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Posts posted by ShearMagic

  1. I won't be taking much notice in the Prem next season.


    How anyone could contemplate supporting a club in the Premiership is beyond me.


    Newcastle for life, regardless of what divison they're in. There simply wont be another team for me.

  2. so people are blaming Dowie before Shearer  :nope:


    clearly neither are truly to blame, but of course anything to insulate Shearer from criticism, abosolutely pathetic.


    i was one of the few who wasnt completely delighted by shearer coming in actually. less so about dowie being an advisor.




    he's an assistant, not his job to pick the team, choose the tactics or motivate the players


    you dont think he helps? he wont have the final say but shearer clearly trusts his advice.




    “I have spent long hours in the office with Alan analysing videos, talking tactics — all to get that extra 1 per cent which will push us over the edge."


    he makes suggestions, course he does. But the buck stops with Big Al for the tactics.


    You honestly believe that?


    To be honest, I think Dowie would have been managing the team more than Shearer.

  3. Our recruitment policy should focus on youth.

    our recruitment policy should focus on the right players.

    What was made painfully aware Sunday was the lack of fitness and youth in the team, Villa could have gone on for another 10 minutes our lot looked like they were running on empty.

    fitness has little to do with youth.


    They're actually linked tbf.


    You lose natural fitness with age, that's a fact of life.

  4. :lol:


    Do the media ever watch Enrique play?


    He was one of our best players this season, and whilst it doesn't really say much, that £6m too much line is a joke.

  5. No direct quotes from Lovenkrands.


    Agent bollocks.

    Then we should still fuck him off.

    Its up to Lovenkrands to sort his agent out if its not in line with what he is thinking. Shearer needs to show that he wont be fucked around by players nor their agents


    Agents do what they like, they just want the money.


    But of course he's going to want to play in the top division, all players do.

  6. I'd be very surprised if they didn't have clauses in their contract.


    Even clubs like Villa/Everton would make sure they included it.


    Although it is Newcastle....

  7. Someone mentioned it earlier but most of the results since Shearer took over went our way and the players blew it. It was sad watching yesterday, no heart IMO.


    Hopefully a massive clear out will happen and we get in some hungary players, players that seem bothered about playing for the club.


    Its horrible that we are down but we got chance to rebuild this club and get back a stable base.


    Well we've already got one!


    Tamas Kadar.

  8. A fucking legend, a hero of our time and a man who is a fucking billion times bigger and better than the useless cunts running and playing at our club. I was too young during the Keegan days to get a real grasp of football and what he meant, so although I know he is a legend, he isnt a real hero of mine, but Shearer is that man. I idolise him and any Newcastle fan worth their salt should too. I know most people wouldnt dare, but should anyone think less of Shearer in these dark times after what happened, remind yourself of what he has done at this club.




    Ive had a few, so sorry if im over emotional, but its been killing me since I saw his interview.


    :clap:  :clap:  :clap:


    Spoke from nothing but the heart in his interview.


    I haven't shed any tears about going down, but watching his interview I did.

  9. Duff was pretty devastated and he was one of the few trying (and has been for ages).  He may be overpaid and lacking the talent he had, but I don't doubt his heart.


    Yep. He's one of the few that actually cares.


    Taylor/Duff/Butt are probably the only three that actually really cared.


    All of the others probably wanted to go down so they can get out of the club easily.

  10. Nicky Butt was the only person who came anywhere near us as the away fans today. Not one of the other fuckers came anywhere near to apologise. Even Steven Taylor didn't get within 50 yards. Absolute piss take, infuriated me more than the match.


    Taylor was too busy on the ground crying.


    At least we found out who actually gave a shit about the club today.

  11. i feel worst for the overseas fans, they're well and truly f***ed now. i imagine our global fan base will shrink by a sizeable amount, maybe by a third, and it'll take some over-achievement akin to the Robson years to ever recover our global standing. you did a great job cutting costs mike, also managed to slash our income too, nice one.


    When I think about it, I really don't care if there are gloryseekers who support us. I don't care when and why people start supporting us. They're supporters, so we've all got that in common. Who cares if they started supporting us when we were good?


    However, on another level, I'll be glad that those people who support us and watch football because all their mates do, will stop. I'm sure this forum will lose a few members and it might be for the better. St James' will lose a few people but I bet those who go are those who care. Who knows, with the prices bound to drop, we might get some real fans in. We might get some noise. It won't be fashionable to watch and support us anymore. Anyone who does it from today will do it because they care.


    yes, it'll be great when our commercial income plummets.


    it is not just about fans deserting, you have to think about fans as a fluid entity, some leaving for various reasons (losing interest, dying, moving away, not having access to the club on the telly etc) and others being added for various reasons. next season because we're not in the premiership we will add close to zero new fans and lose a huge amount.


