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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Sources close to Ashley said that even if he were willing to drop his asking price, a bidder would still need £100 million in order to invest enough to ensure Newcastle’s promotion to the Barclays Premier League next year. It's only a day ago since Barclays where happy with Moat, now he needs £100m to get promotion. I'M SORRY BUT THIS STORY IS TOTAL TOSH, It has been released by Ashley and his PR department to get Moat to up his price. Also this kinda poopoo's Sillious story's. If there was £100m in a bank from GS and crew why leak this story and not the GS story ?
  2. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    For the love of god, please say something rather than bloddy riddles and noncommittal statements. Thats all thanks.
  3. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    I think we will find out by the end of the week If not then
  4. I realise that, though votes aren't reliable. When I say the "majority" of posters agree with you, I mean the people who actually have a respectable opinion agree with you. A large proportion of the people who are voting are idiots or vote for the most desireable option. Personally, I'd rather have someone with billions. I might have had another view a year ago. I'm getting bored with the whole situation. I'm also getting a little tired of the way football is heading as I've posted about before, so a cash injection would make things a lot more uncertain, but a lot more exciting. When you say you are tired of the way football is heading, do you mean with clubs just spending silly money and having little or no morals or respect for the history of the game, the fans etc? In which case, why do you want us to be part of that? Digressing a bit here. I have no issue with any of the clubs who have money and are spending it on every player they could possibly attract, I would like to see us in that position. The problem lies is how it effects everybody else, it's detremental to their success. How would you feel to be an Everton fan? You've spent the duration of David Moyes' tenure waiting for progression and you've witnessed the club grow to a team that competes for the Europa League positions every single season. You are hoping you could have the possibility to try and challenge the Champions Leagues spots, then Manchester City come along within 12 months and buy probably your biggest asset, where do you go from there? You find another. Don't forget they bought Lescott from Wolves by taking advantage of their status and extra revenue. Not everyone can have a sugar-daddy (and if they did then nothing would have changed) so you have to accept that building is all you can do. Sounds ridiculous to say it in the context of football but it's not always about winning. Right now I'd love to be a mid-table Premier League team, with the possibility of pushing on a bit further and playing in Europe. Alright winning the league might be miles off but if you take that attitude towards the league (that without winning there's no point competing) then we might as well close all the clubs down and just have those with £1bn having their own mini-league. And even if we did have a ridiculous billionaire, there are only so many prizes. Chelsea for all they've spent can't win the Champions League. Arsenal haven't won anything in years yet I still adore their brand of football. Liverpool can't seem to get the league but they've won a few cups including that amazing Champions League win. All I want for now is for this club to punch its weight. That means getting us back in the Premier League and staying there. If Moat f***s off in three years time having left us mid-table and with a bunch of cash in his back pocket I won't begrudge him that. Thats a top drawer view of how i want things to be.
  5. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    e.g.? Avram Grant? Martin Yol Top draw spelling that one
  6. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    e.g.? Avram Grant? Martin Yol
  7. Good post that, we don't really know what the new owners financial strength is atm, until we do is crossed fingers time.
  8. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Your only allowed one wish a year, and that has been used to get rid of Ashley
  9. Yeah like they know what there talking about MAD BELIEF: Newcastle were relegated under Alan Shearer Tuesday October 6,2009 By Mick Dennis Have your say(1) BARRY Moat, the mug (sorry, the businessman and fan) trying to buy Newcastle United, hopes to step up negotiations in the next week. The resolution of the dispute with Kevin Keegan – the former manager wanted £27 million but the club were ordered to pay him only £2m – has removed the uncertainty hindering talks. It will be £30m by the end of the month
  10. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Don't disagree with you at all, but to be fair the point im trying to get across is the fact that there is other options, not just Shearer. Anyway if Moat does buy us then it's a given that Shearer will get the job.
  11. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    To much say in the dressing room during bobbys tenure, if you believe rumour. Which i think we all agree was the begining of the end. That's exactly what it is though - a rumour. And I'd also expect the club captain as having plenty say in the dressing room. Surely it's his job?! What is it with some people who support this football club? They choose to attack the very people that have done so much for it in the past - Keegan, Shearer and Sir Bobby to name three. Utterly bizarre. How is my opnion on moving forward an attack the 3 most important people on the last 15+ years in the clubs history. People need to stop the Shearer loving, he has show nothing to suggest he will be a good manager. Kestabia would be a better option due to his managment track record. We need somebody that can get us promoted, and stabalise the club is Shearer the man for that Job ?
