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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Simples, Ashley aint interested in finishing in the top 6. Way to much cash required to make that viable year on year.
  2. Hudson

    St James' Park

    Who cares what that cunt e fuck has to say
  3. His lack of due diligence which ultimately will lead to us being stuck with him unless someone of Man City's owners type wealth comes in to save the day. His lack of due dilligence was a godsend, hate to think where we'd have been without it. However bad he's been. I agree with what you're saying, and I too acknowledge what Ashley did- and financially has done for us- but we can't keep saying this after every insult, lie, and catastrophic decision thrown our way. You would think that four years on he would have adapted and learnt from mistakes. But as we continuously see, he simply doesn't. Literally every season he has been here uproar (mid-season, too) has been caused by something rash, needless or completely illogical. I'm very pleased to see where we are in the table and that what we have achieved so far is through prudent spending on players, but as .com have said....will whatever we receive- if we ever do find a sponsor- help us that much? I don't think so. Not one bit. Ashley should be working towards qualifying for Europe as that in itself would bring in good money. He simply cannot keep going the way he is. On the other hand, most of the decisions he has made were incredibly unpopular at the time but actually turned out to not harm us that much or even leave the club in better shape. Pretty much the only exception to this is the gamble on staying up in the relegation season, and even that worked out OK in the end. I don't think the name change fits into this category, as I think some things are more important than finance, but I thought we had started to reassess some os Ashley's past decisions in a better light. Selling Carroll and Nolan now look like good moves and replacing Hughton with Pardew was a great one, all things people were spitting their dummies out about at the time but realise now that it was good moves. Hey disco dekka, selling the stadium name to his company for zero income (based on what he pays now) is stll and always will be a terrible idea. Even if selling the mentioned players turned otu right. This will not
  4. That fact is no company will be looking to sponsor any football team to the sum of 10 Million per season in the current climate
  5. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Hopefully pardrew can keep this shit about the renaming away from the players.
  6. Apparently it's going to be the end of the world, so perhaps ashley is someway involved in that
  7. Thats a silly statement, as any business should be self sufficent and not having to pump cash into via an owner. That
  8. Right i'll do time and make these arse's sleep with the fish , just promise you will look after my family (mafia style)
  9. Who said anything about an away kit ? I'm talking home strip. Just look at FC redbull Salzberg, it can happen
  10. £35 million didn't do much of that. That's right because it was all going to be spent in the Summer! We'll sign a striker in January, probably Maiga and then the rest will be spread out over a few more years IMO. IMHO, your nuts. That will never happen
  11. How long until we are playing in Blue and Red Strips I'll give it 24 month
  12. Bobby moncour has just been on the radio and is in total understanding as to why the club have/had to do this. Cunt
  13. Hudson

    LOL at Lolro

    So he has picked a team that has lost there last 5 games, becasue football bites you on the bum What a tit
  14. It was Krul it tried to karate chop in half. Tried to break Ryan Taylor's ribs with an elbow. I've hated the dirty c*** since he stamped on Shearer and he's not changed since, just a thug with very limited footballing ability. Yeah forgot about that challange just before half time. I though he had something about him when he was at Chelsea and worth a look. Turns out i'm wrong and he's a grade A Twat
  15. Can somebody issue this man a ban, were playing for third and he's putting a kitchen together
  16. The kids an Idiot full stop, very much like a lot of the youth of today. Sooner he's out of football the better for everybody concerned.
  17. Hudson


    Godzilla is about right because there both mutated freaks
  18. As long as our football club is under M J A Holdings or whatever the f*** its called, we have every right to look at what he does with 'his' money. IT IS NOT OUR FOOTBALL CLUB (yes i was shouting) Mike Ahsley ownes the club lock stock and barrell, where just paying supporters. It's been like that for a fair few years now. We have no right to comment on anything Ashley does with his money or time. Like it or not that the facts.
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