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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    That part of a sentence sums ashley up, No idea and totally out of touch with the fan base.
  2. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Lets set a honey trap for him with carrols missus, should be fun to watch
  3. Hudson

    Alan Pardew

    Click Here I've no idea if it's true or not, but FFS it wouldn't surprise me Love this snippet His CV suffered at Charlton Athletic when they were relegated from the Premier League under his watch in 2007. However, he did an impressive job at League Two club Southampton before being sacked earlier this season in bizarre circumstances two days after a 4-0 win.
  4. Hudson


    Your back again, got anything to say ?
  5. Yeah it will take a while for people to stop going to the match at all, eventually the gates will be like mborro but if thats what it takes then so be it.
  6. +1 for truth. That could take years though, are we as fans will to ride this out.
  7. Then what ? banned from the stadium for life for violent conduct, sounds like a great plan. Just stop going much easier and will have way more effect tbh
  8. Spot on, If HIS Business starts to lose even more money then so be it. Eventually the business will be so devalued he may just sell up, I'm ready and willing to wait as long as it takes for this to happen. I cannot and will not spend anymore of my hard earned cash on Ashleys business.
  9. I've started feeling that myself of late, everything that becomes popular opinion on here soon gets tried by Hughton.. Coincidence? Test the theory and pick a striker for January
  10. Hudson

    Steven Taylor

    I'll give you odds of 20 to 1 on the never happening tbh.
  11. Hudson

    Sports Direct

    I believe Stelling said on air he didn't intend to call it anything other than SJP. That half time tosser Justin Lockwood(?) and the stadium PA must have called it SJP about 50 times between them yesterday, never once mentioned the new title I noticed that when they announced the crowd figure he seemed to put massive emphasis on saying the official attendance at ST JAMES' PARK today is... I don't think anyone, including our ownership and even potential sponsors, thinks it will ever be known as anything other than SJP. It won't. It seems like a storm in a tea cup really and issues like what we're doing for a scouting network etc concern me much more. If they'd had the savvy to say they were looking for a stadium sponsorship deal rather than use the stupid expression "renaming", it would hardly have been noticed. it doesn't help that whatever they say or do, short of spending 100mill on players, will be ripped into no matter how innocuous. (and no i'm not saying the stadium name/sponsorship is innocuous) Could spend 200 million on players and i would still rip the current owners to bit's, fact is they cannot be trusted period.
  12. At least they where trying to do something constructive rather then bitching on a forum Ive got better things to do that stand round a bunch of chavs trying to get in the press tbh What better than fighting to save your club Pissing in the wind, amigo. Much rather piss in the wind and get wet, than sit around bitching and dismissing anybody who wants to try. What happend to this country, we used to always have the stomach for a fight, now we just huff and say what can i do to change things. Oh I agree with you. My comment was directed at who you were questioning - Ashley apologist. It's amazing that people are still just sitting back and letting this goon, steam roller them. The good thing about today was it's just the start, and what a start. The eyes of the media are well and truly on to us after today. Eventually even the apologist will get caught up as this whole protest builds and builds.
  13. At least they where trying to do something constructive rather then bitching on a forum Ive got better things to do that stand round a bunch of chavs trying to get in the press tbh What better than fighting to save your club Pissing in the wind, amigo. Much rather piss in the wind and get wet, than sit around bitching and dismissing anybody who wants to try. What happend to this country, we used to always have the stomach for a fight, now we just huff and say what can i do to change things.
  14. I'm sure if we continue this at every home game, then things will kind of start to snowball more people will start to sing and the press will run with it. I think the songs need to be cleaned up so the TV can run with the story as well.
  15. At least they where trying to do something constructive rather then bitching on a forum Ive got better things to do that stand round a bunch of chavs trying to get in the press tbh What better than fighting to save your club
  16. At least they where trying to do something constructive rather then bitching on a forum
  17. Rubbish. All of it, but then you booed at consecutive top 5 finishes so it's hardly a surprise you don't have a clue. Come on every could see it would end badly with Keegan's return. We just didn't see it ending this badly
  18. Hudson

    George Caulkin

    Guilty of that question.
  19. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    spill the beans then At the risk of sounding like a journalist, I understand a deal/compromise has been reached to allow the sale of the club Yeah np Lee,
  20. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Any fuckers horse will do at this stage tbh, it's getting pritty desprate around here at the moment
  21. Do you honestly believe that stopping away from the matches and club shops will have no effect ? These days Clubs are a business and like any business if the customers stay away then business suffers, How long do you think it will take Ashley to either sell or possibly look at administration if the club is crippling him finacially ? I don't buy the we can do nothing stance, We as fans, as a collective can do anything we want.
  22. How do you propose persuading the nation to do this? Derren Brown might help, get him to put Ashley under mind control forcing him to sell the club for a £1 as a going concern.
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