  12. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    To much say in the dressing room during bobbys tenure, if you believe rumour. Which i think we all agree was the begining of the end.
  13. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Why not proven a manager rather than Shearer, we really need to move on from the past, and Shearer like it or not is historically part of this clubs problems.
  14. Hudson


    Makes no odds now anyway he's long gone. His job wasn't to tell the absolute truth and answer any question he was asked fully and frankly, no chairman of a big company would do that. Plus he was a Solicitor thay never tell the truth
  15. Am with you and Dave here. Count me in to, we just cannot compete with the oil money. Short term it would be great to have that investment. Long term is another problem. Just look at where it has gotten Chelsea
  16. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Yeah i did mean on future player recruitment, the £250m he paid for the club was slighlty over valued tbh
  17. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    This worries me. How will he fund the day to day running of the club, and how much would we have to invest in new players? I couldnt give a flying how much money he has to spend as long as he runs the club correctly, Ashley has a lot more money than were lead to believe Moat has, but how much has he spent on transfers ? Get a grip we need shot of Ashley asap, the guy is a lying bafoon of the highest possible order. When Sir John sold to Ashley we jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. We all hated Fat Fred. I want rid of Ashley as much as anyone, but I don't want the club dragged into further s****. We all is a rather sweeping statement, Anyway we all hated Fred for very diffrent reasons, to the pure discontempt we hold for Ashley. Surely if Moat and crew have satisfied Barclays to continue the overdraft then there must be money there somewhere. Moat invest as little as £10m in Jan on the midfield/attack then promotion is very possible. As it stands Ashley is just assest stripping the club with no investment at all, I'm sure if he stay he will continue to do so
  18. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    This worries me. How will he fund the day to day running of the club, and how much would we have to invest in new players? I couldnt give a flying how much money he has to spend as long as he runs the club correctly, Ashley has a lot more money than were lead to believe Moat has, but how much has he spent on transfers ? Get a grip we need shot of Ashley asap, the guy is a lying bafoon of the highest possible order.
  19. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Now I am not for one minute suggesting the old board were anywhere near as bad as Ashley (they clearly weren't) but I seem to remember lists of reasons why "fat fred had to go" and obviously this billionaire fella was going to have us back challenging for Europe. I don't know all the ins and outs but the one constant I have read is Mort trying to get enough investment to take the club over which is what causes my worry. What if he does take over and we don't get promoted, will he be able to afford us running at a loss for another season, will he be able to keep the players and reinvest to push for promotion again next season? He might well be able to do all these things, these are just my concerns. I want Ashley and his mob out as soon as is possible, but only if its going to be an improvement. For all fat freds faults and there was plenty of them, he tried a lot harder to achieve something with the club than ashley ever will (alot of the current money problems are his fault). We can only hope that Mort and his backers do have a sound plan to run the club, rather than ashleys jobs for the boys method. Like has been stated already if we get taken over before January and a small investment is made by Mort's lot then the money we make from the prem status will help us progress and stablise. If we get promoted under ashley can you see any investment coming from him, or will he use the money to remove the debts and hope for prem survival ? Anyway this is all based on a huge assumption that mort will be the new owner. I have no faith in Ashley doing anything to take this club forward, I am just worried about someone else taking over who doesn't have the resources to take us forward (and maybe even slip further back) if we don't make it up this season. This is all assumptions based on what I have read in the papers but then a forum would be a bit quiet without the occasional discussion from an assumption. My fear is Mort as a fan is thinking with his heart instead of his head and gambling on us going up first time without a real "plan" on what to do if we don't. Cannot disagree with any of that, but at this point in time i personally (not that we as fans get much say) would risk Moat ( ) over a future thats as bleak as i can remeber in my years as a fan. Not too sure many would turn Shearer down as manager and he's a fan, and can we afford to snub Moat because he's a fan ? Don't think anyone's saying being a fan should preclude him from buying the club, what people are saying is that they are worried about whether or not he's got the financial (or otherwise) ability to run the club after having bought it. Just look at Portsmouth for what can happen if someone can afford to buy a club, but not run it afterwards. Do we want that to happen? Obviously not, and I'm not saying that's what would happen if Moat takes over, but it is a legitimate concern for people to have about him. Major difference between us an Pompey is income I'm guessing the point you're trying to make is that we usually have a higher income than Pompey and therefore everything's going to be just fine, well none of us have the slightest idea if it is or not. So simply saying that we have a higher income than them is neither here nor there really. It's much more complicated than that. If he took over and we failed to get promoted then and only them would it be of any concern. There's little comparison between us and Portsmouth (as Premiership sides) financially and even Portsmouth have only been left in the position they are because of extremely poor management at all levels. I'll say it again, if you're going to be worried about anything with Moat then be worried about his total lack of experience in running a Football club, not how much money he has which is of little concern as long as he runs the club well. Possible reason for Fat Fred's silence, and the invisible Americans
  20. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Ahhhh, that clears that one up Because that's the maximum length of time for a loan made outside the transfer window?
