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Posts posted by maze

  1. Absolutely not an Ashley apologist. I hate what he has done to the club and the way his action has influence people supporting Newcastle. It's fuckin' depressing. There may be truths in statements that the previous regime did not run the club in a long-term economical healthy way, but Ashley... come on.


    The guy's a greed cunt. He simply does not have the money to compete... nor a plan.


    Wisheed he just fucked off, and we got somebody in willing to spend the cash.

  2. Jose didn't get forward as much as normal meaning Jonas kept running into the centre and getting lost at the few times we went forwards - hopefully that was just a tactical thing with playing Man U and not something that carrys on throughout the season.


    Williamson I thought was canny, though could easily have had a mare if he didn't rectify his mistakes as he did.  Perch, like everyone has said wasn't fantastic but he is young playing against one of the best teams in the world.  He won't struggle as much against a team like Stoke.


    Routledge didn't cross as well as he has done pre season - though I think this is mainly due to Evra having him in his pocket most of the game.


    Carroll for me was our MoM, held everything well and got back.  Though dropped quite deep, fair enough he probably had to as he had no service, but when we had a chance to break he was never back.


    Another striker or creative/attacking midfielder needed.


    Good post and positive


    Second that. Could have been far worse. 3-0 ain't that bad.

  3. Hopefully Xisco will be given a chance this season. Haven't seen him play for us before, in fact I haven't seen him play at all, but I'm optimistic.


    If he gets in the player group and starts building his confidence, I'm sure he'll do better than most on here says!

  4. I'm not worried about our signings at all. Perch and Gosling is better than nothing! :) Just have to trust Hughton and Ashley, nothing else you can do!


    I trust the club and the remaining players that they have kept, and can build on, last season's excellent performance!

  5. Feel so sorry for him :undecided:


    Are you similarly sorry for Michael Owen? He's only been interested in the England squad and money for the past few years too.


    No. He looks demotivated, and seems like he is more interested in his horse hobby.


    He wouldn't if he was in the England squad. Loves the international team just as much as Becks does.


    I have no sympathy for Michael Owen whatsoever. I will always remember him as a big waste of money. Owen is made of a materiale more fragile than glass, and (if Owen forgets) I will always remember how he drained us with his huge wages and disappointing performances.

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