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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. People need to get a grip and enjoy the ride to the top table, what is happening now is part of it.
  2. He’s the same in most game threads, whaling on Howe with no real justification or understanding for the situation the squad has faced. N
  3. Nothing because we would still be out on gd. Im talking rubbish we, would be in the europa with 7 points
  4. Don’t be daft, the crowd were fantastic. It just hurts even more so moods drop. Suggest getting to games next season and helping the team.
  5. Injured when he get the knee in the back
  6. Thought this ref was supposed to be good !!!!!
  7. Urghh didn’t touch him, he pulled out
  8. Let’s not loose sight of how far we have come in 2 fucking years. I’m PROUD of you NUFC
  9. Think that’s the natural trajectory for most threads these days.
  10. Chuck in the Mental draws, the Tonali ban and the never ending injury list.
  11. We already knew that. It’s why he was replaced fairly sharply
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