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Posts posted by levelsevenlee

  1. How many millions a year for that?


    Easy fucking money in reality. Fucking abysmal.

    Get to fuck you predictable predictable cesspool.

    I feel your pain and I truly understand your angst.

    It was truly and utterly deplorable any manager paid a wage can up with that utter shit.


    Rafa out.


    Hi Keith.

  2. So, last season, my Dad, my 10-year-old son and I all had season tickets.


    For whatever reason, I was on one end, Dad in the middle, son on the other end. This season, my Dad didn’t renew, but I figured I would see out Rafa’s last year. So wrote to the box office asking them to bump the boy along one.


    No problem, they say, just get your Dad to send an email confirming he’s not renewing, we’ll sort it out.


    You’ll never guess what’s happened? They didn’t do the move, and have sold the seat between us. I know it’s not an unbridgeable gap - I can just ask the person in that seat to swap with one of us - but I guess this is a much needed reminder of the utter crapness that pervades the club from top to bottom.

  3. Charlie Nicholas on Sky saying it was obvious all along that Rafa wouldn't have any money to spend this money and that he'd have to use the loan market. Funny change of tune. :rolleyes:


    In fairness like, he was saying this a few weeks ago on the Saturday show on Sky.

  4. How did Walker-Peters get MOTM, Atsu has been outplaying him.

    The commentators have been kissing his arse since the 1st minute.  He got praise for having the most touches after about 20 minutes FFS!  :lol:  Personally i think he had a difficult afternoon but didn't make any big errors so his manager will be reasonably happy with him.




    The commentators were embarrassingly gushing about him.

  5. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/mike-ashley-reveals-biggest-mistakes-13470265


    Mike Ashley reveals some of his biggest mistakes as Newcastle United owner

    Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley reflects on his 10 years in charge at St James' Park and speaks of his regrets



    09:42, 13 AUG 2017


    Mike Ashley has admitted making some big mistakes as owner of Newcastle United.


    After being interviewed by Sky Sports, the next batch of the Toon tycoon’s remarks have been released with Ashley making some shock revelations about the way he has operated as owner of the Magpies.



    Having already stated he hasn’t handed Rafa Benitez enough money to spend, Ashley has gone on to confess:


    He should never have changed the name of St James’ Park to the Sports Direct Arena in 2011

    That he sacked Sam Allardyce too hastily

    That the “wheels came off” at the club in 2014 after finally achieving some stability.


    The whole of Ashley’s interview will be aired at 7pm on Sunday night, but when asked about his stint in charge of the club, he said: “Very naive in the beginning.


    “In the middle I thought I was just about beginning to get my arms around it a little bit, we had a manager on an eight-year contract [Alan Pardew].


    “We had the finance right, talked about investing in the training ground and the academy, we had a strategy, buying young talent and developing.”


    And reflecting on his decision to axe Allardyce in 2007, Ashley said: “I probably rushed in too early.


    “The first thing, letting Sam Allardyce go, I was probably too keen to get going and make a difference, and I was a bit naive about how football worked.”


    Ashley was then asked about his decision to change the name of St James’ Park and said: “The first thing you feel is stupidity, because as soon as you know the hindsight of something, you know what you were doing wrong.


    “For example, I thought it was the right thing to do was to generate as much money as possible for Newcastle, so when people say to me: ‘Whatever you do on an interview do not talk about changing the name of St James’ Park!’


    “Well I’m me, and I’m going to talk about making an error, and I should not have changed the name of St James’ Park. I should not have done that.


    “Football is not all about making money and reinvesting it into football clubs, it has a very strange balance to it. I wanted to get naming rights, get money in and invest it into the club.


    “The reality is, the vast majority of the Geordie fans would rather have the name of St James’ Park and finish maybe one or two places lower in the table, because they want to keep it special.


    “You begin to learn that the special side of Newcastle means a little bit more than the ultimate end performance on the pitch.


    “I actually understand how cross the fans were."


    “If I was a fan, would I have been as upset as they were? I would probably have been worse!


    “It wasn’t acceptable what happened at Newcastle United Football Club, but of course I never did it on purpose.


    “There was no gain for me at all to get certain things wrong.”



    But... but... but... NUFC didn't make ANYTHING from you renaming the stadium, you utter fucking charlatan. It was another Sports Direct advertising for nowt special.


    I'm not going to be able to watch the interview. Serious danger of smashed telly.


    What a guy




    Been a while since this old chestnut was out.


    I have this alien feeling of not-shame at the club.

  7. I long to take my boys, but not to this version of NUFC. The oldest his first game was Gateshead and he loved it. My mate his son has an ST, he's 14 and while he loves the Toon he also enjoys seeing the top players turning up at SJP like Aguero for example who is his fave player. I remember when I was a teenager, although I idolised Cole, I also loved QPRs Sir Les, Blackburn's Shearer and Saints' Le Tissier. It was all about the football as a bairn.


    It still is for him and it's getting harder and harder to keep on saying 'no, we're not going out of protest'. He just wants to watch Newcastle... :undecided:


    I've been bang up for taking him under the Rafalution, while everyone was up for it and pulling together.  I even said, while Schteve was in charge, that we'd get season tickets when we were relegated. Felt like the pressure would be off, might see some decent games.


    However, now we've seen a good manager in the hot seat - I'm just not sure I'm up for the inevitable disappointment of him going and being replaced by Nigel Pearson.

  8. The inaction of match going fans is a huge part of the problem. The man shouldn't be able to step foot inside SJP for what he has done to this club, but he not only gets to take his seat, people buy his tat wonga tops and sit and appluad the shitfest that masquerades as a team on the pitch. I don't blame the bairns who go or even the older lot, its the inbetweens who willingly spend their hard earned on absolute tat. Ashley has ripped the soul out of the club, but the fans have paid him to do so. Spurs at home last season should have been 5-10K not 20-30K.


    I think a lot of genuine supporters have packed in over the last 2/3/4 years. What you have left are the die-hards, those who see the match as a social experience/badge or honour, those who go merely out of habit.. The danger is here, is that Mike Ashley has damaged Newcastle's future. You tell me why any kid would want to support NUFC at the moment, when they are a laughing joke nationally, and the club treats it's own supporters with complete contempt?


    My son, who's 8, has just discovered football. Has been a few times this year, and is wanting to get season tickets next year. I have to say, I'm a bit torn by it all.

  9. Your move cunt.


    You said the buck stops at your door last season, well then time to fucking learn you fucking cunt.


    He's here until we win something.


    Does 'getting promoted from the championship' count as 'something'? Here's hoping.

  10. I was there today and haven't read the thread but, all I can say, is that if this contest was a boxing match then the towel would've been chucked in after the first 20 minutes.


    Midfield was completely missing. Central players were absolutely abysmal.


    Why o why would you do that to yourself?


    I've made a concerted effort this season in trying to convince my 9 year old son that he should support NUFC by experiencing various atmospheres (the derby, away games etc).


    At 3-0 down today he wanted to leave. It feels like I'm doing entirely the wrong thing tbf but I'm from Newcastle and all of my family bleed B&W even though we don't live in the NE anymore.


    Not sure I'm doing the right thing but, if Ashley goes, you never know. It's the hope that kills you.


    My little 7 year old girl has asked a couple of times in recent months, for me to take her to a game. I'd love to as my dad did with me, but why put her through such turgid rubbish? There's a whole young generation of youngsters going to become alienated from this football club, because of the way the owner runs it. How sad is that? :(


    I'm taking my eight year old next week :-(

  11. Love to know if everyones still happy clapping Sunderland's equaliser now


    Exactly. Fools.



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