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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Aint that the same with our lot though ?
  2. Are they for real on that forum, just read this litter belter "Can't help thinking that Palace v Newcastle is going to be a very big 'derby' from now on, bigger than Brighton!!
  3. http://www.cpfc.co.uk/news/article/video-exclusive-alan-pardew-2179148.aspx first interview, scroll down to the bottom How many times does he go, errrrr.
  4. http://www.holmesdale.net/page.php?id=106&tid=150035&page=84 I know it's all been confirmed but I have a theory as to why it took so long to be confirmed , I think Steve parish being the attention whore that he is he's held back because he wanted it to be the big story of the day for example he wouldn't dare announce it while our tony is getting the spot light at WBA and he wouldn't let stevie g take pards spotlight either so he held back .....good move OK if you say so, there is some rank grade A comments on there board this morning. Feels like a match made in heaven for pards and cpfc
  5. Damaged goods when he arrived, Pardew smashed him into a million pieces with the shit man management. Could have been different but we all had a good idea it would end this way so no big suprise really.
  6. Wow, such foresight Yeah, shame the pinata bit failed to become truth though
  7. Pisseheads dont understand irresponsible.
  8. Yeah seems strange when he was at Palace yesterday to watch there game, could it no be due to backroom staff and the likes getting sorted
  9. TBH, I'm not to fused about the details just the end product.
  10. What :lol: :lol: :lol: What a self important bellend. :lol: Leave The King alone or he will have your dinner
  11. http://www.holmesdale.net/page.php?id=106&tid=150109 Anybody else happy about the potential return on Andy Woodman Yup i'm more than happy
  12. Hudson

    Papiss Cissé

    Yeah this tackle http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/wigan-athletic/9941718/Failure-to-charge-Wigans-Callum-McManaman-over-tackle-on-Newcastles-Massadio-Haidara-makes-the-FA-look-daft.html
  13. Hudson

    John Carver

    Southampton. Fans who had made a near 700 mile round trip had the nerve to complain about the s*** they'd been watching previous to us getting humped 4-0. The first thing the new manager should be doing is getting rid of Charver and bringing in his own team. Ashley probably won't let him though as it increases costs. Won't the compo from Pardew get rid of them aswell, with no cost to NUFC (also know as Ashleys Pocket)
  14. http://www.holmesdale.net/page.php?id=105&fid=1
  15. They don't seem the slightest bit concerned that the majority of fans from his previous clubs think that he's a s*** manager FYP
  16. 3 down. How did you recall that little gem
  17. Past the point of no return now.
  18. Men don't cry you big girlie
  19. Go to bed it will be like Christmas day when you where 8 years old when you wake up.
  20. Hudson


    Just had a mention on skysports news.
  21. Sky Sports with a decent review of Pardews time here
  22. Hudson


    He aint been the same since that day. Thanks to who ever you are ?? The pressure you placed on him has been fantastic and it has given me so much ammo to throw out to people in the north west who thought i was deluded about Pardew.
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