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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. yep It just beggars belief the whole pre season has been a disaster. Never mind eh only a game :/
  2. Hudson

    Sports Direct

    You just made that up.
  3. Only if he wants to sell it
  4. Hudson

    Alan Smith

    OMG, totally beggars belief that statement.
  5. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Nothing that a top class striker wouldn't fix! and an attacking midfielder A cover for left back too and a centre defender And a right back. Can we have a score board as well
  6. Glad I'm not the only one that got irate at that. The mother is just as bad for pushing the kid in the direction of the pitch, then cheering him. You could see the kid was scared !!!
  7. That fucking tit at 9 seconds draggin his 2 or 3 year old onto the pitch, cunt wants shooting.
  8. I don't get why people are so down on this charity match. It's a great chance to see some great players, have a good day out and do something for charity at the same time. WTF where you expecting ?
  9. Fair enough, the guy has suffered enough for his sin. Ain't Karma great
  10. Can we get some of that willy wonka wallpaper that tastes like snooz berrys ? or taste like Ashleys rim. How do you know what that tastes like ? and is it better than snooz berrys ?
  11. Can we get some of that willy wonka wallpaper that tastes like snooz berrys ?
  12. Indeed. Details will be on our site at 6pm. We've been embargoed too!!! So is it any good this news Yes or No It will be good for fans, but in no way related to current goings on at SJP. Can't go into any more details otherwise I'll be lynched sorry. Cheers for letting me know that i have some good news coming a 3pm
  13. Indeed. Details will be on our site at 6pm. We've been embargoed too!!! So is it any good this news Yes or No
  14. Hudson

    We're Doomed

    Got a link by any chance
  15. They have just had a 20m offer for downing accepted !!!!!!!!!!
  16. Who the feck planned the travel arrangements for this trip FFS Most people know that it's difficult to get into the USA with a criminal record, where the last case was 5 years ago or less
  17. aye we've set the transfer window alight Aye but that new bore hole, will pay divends in the future
  18. I'm implying that we won't get N'Zogbia because we won't pay the required fee/wages and someone else, probably Villa will. In a similar vein I'm now doubtful whether we'll sign another striker for the reasons already explained in the previous post. Of course the club could always blow both theories out of the water by signing either/or in which case I'll gladly accept I jumped the gun. Yeah but will you drink your own piss, if your wrong
  19. See what you done there
  20. Did they get that info by bugging the clubs phones
  21. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/sport/sport-headlines/liverpool-to-experiment-with-0%1111%110-formation-201107074046/ Clarke said: "Before Sammy Lee was wheeled out following his nervous breakdown, the one bit of advice he gave me was not to let Kenny go scouting for players driving anything bigger than a scooter because you've got no idea what he'll come home with.
  22. Hey at least we now know where the carroll money might go
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