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Posts posted by levelsevenlee

  1. Fortunately it was bedtime for the kids just as the match finished, so rather than having that period of fuming at the telly, I had to go and read "The Gruffalo". Was too annoyed to do the funny voices, mind.

  2. Well it looks like Joe isn't going to be back to "steady the ship" as a full time manager any time soon, but the report does say that a "credible" manager has been sounded out to step into the breach.




    If it's not Venables then who could it be? My money's on Curbishley.




    The "credible manager" lined up seems to be Steve Bruce which would mean that it's an appointment that won't take place till next season by which time we might already be in the  Championship. That would explain partly why Ashley has been so reluctuant to hire a fire fighter short term.


    But that's the bit I don't get - fine, if we've got Bruce lined up for the summer, I'd take that. But that doesn't mean we couldn't get in Venables or someone like that on a really short-term basis with the promise of a big bonus if we're kept up?


    Or should we just stump up the £3m compen to Wigan and have Bruce now??

  3. Do you think the fact that Shay handed in a transfer fee affected the bid from Man City?


    How much do you think Shay was due in loyalty bonuses had he not requested a transfer?


    Maybe this lowered the fee from City.... I am just guessing here....


    But how come we get more cash and a player in exchange for Insomnia? Who, at best, we can categorise into "has potential" - as opposed to "is one of the best keepers in the world"? And has probably done more antagonising for a move than Given!


    I just don't get it.

  4. As the title says really. We've protested and forced Ashley to try and sell but now it seems he won't be selling any time in the next month or so atleast, no decent manager will come here with the instability and Ashley not funding us anymore likely means no major recruits in January.


    Have we massively overplayed our hand and put ourselves in a situation where we really are in deep, deep trouble.


    Even if he was still "bankrolling" the club, I don't think we'd be seeing any splurges of cash this winter. We knew at the end of the season that we needed a LOT of players to come in; and although the "one in, one out" policy has increased (IMO) the quality of the squad, we're still knackered when we get one or two injuries to key players.


    To the point of the thread, I can't answer that. We need to see what cards other players round the table have before the extent to which we've been bluffing becomes apparent.


    Maybe the folks who would be interested in buying NUFC for, say, £200m are just happily watching it fall to bits hoping MA's arse will go as we plummet towards the Championship?

  5. Why did the NUFC Finances website just come to a "natural end" when Ashley took over?


    I think we should be told. :neutral:





    Because Ashley took the club into private ownership, so the accounts wouldn't be in the public domain (at Companies House) anymore?


    you've re-appeared too


    Happy you have what you wished for ?





    What did I wish for?


    wish I'd put a bet on that you'd say that  mackems.gif


    You now have a club without a fat b****** in charge that doesn't embarrass you.


    A few mediocre teams might embarrass you instead though. Just like your good old days.  bluelaugh.gif



    As much as I disagree with you on this point, why do you have to come across as such an abrasive, arrogant tosser when you reply?


    Try to answer that question only.


    you mean that I'm right and you can't see it or bring yourself to admit it ?

    I think those who can't see the blatantly obvious, and ignore factual information that doesn't suit their "opinion", are tossers.


    Are you seriously trying to tell me that the club hasn't embarrassed you in the last 2 weeks ?


    It's embarrassed me, more than for many years. I wouldn't really be arsed, but the sad thing is, the only way they are going on the field is headlong into a relegation fight that may be lost unless the soopa new owner abandons his so called "plan" or buggers off and sells to someone who knows something about football. And that DOES bother me.




    So what would that make you for continuing to ignore Macbeth's analysis based on facts and data submitted to Companies House?

  7. We've had four very average at best seasons now though.


    That's the reason IMO, although these rumours start about this time every year.




    As it happens, I've just come into a bit of cash, so I've renewed for 3 years. If I hadn't been in that position, there's little to no chance I'd have pulled out £600 to watch another season of poor football with no hope at all of it getting any better.


    As it is, I'm not particularly looking forward to going at the moment... I hope that once things get going with the season the doom and gloom lifts.

  8. Jesus wept.  Martins to Arsenal, Keegan to be sacked, Ashley selling up, Barton in court again...do we really have another month of this to look forward to?  No more Euro 2008 to use as a distraction either.  The only people who seem to genuinely enjoy the silly season are Spurs supporters.


    Don't forget Liverpool supporters. Apparently this is their year. Again.

  9. I did, just before the renewal date. By happy coincidence, I'm being made redundant so have a big chunk of cash coming in August - it made most sense to pay up front for 3 years.


    However, if I hadn't been in that position - I don't think I would have renewed. I'm barely feeling this pay-out; if I'd had to find £600 out of my disposable income, I don't think I could have done.

  10. I've just spent 15 mins on the phone to them trying to cancel - spent five in a queue, five talking to a lovely Irish lady and five talking to their cancellations team on possibly the worst phone line I've ever had to use. Basically, their cancellations team aren't there to handle cancellations, they're there to get you to stay.


    To save anyone else the hassle, you need to write a letter to



    PO BOX 8544


    SR9 9XZ


    (imagine that sack of c**ts being based in Sunderland, eh?)


    Need to put in your name, address & Setanta account number.

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