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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. I might know of a few ways to make that happen for the cost of a season ticket.
  2. Wasn't it somethign along the lines of "2016 at the earliest"? Yeah, but do people really believe he will sell after 2016. History suggests it's a stone faced lie to apease the paying fans. ( See the Mr Garde situation, Keegan court case and many others). Unless the Business (NUFC) is a stone round his neck, he will continue to milk it for every drop of cash he can get. Until that day he is here to stay.
  3. Eventually he will piss enough people (above him) and they will want there blood from him.
  4. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/feb/18/sports-direct-founder-mike-ashley-westminster-employee-treatment-zero-hours-contracts The inquiry by the Scottish affairs committee in Westminster is the latest investigation into how about 200 staff at USC’s Ayrshire warehouse lost their jobs when administrators were called in to West Coast Capital (USC), a Sports Direct-controlled entity that owned 28 USC stores. The stores were immediately bought out of administration by another part of Sports Direct but the warehouse was abruptly closed down
  5. Same as most Business this day, sadly.
  6. Media experts Keith Bishop Associates had an Ibrox contract worth £8000 a week ripped up around 12 months ago – at a time when Llambias owned 51 per cent of the company. Llambias is still registered as majority shareholder in KBA on official documents at Companies House – and held a seat on the board as recently as five months ago. But he insisted in a meeting with Rangers fans last week that he sold his shares in KBA to Mike Ashley’s Sports Direct at some point in 2014. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-chief-derek-llambias-rehires-5188006 Wow another company Mike Ashley can use to milk his football clubs
  7. Hudson

    John Carver

    He prefers chipp buttys http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/31161899 "I actually went home and had a cup of tea and chip butty
  8. Ha! Here's another one coming out with crap about Ashley being loaded. Trying to figure out of this is a serious post or not. Serious, Most of Ashleys wealth is on Paper via assets. Rather than paper money. Either way he's fucking minted
  9. Hudson


    One day, Ashley will die. Hopefully it will be a nasty death
  10. Hudson

    Lee Charnley

    Talk about Stockholm syndrome. I just cannot get my head around the fact that people actually believe any of the statement.
  11. Hudson

    George Caulkin

    cannot blame him marra
  12. Fair comment. Aye based on a non event the might actually happen. Mike Ashleys business style and past events actually indicate he's more likely to screw the fans over. Mike Ashley is a Cancer on NUFC the business and has no pride in NUFC the club. Just like any of his other commercial assests, it's strip em bare and run on the very bare minimum investment possible. The mans a snake and has been for many a year Ashley turned whistleblower on industry rivals in 2000, handing the Office of Fair Trading evidence of business meetings held by sports retailers to fix the price of football shirts. Ashley attended a meeting at the Cheshire home of David Hughes, the chairman of now bankrupt rival Allsports. As long as NUFC provide Mike with a Meal ticket, be it via the free Sportdirect adverts/Prem Money/Match Day Money then he is here to stay. I can actually see him floating the club once it passes 2016, and lining his pockets again as he done with every other business he has purchased. He cares about one thing and thats the bottom line.
  13. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/mike-ashley-going-win-every-8468375 Mike Ashley is going to win every fight he enters and everyone has to accept that (this is the headline) I’m not suggesting any supporter should merely accept what happens to their club, however, people need to be realistic and come to terms with the situation. What a bunch of idiots our local paper are, The headline tells you to accept it, but right at the bottom he suggests we don't accept and suggest that we should accept in the very same sentance. Fucking Idiots.
  14. Newcastle have certainly been surprised by the number of people who want the job. Whay should they be suprised It just feels like the whole piece is designed to abate the masses while the window passes by.
  15. The whole defense was god awfull yesterday krul included, as he was last week.
  16. It's going to be fun in here watching Palace move above us.
  17. We deserved a penalty, no fool can argue any other way. Plenty of fools will argue we deserved something out of the game, too. And the Chelsea/Leicester/Burnley games. True very true, but the laws of the game back the penalty. A fool only uses his opnion The laws of the game also say we lost 2-1, so we deserved nothing from the game. I never said we did, just said we deserved the penalty
  18. Can somebody with good photoshop skills get on this asap
  19. Hudson

    John Carver

    Am i reading this wrong or does that mean we're about to offer the job to someone? Pass, thought he was talking about himself
  20. Hudson

    Emmanuel Rivière

    I cannot say either way about this lad, but with everything that goes on at this club i'm not suprised some players just never achieve. In the past players like Andy Obrian and Nikos Dabizzas (sp) where rubbish players but played well above there level due to good management. This players have been un coached for a while now
  21. We deserved a penalty, no fool can argue any other way. Plenty of fools will argue we deserved something out of the game, too. And the Chelsea/Leicester/Burnley games. True very true, but the laws of the game back the penalty. A fool only uses his opnion
  22. I dont get this statement, you suggesting they paid the ref like
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