  21. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Dear god that thought of doing a portsmouth sends shudders down my spine, but remeber that it's Barclays and not Ashley thats keeping this club going via the overdraft. If Barclays pulled the plug then we are shafted tbh cause i cannot see ashley put anymore cahs in. There's a few things that stand out for me currently 1) 3 month loan deals, why not longer. 2) Shepards silence. 3) Americans with Moat hiding in the background why ?
  22. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Now I am not for one minute suggesting the old board were anywhere near as bad as Ashley (they clearly weren't) but I seem to remember lists of reasons why "fat fred had to go" and obviously this billionaire fella was going to have us back challenging for Europe. I don't know all the ins and outs but the one constant I have read is Mort trying to get enough investment to take the club over which is what causes my worry. What if he does take over and we don't get promoted, will he be able to afford us running at a loss for another season, will he be able to keep the players and reinvest to push for promotion again next season? He might well be able to do all these things, these are just my concerns. I want Ashley and his mob out as soon as is possible, but only if its going to be an improvement. For all fat freds faults and there was plenty of them, he tried a lot harder to achieve something with the club than ashley ever will (alot of the current money problems are his fault). We can only hope that Mort and his backers do have a sound plan to run the club, rather than ashleys jobs for the boys method. Like has been stated already if we get taken over before January and a small investment is made by Mort's lot then the money we make from the prem status will help us progress and stablise. If we get promoted under ashley can you see any investment coming from him, or will he use the money to remove the debts and hope for prem survival ? Anyway this is all based on a huge assumption that mort will be the new owner. I have no faith in Ashley doing anything to take this club forward, I am just worried about someone else taking over who doesn't have the resources to take us forward (and maybe even slip further back) if we don't make it up this season. This is all assumptions based on what I have read in the papers but then a forum would be a bit quiet without the occasional discussion from an assumption. My fear is Mort as a fan is thinking with his heart instead of his head and gambling on us going up first time without a real "plan" on what to do if we don't. Cannot disagree with any of that, but at this point in time i personally (not that we as fans get much say) would risk Moat ( ) over a future thats as bleak as i can remeber in my years as a fan. Not too sure many would turn Shearer down as manager and he's a fan, and can we afford to snub Moat because he's a fan ?
  23. Hudson

    RIP sale thread.

    Now I am not for one minute suggesting the old board were anywhere near as bad as Ashley (they clearly weren't) but I seem to remember lists of reasons why "fat fred had to go" and obviously this billionaire fella was going to have us back challenging for Europe. I don't know all the ins and outs but the one constant I have read is Mort trying to get enough investment to take the club over which is what causes my worry. What if he does take over and we don't get promoted, will he be able to afford us running at a loss for another season, will he be able to keep the players and reinvest to push for promotion again next season? He might well be able to do all these things, these are just my concerns. I want Ashley and his mob out as soon as is possible, but only if its going to be an improvement. For all fat freds faults and there was plenty of them, he tried a lot harder to achieve something with the club than ashley ever will (alot of the current money problems are his fault). We can only hope that Mort and his backers do have a sound plan to run the club, rather than ashleys jobs for the boys method. Like has been stated already if we get taken over before January and a small investment is made by Mort's lot then the money we make from the prem status will help us progress and stablise. If we get promoted under ashley can you see any investment coming from him, or will he use the money to remove the debts and hope for prem survival ? Anyway this is all based on a huge assumption that mort will be the new owner.
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