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  1. What i love about him the most is that he actually can play a simple pass 10-20 meters straight up to a forward. Its one of the reasons mitro seems really good this days, he can hold the ball up well when he get the ball at his feet, and is a good layoff point*. 2 of our best plays at the end came from a 3 man combo when playing it short. (involving mitro and merino) Shelvey have that ability as well, but he needs a lot of space to pick out that golden pass (like the one to yedlin at the end) im getting tired of the long diagonal tryhard pass that doesnt really suit our game, its all well and dandy when we pull it off, but that is very rare. Play it at the deck, win games, have fun!
  2. A fair assessment and with my way of thinking also. Surely enough and with the ability of a transfer kitty, to be promoted. i think if we fill up with some decent championship players and one or two prospects we will be fine. but its gonna be harder this time around. But the fighting spirit of Mitro will push us up again. If he goes, im worried
  3. GK: Krul, Elliot, Darlow RB: ?? LB: Dummet/Haidara CB: Colo (thank you 1 year worthless extention), mbemba, lascelles. LW: Thauvin, Aarons CM: Colback, Shelvey, winjaldum, Cabella, Saivet RW: Perez?, Townsend CF: Mitrovic, armstrong Probably gone/out of contract: sissoko(possible sold), ,Janmaat (possible sold), tiote (possible sold) Cisse (possible sold) obertan (out of contract)Marveux (out of contract) taylor (out of contract),
  4. If they ever decide to redesign the club badge, that in Latin should be incorporated somewhere. That and 'Ambition costs money' quid a Ridiculum clava - Ambitio sumptuum pecuniam
  5. http://rs2img.memecdn.com/when-i-try-to-do-homework_webm_4268581.webm - Alan Pardew planning ahead for tottenham
  6. Hangeland? free cover all the way
  7. we will probably panick buy 3 players in january
  8. Wouldnt touch Eto`o with a stick now. looking lazy and uniterested since his move to Anzi. And most reports say that he is poor in most matches. Luciana Traore on the other hand would give us a different look in attack.
  9. I would take real Rolls Royce signings like a Berbatov over that age limit. But generally, i'd stay away. I want us to sign players who will get better. The problem is that the players we sign never seem to get better, most clearly get worse, in fact it's difficult to think of any player recently who has improved. Maybe Ba? Our coaching as a team and for players individually is appalling. Still most of them are now so s*** that nobody wants to buy them, that's the upside. Perch, and perhaps coloccini is the only ones that have gotten clearly better since we signed them in the last... 10 or so years?
  10. Record Home Defeat: 2-6 vs. Manchester United, 12th April 2003
  11. sparta

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    First bit your not far off. But the second bit, oh my, what a load of bullshit. you can discuss loss of speed, mobility e.t.c. but saying greater muscle mass = more things that can go wrong you should really read up a bit. Actually i've read dribs&drabs about one interesting study, concerning footballers (particularly yth athletes, whether it be round ball, rugby & aussie rules) who over-do it when adding muscle mass in the upper leg areas, especially through the quads & nearby muscle sets, and how they're prone to experiencing persistent groin & hammy issues. It's more of a problem with youngsters, as their bones are still growing/ligaments are still developing, and rapid rate muscle increase can throw a spanner in the works re-durability( without getting into specifics).The Aussie rules code has experienced something of a mini-plague of gym & protein enhanced youngsters breaking down with oestitis-pubis/chronic groin issues. Several clubs are looking to peel back their scientificapproach slightly, by allowing youngsters to grow into their frame, rather than overly force the issue in a short window of time (re: muscle building). How often do you hear of spectacularly tuned track&fielders pulling-up lame, in training, during the lead-up to an event, or mid-event? Not often are they just right, certainly at a level where their ability to compete with the best isn't compromised. Those physical versions of an F1 peak during the small windows of opportunity they're not crocked, and with those guys (due to the excellence of the field) a slight niggle equates to being crocked, at least worthy of an withdrawal. The Easter Stawell Gift's (famous sprint event featuring amateurs v world class 'finely tuned' goliaths) guest stars , with their abbreviated appearances, reads more like a physio room casualty list ie. Christie, with Asafa Powell the latest. . Professional footballers (of today) are not dissimilar, especially the young-uns: impressive to look at, more explosive thanks to modern science/time spent in the gym, when compared with players of yesteryear. Hence the phrasing earlier, they're like track&field beasts disguised in football kits. There's a greater demand placed on athletic physical excellence (cultivated and/or modified) in club football now, almost at a level akin to t&f, and like the finely tuned & muscular Christies/Powells etc, there's a trade-off/downside when gym-fed/conditioned/tuned explosiveness & power meets a lengthy season preparation & match workload Sorry about my bad english btw. but here we go 1. Well any educated man knows that reffering from one study (wich doesnt even need to have a statistical significant result) doesnt mean the world is flat really? Im a Naprapath student (mix between fysio and chiro) Still i think your off a bit. If the support staff of newcastle have just a little between their ears they know that just training individual muscle groups are not the way to go unless they have found a unbalanced muscle. (example: a muscle that is weaker than the other side/weaker compared to supporting muscles/weaker than the anatomy chains <-another lecture btw) 2. Every decent study the last 50 years has shown that training strenght is good for your body, no matter if you are 8 or 90, its a matter of amount, specificy and workload combined. 3. Well you are right, without proper guidance in training, specifically footballers have a higher tendency to groin related injuries. But saying its directly related to a total growth of muscle mass is still a bit silly? you dont often see a footballer with awesome adductor muscles do you? but as i said you right if you overwork the muscles that fuse into the pubic bone as hopefully no decent trainer would do. 4. Couldnt see in your text that you where talking about kids or the adverce effect of overly forced muscle training. Thats a WHOLE other subject. Other then that i still get your point and agree with you til some extent. I think (and hope) that coaches as a whole focus much more on anatomical chains and such instead off forcing individual muscles to perform outside its parameters. On the bit about track runners, yep, as in any sport if you train one muscle group to its limit you are sure to get some problems with them eventually, especially high intensity sports like track runners. Footballers does not equate to track runners in any way, as they work in a singular motion to its full extent, while football has a multidirectional plane of work. And such your argument of track and run is invalid HOWEVER: The trend of younger, fitter and faster players are something to behold, if you look at superstars 10-20 years back, very few of them was 20years old. Its a interesting dilemma and discussion about younguns and their development as well as injuries. But linking them all and saying "Muscle mass=Bad" are still pretty silly in my opinion. "kraken released"
  12. sparta

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    First bit your not far off. But the second bit, oh my, what a load of bullshit. you can discuss loss of speed, mobility e.t.c. but saying greater muscle mass = more things that can go wrong you should really read up a bit.
  13. suspecting a unhappy triad for the lad, i mean, cruciate its 6-10 months just before he can reach the level he was at today... unhappy triad its at least a year, guess we will know tomorrow
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