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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. 7 We used to have a player like that
  2. Come on and wake up FFS, the majority new this sort of thing would happen. The owner of this club, runs all his business empire on buy cheap sell high. Why would he run it any other way at NUFC ?
  3. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Who said we want a top 6 place, Ashley/Lambsarse have already said it's top 10 they want
  4. Your right we need 9 more players to make a team
  5. Strange that, cause according to local NW radio Connor Wickham has opted to is signed for Sunderland and won't join Liverpool
  6. So what's the nearest airport to Aston Villa ?
  7. Whats odd about it, he gets paid x amount until the end of this contract. Then new contract start with different wage. Common practice in blue collar jobs
  8. I live in Liverpool as well and can back this statement up, the whole city is a disgrace as well as the majority if it's people. There all self serving hard cunts ya kna
  9. Thats's as a result of the whole upsetting the apple cart thing, most of them gutless and ineffective players are still in the first team !! Liked that did you
  10. Thats's as a result of the whole upsetting the apple cart thing, most of them gutless and ineffective players are still in the first team !!
  11. Remeber that 11 footballers on the pitch in the religation season ? Thats's what an upset apple cart looks like. Anway i'm sure he'll end up here for the start of the season.
  12. I always remeber Zog's end product to be as equally as bad as Jonas when he was here. Twice the attacking player ? come off it man. I can only assume you've not watched the lad for a couple of years. I've got a life why would i want to watch Wigan I'm not saying there has been no improvemnt because as he pritty much kept wigan up. The guys still the same idiot with a mouth bigger than his brain.
  13. Give me a better player any day over that sentimental crap tbh It's the sentimental crap as you put it, that has shaped this club into what it is. And it's signing better players that will only take us up to the next level. Very true, and that's what we did when Jonas replaced duff. But is the zog a better player overall than Jonas ? and can he bring the next level required to improve on Jonas. Over the last 2 seasons Jonas has been instrumental to the promotion and good a season back in the prem. His pace and attacking play have been great. He also has won us a ton of free kicks. Yes his end product is rubbish. Zog on his day is fantastic, but i know first had from a wigan season ticket holder that his attitude has changed very little and has been doing the same with Wigan that he did with us (always making noise to the press). Is he a 12m improvemnt on Jonas ? personally i don't think he is He's got much more end product but despite all the talk he's improved at Wigan I still see the same player. Fantastic ability but not so much a team player. I don't think anyone will pay £12m for a player in the final year of his contract, there'll probably be a compromise. No doubt it will be around the 6-8m million mark People have forgotten how happy most where when we got 6m for him 2 seasons ago. He's still the same person but with better end product, the first 11 is a very good TEAM of players people like n,zogbia upset the apple cart.
  14. I always remeber Zog's end product to be as equally as bad as Jonas when he was here. Twice the attacking player ? come off it man.
  15. Give me a better player any day over that sentimental crap tbh It's the sentimental crap as you put it, that has shaped this club into what it is. And it's signing better players that will only take us up to the next level. Very true, and that's what we did when Jonas replaced duff. But is the zog a better player overall than Jonas ? and can he bring the next level required to improve on Jonas. Over the last 2 seasons Jonas has been instrumental to the promotion and good a season back in the prem. His pace and attacking play have been great. He also has won us a ton of free kicks. Yes his end product is rubbish. Zog on his day is fantastic, but i know first had from a wigan season ticket holder that his attitude has changed very little and has been doing the same with Wigan that he did with us (always making noise to the press). Is he a 12m improvemnt on Jonas ? personally i don't think he is
  16. Give me a better player any day over that sentimental crap tbh It's the sentimental crap as you put it, that has shaped this club into what it is.
  17. Start one then, se how long before it's all over twitter
  18. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    The problem is as good as Joey has been for us this season (I'd like him to stay for at least squad depth) you just know he's one step away from doing something stupid again.. I can see why our owner doesn't want to take the risk with him.. especially as he's not young. The lad as hardly put a foot wrong in over 2 years. Where as tiote has made a load of poorly timed tackles and nowt is said. Joey has changed just accept it and stop waiting for him to screw up Punching players in the stomach doesn't help his case. Thats sort of stuff is a part of football, happens the world over. Everybody has a breaking point and some people know how to get you there. The reason barton is labelled a thug is the off field stuff. The part of his life is over.
  19. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    There is a load of trach being spoken in here today, how the hell did you know he had a agenda. where you spiderman senses tingling ?
  20. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    The problem is as good as Joey has been for us this season (I'd like him to stay for at least squad depth) you just know he's one step away from doing something stupid again.. I can see why our owner doesn't want to take the risk with him.. especially as he's not young. The lad as hardly put a foot wrong in over 2 years. Where as tiote has made a load of poorly timed tackles and nowt is said. Joey has changed just accept it and stop waiting for him to screw up
  21. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    It's strange how every time us fans get attached to a player or manager, Ashley decides to get shot of them
  22. From Gateshead and has scored more goals than Andy Carroll in the Championship. A new local hero, makes perfect sense
  23. Hudson

    Joey Barton

    Got a boyfriend by any chance ?
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