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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Since when has Moat not had the money to buy the club, I was under the impresion that he was struggling to assure Barclays about the overfraft ? Anyway that's all beside the point. I would much rather spend the rest of my living life in the second div/coca cola league that have that arse Ashley and Co running and owning us. For god's sake the guy is a grade a pratt, Has lied to us the fans, the press (no big deal) and attempted to undermine a manager dragged the club through the courts, appointed JKF as manager, gave his mate the chairmans job, possibly the worst chairman ever in the history of his club, let the club slip down a league, He will not invest in the club on the playing side and i'm sure he will continue to drive cost down how ever he can. Just my 2p worth
  2. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    No because you never say anything
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