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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. 12 month to keep your noise clean and out of trouble, not harsh at all.
  2. Aye, newly built, replacement stadia are truly awful. I'm pleased too. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/19935925 It will be interesting to see how there going to do that, 60K+ seats without pissing the locals off.
  3. That smilie does not work with bull right next to it Now you know my problem every time i see Mrs Bimpy bent over.
  4. Looks like mike's been splashing the cash again. For any fisher man out there, his latest purchase (well a week ago) is Dragon Carp and all the brands that come with it.
  5. That smilie does not work with bull right next to it
  6. Hudson

    St James' Park

    Typical elitist scum trying to bring a self made man down, a man who does not fit there mold.
  7. Hudson

    St James' Park

    We have had Virgin Money though and there was no uproar then. Yeah there a company that bought a UK asset worth 1.6bn for a little over 800m
  8. Hudson

    St James' Park

    Pff easy that one Mike and Derek
  9. Hudson

    St James' Park

    There has been plenty of bad press about banks, but I've not seen anything at all that claims the premier league is cheapening their brand because of their association with Barclays, and that Muslims will no longer watch the Premier League. Nor have I heard MPs voice their concern with such a sponsorship. That's fair enough, but I've read PLENTY of times in this thread now, "there's been nothing said about the banks that f***ed everything up", or words to that effect. The difference is with the banks though, is they're seen as essential to running a country and can't just be done away with. Wonga aren't exactly an essential part of the economy. Again, I'm not taking a side here, I don't like Wonga or the banks' collective practices. It shouldn't be about what's said about other sponsorships, the debate is about Wonga and whether it's seen as a good move. Pointing out someone else's hypocrisy doesn't make our own any better or worse. Yeah true, but it does help put things into perspective a little.
  10. I don't understand there playing for one of the greatest clubs football has ever seen , they should need no motivation
  11. Hudson

    St James' Park

    Thats not the point though, they have never been pulled up on who they sponsor and why the actions are bad for the club or league. Unlike wonga
  12. Hudson

    St James' Park

    Since religion's involved in the debate why don't we see some figures on how many lives have been ruined by that? I wasnt having a go at Wonga by the way, my comment was aimed at all those who say 'they pray on the poor etc' Doesn't Wonga let the consumer know what the interest rates are? Or is everything hidden in small print? Genuine question by the way. I can think of many businesses that do not divulge the full extent of harm their business can and does do, and are still looked upon as professional role models. Yeah just look at the National (Low APR) banks that actually ripped it customers of with PPI
  13. Hudson

    St James' Park

    Might as well get arms dealers on the shirt then. Poor logic. The logic being where were the people who are now up in arms when Northern Rock was our sponsor, or ntl for that matter? Bang on, we all know the worlds a bent corrupt place and do nothing about it, but along comes a legal loan shark willing to sponsor us and all of a sudden they find there voices. Wonga are a morally bankrupt business, but they do not break any british or internationl law. The above companys have taken a huge part in brining the world just about to it's knees with the s*** storm the caused. Breaking a s*** load of international and national laws. Did the papers print anything neagtive about it did they hell. So why now all of a sudden do these people feel the need to taken the moral highground and denounce this contract as scandal souring the pure and clean game. Sorry for repeating myself again, just wanted to make the point i was trying to get across a little clearer
  14. Hudson

    St James' Park

    People need to open the eyes and see the bigger picture. Barclays (Priemer League sponsor) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/9360469/Barclays-how-the-Libor-scandal-unfolded.html Standard Charter (Liverpool Sponsor) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19253666 AoN (Manu Sponsor) http://www.fsa.gov.uk/library/communication/pr/2009/004.shtml Yes Wonga may be morally bankrupt, but it has broken no UK law. Unlike sponsor of other bigger clubs, who have broken major laws. But diddly squat was said. Go figure Nuff said to be honest
  15. Hudson

    St James' Park

    I can see wonga lining up a nice little season ticket on finace type deal.
  16. Hudson

    St James' Park

    Totally agree, the ones around the stadium don't even bother me. It the horrible one of the roof, and the SD either side of Saint James Park
  17. Hudson

    St James' Park

    and sport direct aint. At the end of the day, it's more money in the bank. We can naff all about it so just suck it up and get on with it. Yes i'm well aware that the money may go to ashley's pocket to lower the debt. Who knows.
  18. Agree, it's a s*** effort on a easy tattoo tbh. The other one is someones best effort and cost a shitload of cash, only to look like data's from the next generation is about to get in a fight with a dragon and the cast of 300. Tonight i dine in Maccy's
  19. My lass wants to know why somebody got Jamie Redkanpp, data from start trek and philip oliver tattoo with the liver bird
  20. http://www.refereedecisions.co.uk/how-the-refs-treated-man-u-last-season/
  21. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    master plan foiled, DI frosts got nowt on me
  22. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Maybe just maybe, Ashley has offered this 8 year contract with a low ish basic wage say 750k a year, but another million can be made up in bonus related to performace and player development. If it all goes tit's up ashley only has to pay a min compo package. Then again
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