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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Its as if he is playing a little bit shitter than his normal standard to get the move.
  2. Hudson


    http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11695/9035201/gus-poyet-threatens-to-quit-sunderland-over-transfer-strategy I picked two. It was simple. One of the other two (selected by De Fanti) was a definite no. If that one is coming, I won't be here. The player has to be the right one for me. If not, I'm not going to accept it.
  3. I wont be, surely it's a given he will be off in the summer. Back to France would be my guess
  4. At least he won't have to deal with suarez this year
  5. Brought back from the dead more likely
  6. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/bigger-board-role-newcastle-united-4694368 John Irving is the rat leaking this story, apparently.
  7. Ashley for all his problems, Runs the business side of things very well. The sporting side is just a cluster fuck.
  8. Best bring a defibrillator with him.
  9. Hudson

    St James' Park

    Welcome to the 21st Century. Nothing this day and age is done without personal gain in mind.
  10. Hudson

    St James' Park

  11. Not like thay have done or challenged for much in the last few years, imho they just are not the arsenal of old.
  12. Reads like it's coming from the club, the whole things stinks
  13. Business men don't do this sort of thing for the praise and hero worship. They do it because it has benefit to there business.
  14. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    If Pardrew gets the bullet, what makes people think that any of these managers would come here. A Manager would be picked that could play hoofball, and work with the current squad with little to no money to invest in the team.
  15. The dreaded shirt curse has struck me again. Got Shearer on the back of my championship shirt, he never returned as manager Got Jose Enrique on my shirt first season up, he left Got Nolan on my shirt second season up, he left I chose Coloccini this year because he is captain and just signed a 5 year deal. NOW HES LEAVING. Shola for you next me thinks
  16. Thats my remaining memory of the little shite, well that and generally being a wanker around the city. Anyone remeber the ferrari on the swing bridge.
  17. Purple players lile Ba, have always been replaced with at least the same quality if not better. Although we will miss his goals, It was always going to go this way. People forget that he did the same with Hoffe, West Ham and now us. As soon as more money was waved at him he was away.
  18. That will be right, another left back would be nice. Not sure if it's a postion that needs urgent attention to.
  19. What is this NUSC you speak off ??
  20. Hudson


    It looks female'ish
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