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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. who gives a **** what ashley does with ashleys money.
  2. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Don't want to hear there bullshit thanks
  3. With this pack of fools running the club, until i see pictures of it still there then i beleive it
  4. It's buckling under the load tonight a bit. Although it looks like it might hold out
  5. Hudson

    Bryan Ruiz

    Yeah i'm about to make a little brown fish
  6. OMG we don't have a clue
  7. p*ss or s*** ? Non, he's got his own moonshine. I'd rather drink my own piss then drink moonshine
  8. It's the any signing is a good signing mentallity at the moment
  9. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    No suprise there really is there, he's pissed most of them off via twatter
  10. . Who do you think should pay for it ? at the end of a day NUFC is a business and is liable for all it debts. No matter who's fault the debt is. Just look at MU, there debt was incurred byt the glaziers buying the club. Just look at the share issues MU are having to issue to release capital to serive the debt. Luckily we have Ashley :/
  11. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    This. It's hard to weep for the uncertain financial future of poor racehorse-owning Joey Barton. I'm extremely good at what I do and get a reasonable wedge for doing it, but it would take me decades to earn what Joey has trousered from just one season at NUFC. Yes but the going rate for a footballer is a lot more than people get for what society would deen more important jobs whether it is a bricklayer, a nurse, or your avarage office worker or factory line worker at Nissan. Footballers at the top level get ridiculous wages but only in comparison to most of the population. Rightly or wrongly the pay is onlty realistically compared with what other premiership clubs' players are earning. Missing the point by some distance. He doesn't have to think about security, he's sucure for life, so his kids and their kids and generations for a long time. Security has been mentioned more than a couple of times in here, which I find ridiculous. Mentioning security is comparing his situation to the average Joe, us who are struggling with bills, looking for work, losing their homes, their businesses, Barton will never understand that, so people mentioning security can lay off the dramatics IMO. Why won't he understand what that feels like ? Do you forget he was raised in one of the roughest estates in the UK where un-employment is rife and most live below the breadline.
  12. Maybe true, fact still stands that Ashley is paying the debt down.
  13. Cool the club only owes him 111m now
  14. http://www.nufcblog.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Accounts.jpg From the 2010 accounts So I'm figuring 12.3 M was paid back this month then?? And this 12.3 M was paid from TV income? Yeah that's right, although until the figures are realsed we will not know if this agreement was honoured.
  15. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    One good season 2/3 others full of controversy ? Is that all you do spout s*** ? Whats your take on the situation brains? For the the past troubles from Mr Barton, he without a doubt has been very very important to us in the last 2 seasons. Yeah the guy has a mouth and says more than he should, but we all know somebody like that. Saying he has been nothing but trouble is a massive overstament. People have a short memory, Bellamany was a little gobshite as well and caused more trouble than barton. Look how that turned out for us
  16. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    No striker, no left back and now two of the 3 linch pins in the team from last season now goneand the third just about out the door.
  17. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    One good season 2/3 others full of controversy ? Is that all you do spout shit ?
  18. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    Yep. Would be better to get new showers at the training ground with those 3 millions like. If you're trying to sell a house, what do you do Make home improvements or pay more housekkeping to your missus who gives you nothing but greef! That makes no sense
  19. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    Why is this even being debated. This is true of every single footballer??? Who gives a f***. We are giving away a first team player for free a year early for no reason whatsoever. Wake up man.
  20. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    Look at it from JB view point, employer don't want you to work for them no more. New job offer available with a long term contract and possibly more money. What would you do ? He is in talks with them according to SSN. If they offer him as five year deal he may well take it Aye, despite what he said about wanting to stay, not being pushed out, and only leaving for a champions league team (however serious he was with that one), if he/his agent are in discussions, there must be an interest from him too.
  21. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    Stop reading them then !!!!
  22. SD is not just a UK based company and has a fair few branches on mainland europe. The club is supported the world over, with every club's games being on a TV somewhere in the world.
  23. Cream Cheese, or a place in the USA
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