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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Nope but Cashey has back himself into a corner now
  2. Aye but this time he's put it right out there in the press with i'll sack him after Stoke/Tuesday Comments at the weekend. It's plain and simple for everybody to see, so hopefully even more will start to turn against the current owner and his rabble.
  3. Don't think hope is required, looks like he's playing to be sold off.
  4. It's absolutely incredible that he's able to take personal punts through a public listed company. It's not a personal punt, It's a very common business practice on the stock exchange and a very profitable one at that. Shady as fook to us common man, but not illegal.
  5. Hudson

    Kevin Keegan

    Could be construed as he's done a great job in putting up with everything really and not done a great job results wise. (Pardrew) It could be construed he's spineless man and has no honour and self respect.
  6. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/what-point-supporting-newcastle-united-3562279 A club with a rich heritage and a huge ‘pull.’ A club that sat proudly among the world’s top 20 – ranked by revenue – little more than 12 months ago. This isn’t, with respect, a Peterborough United or a Leyton Orient. This is Newcastle United.
  7. Welcome to last month https://www.google.co.uk/#q=vince+mcmahon+newcastle Last month AMC wasn't sniffing around buying WWE. AMC Networks has held at least one exploratory conversation with WWE
  8. Welcome to last month https://www.google.co.uk/#q=vince+mcmahon+newcastle
  9. You Sir, Can eat my cheesy helmet. Right after a piss. Your mental, He's raped the club and the fans
  10. Coahing license revoked would do.
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26398764 Not too many problems? Well, apart from abusing Manchester City manager Manuel Pellegrini in the crudest terms earlier this season, a two-match touchline ban for pushing assistant referee Peter Kirkup during a game against Tottenham Hotspur in August 2012 and a £10,000 fine for an altercation with Arsenal's Arsene Wenger when he was manager of West Ham United in 2006. No. Not too many problems at all. Perfect reason to dismiss him. Not got a leg to stand on in court if he so chooses to go that way.
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_attraction
  13. So maybe, just maybe, we need a manager who is capable of getting the best out of the players we have? There is no maybe. Fact is this will be a long drawn out pards vrs ashley. Keegan Style
  14. Objective one is already completed. Did you not see us play midweek
  15. He looks physically shot, the eyes never lie.
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/26098631 Cunt
  17. Should definitely been booked for the foul on Walcott early We should have had a free kick on the edge of the box
  18. http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/thread/224076/martin-atkinson-stoke-match-thread Note the thread title. The FA should step in and abandon this game & replay it later in season. Referee is a fcking joke! Missus swears Atkinson fist pumped when Remy scored Read more: http://oatcakefanzine.proboards.com/thread/224144/end-martin-atkinson#ixzz2obLaIvaG
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