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Posts posted by levelsevenlee

  1. I was there today and haven't read the thread but, all I can say, is that if this contest was a boxing match then the towel would've been chucked in after the first 20 minutes.


    Midfield was completely missing. Central players were absolutely abysmal.


    Why o why would you do that to yourself?


    I've made a concerted effort this season in trying to convince my 9 year old son that he should support NUFC by experiencing various atmospheres (the derby, away games etc).


    At 3-0 down today he wanted to leave. It feels like I'm doing entirely the wrong thing tbf but I'm from Newcastle and all of my family bleed B&W even though we don't live in the NE anymore.


    Not sure I'm doing the right thing but, if Ashley goes, you never know. It's the hope that kills you.


    My little 7 year old girl has asked a couple of times in recent months, for me to take her to a game. I'd love to as my dad did with me, but why put her through such turgid rubbish? There's a whole young generation of youngsters going to become alienated from this football club, because of the way the owner runs it. How sad is that? :(


    I'm taking my eight year old next week :-(

  2. Love to know if everyones still happy clapping Sunderland's equaliser now


    Exactly. Fools.



  3. Everton in line for a £200m takeover by a US company apparently.

    Yep, read that.  NUFC being left behind.







  4. This pics always worth a repost, am I right HawK?




    My work here is done.

  5. Can someone please say something stupid that we can all argue with to stop the most recent page of the last week or so opening with that bloody Vigo painting.


    Sorry about that.

  6. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/sep/07/sports-directs-mike-ashley-re-election-city-rmal-loses-confidence


    A City investment firm is to vote against the re-election of Sports Direct’s non-executive directors and executive deputy chairman, Mike Ashley, at the retailer’s annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday.


    Ashley Hamilton Claxton, corporate governance manager at Royal London Asset Management (RLAM), which owns about £8.3m of Sports Direct shares, said: “We have lost confidence in the board and are very concerned about the long list of corporate governance failings that have not been addressed.”





    The investment firm, which manages a total of £83.4bn of assets, particularly singled out the attendance record of Ashley, who founded the company. “We question how a board can effectively function when the executive deputy chairman fails to attend four board meetings, even if they are unscheduled,” Hamilton Claxton said.


    Makes no odds though does it, as he still owns majority shareholding.




  7. Sir Bobby and Gary Speed were looking down favorably at him.


    Imagine what Sir Bob would make of all this :anguish:


    I'm sure Carvery is asking him as we speak.

  8. Twitter's going crazy with messages saying he's been sacked for scrapping with players on the team coach. :lol:





  9. had his face plastered across most of the front page of the chronicle on Wednesday and he hated it. his wife's none to happy either but she's had to accept he gets paid to do whatever Ashley tells him to. they live close to us and are getting nervous about all the attention he's getting.


    Surely, surely, there's no way he could have thought he could take that job and not be in the public eye? Especially working for this regime???

  10. Ashley has roughly achieved what he wanted for Newcastle United - to be a cheap and prominent vehicle for his advertising of Sports Direct. He has no other use for the club than that and he will do as little as possible by way of spending on the club to achieve the status quo.


    We are, frankly, a laughing stock of a club - no wonder other clubs fans think NUFC fans are deluded because they turn up in massive numbers just to get their faces rubbed in failure season after season....they swallow the kind of blatant lying and hype that the management come out with and then. after exiting competitions like the FAC in the 3rd round every season, they turn up again the following August expecting better...crazy.


    There are obviously plenty who can afford to chuck away hundreds of pounds to an owner who laughs in their faces every year, makes it quite clear what his(lack of)ambitions are for the club and keeps a manager who is a blatant stooge because he couldn't get a job elsewhere in the PL and is cheap to keep...


    As Midds said - for next season , rinse and repeat ...so it will be until the club gets an owner who has more football ambition than Ashley so until fans boycott, there will be NO change.


    Watch results fall off now..



  11. Why was he brought in to buy players if, all along, we didn't need them?  Why is he actually here?


    I'm sick of second-guessing the fat c*** in charge now, but my guess is it's either that he's there to undermine the manager because the owner wants shifted of him but won't pay him off, or he's actually still fairly enamoured by the manager and is trying to take the heat off him.  Or he just doesn't care that much as long as we don't get relegated and wants to give his mate a job and a reason to live.


    This still looks the only plausible explanation for Kinnear being here.


    I think today is the day where I finally came to accept that  :'(

  12. Pardew's different from the team just being rubbish imo, this is a man who does not want the team he's managing to finish in the top six of the league in case it jeopardises his own job, a man who makes no attempt to win certain football matches (any away game), indeed a man who doesn't even attempt to compete in games against certain teams, only turns up because he's obliged to by the fixture list. He's a spineless shitbag who, far from wanting to make me feel proud of NUFC, attempts to make me feel like I support a tiny diddy little team who have no business even being on the same pitch as a magnificent club like Man City or Spurs and that I should feel lucky for what I've got and shut the fuck up.


    The very least I expect from NUFC is that I feel proud of them as a club and our manager goes in front of cameras every week and basically tells me I have nothing to be proud of.


    He is utter poison.


    Just catching up. But that's the single greatest post I've ever read.


    :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

  13. I hope tomorrow sees him play in the position Toure takes up at City, we need some proper power and legs in there, especially against Diame. Those driving runs would be more effective from deep when he'd actually have some options to pass to.


    That assumes that Fraudew doesn't have all the players on strict instructions not to make any kind of run to get into a bit of space.


    Not confident for tomorrow :-(

  14. Pardew told the Chronicle: “All we need to do is get over the line.


    “I don’t care if we finish one from bottom, I really don’t.


    “If we can get over the line, our fans know we have a good group of players.When everybody is fit and we can get one or two new signings in there we are a top-10 team.


    Alan, you appear to be on smack. Are you on smack?




    Best. Post. Ever.

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