players. Therefore, rather than substitute the 'big name' players such as Owen, Butt and Duff, he'd much rather take off others to the detriment of the team. Wanker.
  15. toon25

    Kinnear Out

    I refuse to believe that Kinnear is the only man for the job at this time. I thought this club had sunk to new depths with Roeder but this really does beggar belief. Not even a Championship manager. Why the fuck did Ashley decide to make him permanent until the end of the season? He could have given him until the Chelsea game, by which time the KK animosity had settled down somewhat and some results had gone our way, and then found a more competent manager - I'm certain that there would have been better prospects that JFK. After a few decent results and a move up the table Ashley might even have begun to win back some credibility. If only things were this fucking simple.
  16. I cannot believe for one second that only Kinnear wants this job at the moment. I'm just gutted that Ashley has decided not to put up a bit of fight and win back some respect by employing a competent manager.
  17. What a fucking disgrace. Clueless cunt Kinnear at it again - too regular to be a coincidence 2-2 against Man Shitty, courtesy of a late goal, 2-2 against Wigan, courtesy of a late goal and now against fucking Stoke. If we've got any hope of pulling ourselves clear of the zone Kinnear needs a fucking lesson in holding a lead. Cunt.
  18. Kinnear, you fucking clown - I feel fucking sick Does anyone think Ashley will get rid if we're in the bottom three by Jan?
  19. This. Just hope we start to play with more invention to get those wins. Also hoping that JFK keeps Bassong in the side.
  20. :clap: Fuck yeah! Was shitting my pants over this one - thought we'd be fucking hammered. I didn't believe any of the optimists on here predicting a win.
  21. We've had worse - we've got some real quality, the problem is that they're injured - Oba, Viduka, Jonas, Beye etc. I'm sure the prospects would've been better if these names had been on the teamsheet. Our problem is that we have a paper thin squad which lacks premiership quality when we have too many injuries. We won't go down this year. Things will pick up soon enough, I'm sure of it - as someone mentioned earlier just look at Man Shitty.
  22. Ashley has almost certainly improved the financial position of the club and for that I am grateful. His vision, on paper at least, appears decent and workable. In practice, however, I don't think that Ashley has any idea as to how to run a football club - the appointment of Dennis Wise and to a certain extent Keegan is a testament to this. Personality aside, Wise has neither the credentials nor the experience to have been placed in a position of such authority and sway at the club. Ashley is a visionary. He is a successful businessman who believed that NUFC was a club that could be moulded to fit his idealistic model. Ashley's problem is that he has grossly underestimated the difficulties arising from managing a club with a fanbase as large and as impatient as ours. Many fans will not tolerate the way they feel that they have been fucked around over the past few weeks. Nor will they tolerate the lack of communication from the board regarding our recent turmoil. I thoroughly believe that if Ashley's plan had come to fruition, we would be in a far sounder position than we are at the moment. That said, this may have taken many years - years which many fans will not have waited, especially when we are consistently seen as the farce of the football league. In all, Ashley is probably right to put the club up for sale. Too much water has passed under the bridge and wounds have been inflicted that are too deep to heal. A fresh start and a clean slate is needed. Let's just hope that whoever the new manager and new owner(s) may be, we will give them time.
  23. Cannot for the life of me see the logic that move from Spuds' perspective (if true of course)
  24. toon25

    Alan Smith

    Don't worry lads, he'll get minimal time on the pitch even if we were not to add anyone else to the squad. By January the useless piece of shit will have twigged that he ain't going to be first choice here.
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