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Everything posted by toon25

  1. The problem with Faye is that he is the possible solution to two immediate problems: - defensive frailty - owing to the ineptitude of Taylor - the lack of spine in midfield - owing to Butt I know it has been discussed in a different thread but I honestly don't know which of these problems requires addressing sooner, I think it varies depending on the opposition. If, like last week against the Boro, the opposition offer relatively little up front, then Faye should be given the opportunity in midfield in place of Butt. However, if like today, where the opposition had big physical forwards likely to bully defenders, Faye should almost certainly play at the back However, I accept that to adopt this would breed inconsistency, something which we have too much of at the moment
  2. toon25

    Alan Smith

    Genuine question: does anyone know why Sam actually bought this useless fucker? What excuse did he give?
  3. We certainly don't have many options, particularly in the centre. I am however confident that KK will, unlike Sam, be prepared to drop underperformers. He did mention in his post-match interview that some performances were not what he expected from Newcastle players - this may be a sign that he is prepared to bench those who, in some cases underperform, and those who are just utter shite
  4. What a joke, I am utterly disappointed at the manner of our collapse yet again. Though the first half showed some definite 'spells' of improvement - neat passing, players moving forwad to receive a pass, no long balls, etc. the lack of spine throughout the squad leaves me concerned as to where our points will come from and whether or not the actual signs of improvement will be inculcated throughout an entire 90 minutes rather than a few decent 'spell'. After the first goals we just seemed to sit back and try to soak up Villa's attacks without really breaking forward - a gross mistake seeing as we are weak defensively and toothless in attack I'm not convinced that we are 'safe' because other teams are far worse than us - that fact of the matter is, those other teams have bolstered their squads over January, we have not. The expectation among the management that players such as Carr, Smith, Barton and Butt will help us clime out of this position is misplaced, as results are proving.
  5. Really, REALLY worrying how we seem to just completely and utterly collapse. Good luck Kev, if you can turn this one around you'll be worthy of your 'messiah' status
  6. The f*** are you on about? What club are you even on about? Villa - bastards
  7. Come on Toon, I fucking hate Villa, their arrogant wanker of a manager and their smarmy bastard of an owner!
  8. Are we not allowed to have an opinion of the pre-match line-up? It doesn't matter what side we put out, if we win. Of course people can express an opinion, I'm just saying that we should have a bit of faith, we're not out on the training ground every day, KK has picked that team for a reason.
  9. Exactly, what a complete load of bollocks. Yet another way of destroying the culture and tradition of the game.
  10. Is it worth giving a couple of our youngsters a run in the side? We lacked pace and movement today and despite KK's rhetoric, a fat lot of good the so-called 'experience' of Butt and Smith did us. Youngsters have to start somewhere, is this the time to do it?
  11. I've never been a fan of Butt, every time I've seen this arsehole he persists in giving the ball away, for a supposed 'defensive midfielder' he has no presence, no quality, and no fuking talent! We'd do far better with Barton and Emre, at least we'd have a go at teams and give them a chance to form a decent partnership. We're not out of this yet, I'm worried about the lack of spine in the team Next week we'll have Enrique, Beye and Faye back, they are the only positives at the mo
  12. Would like to see Barton in the centre at some point, fucking Boro are not offering much through the centre so it would benefit taking Butt off.
  13. Strange if true considering Keegan said no one would be leaving. It could be a loan deal. Would Lazio have anyone we may have wanted as a swap? Pandev? Doubt it though! Would be hugely disappointed if KK didn't bring someone else in. Mind you, he did say that he had a couple of enquiries and dismissed them due to our lack of numbers so perhaps this may indicate that a possible incoming is likely! Either that or he's just seen Senegal crash out
  14. Unlucky chaps, well done. Now get your arses on a plane
  15. IF true I didn't see that one coming! I thought we'd show a bit of patience with the chap. Would it mean that KK has a replacement lined up?
  16. Kev, if you're reading this.... Please don't think that Martins and Geremi will turn us into a decent team. They've tried before. They won't.
  17. I wouldn't yet say that I'm worried, I think quite a few of us are a little disappointed at the spectacular second half collapses against the Mancs and the Arse that seemed to show a lack of fight/guts, something that, given time, KK will be able to instill. What I will say is that some fans are beginning to place unnecessary pressure on the team that will only affect performances on the pitch. Though I understand that this cannot be helped to a certain extent, people ought to realise that KK has been here 5 minutes and played one of the best sides in the business with a depleted squad. Have faith and have patience, there have been some really positive moves behind the scenes and some real drive and progress is being shown. Hopefully we may even have a new face in by Thursday which will give us all a lift. Come on the Toon!
  18. Is that cockney rhyming slang Dinho?If so you've answered your own question mate.
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