    It's really quite simple, in the eyes of foreigners, Newcastle was a big club until 30 minutes ago. Now it's on par with the Sunderlands, West Broms, and Wolves.


    Of course there are people like those who post on these forums, who will follow the club no matter what despite their geographical displacement.


    But for a lot of people relegation to the Championship means they'll simply lose interest in the club, and while you may deride them as fair-weather supporters, they make a valuable contribution to the club's commercial income, as well as raising the club's global profile.


    Unless the club acts quickly to keep overseas supporters on board, I expect that there will be a huge dropoff. I'm one of the administrators on the Korean Newcastle Supporters Club and I wouldn't be surprised if we lose half our membership within the next year. If we stay in the Championship for more than a year, our site might just cease to exist.


    tbh i can understand it, they dont have it in their blood and all their mates prolly support Man Utd so what is the point supporting a club they can reasonably never watch? maybe if we come back up they'd return but not until then. im not deriding them for it, going to be tough for them, maybe they'll swear to stick around, but over the months theyll find themselves watching arsenal, acquiring a soft spot for them, and interest in us slowly slips away.

    f*** them


    you can say that, but summed up it basically means our status as a side goes down.


    Less chance of decent players wanting to join us in the future.

    We become less likely to be a good football team anytime in the future.

    It affects all of us.


    Decent players like Michael Owen you mean?


    We're going to be the biggest club in the Championship, that isn't cocky or anything, that's a very obvious fact.


    This means that we'll be able to attact the best quality Championship players to the club. Should be back up in no time, with players that actually want to play for the club.


    The only way we're going to become the next Leeds is if we refuse to spend any money at all.


    which is very possible with ashley in charge.


    No way of knowing we'll defo be straight back up, a lot havent.


    Our side will be broken up, a lot of new players will have to gel together. Its not simple.


    Regardless even if we did get back up straight away, we wouldnt be able to get the players we could have got if we'd stayed up today.

    Its going to take time, not being negative thats just reality.


    Ashley isn't stupid. He's made plenty of mistakes, but why would he want to run his business venture all teh way to League 1? Come off it.


    The next few weeks are going to be very important as to whether we'll be straight back up. If Shearer stays, I'd be very confident that we will be.

  12. i feel worst for the overseas fans, they're well and truly f***ed now. i imagine our global fan base will shrink by a sizeable amount, maybe by a third, and it'll take some over-achievement akin to the Robson years to ever recover our global standing. you did a great job cutting costs mike, also managed to slash our income too, nice one.


    When I think about it, I really don't care if there are gloryseekers who support us. I don't care when and why people start supporting us. They're supporters, so we've all got that in common. Who cares if they started supporting us when we were good?


    However, on another level, I'll be glad that those people who support us and watch football because all their mates do, will stop. I'm sure this forum will lose a few members and it might be for the better. St James' will lose a few people but I bet those who go are those who care. Who knows, with the prices bound to drop, we might get some real fans in. We might get some noise. It won't be fashionable to watch and support us anymore. Anyone who does it from today will do it because they care.


    yes, it'll be great when our commercial income plummets.


    it is not just about fans deserting, you have to think about fans as a fluid entity, some leaving for various reasons (losing interest, dying, moving away, not having access to the club on the telly etc) and others being added for various reasons. next season because we're not in the premiership we will add close to zero new fans and lose a huge amount.


    It's really quite simple, in the eyes of foreigners, Newcastle was a big club until 30 minutes ago. Now it's on par with the Sunderlands, West Broms, and Wolves.


    Of course there are people like those who post on these forums, who will follow the club no matter what despite their geographical displacement.


    But for a lot of people relegation to the Championship means they'll simply lose interest in the club, and while you may deride them as fair-weather supporters, they make a valuable contribution to the club's commercial income, as well as raising the club's global profile.


    Unless the club acts quickly to keep overseas supporters on board, I expect that there will be a huge dropoff. I'm one of the administrators on the Korean Newcastle Supporters Club and I wouldn't be surprised if we lose half our membership within the next year. If we stay in the Championship for more than a year, our site might just cease to exist.


    tbh i can understand it, they dont have it in their blood and all their mates prolly support Man Utd so what is the point supporting a club they can reasonably never watch? maybe if we come back up they'd return but not until then. im not deriding them for it, going to be tough for them, maybe they'll swear to stick around, but over the months theyll find themselves watching arsenal, acquiring a soft spot for them, and interest in us slowly slips away.

    f*** them


    you can say that, but summed up it basically means our status as a side goes down.


    Less chance of decent players wanting to join us in the future.

    We become less likely to be a good football team anytime in the future.

    It affects all of us.


    Decent players like Michael Owen you mean?


    We're going to be the biggest club in the Championship, that isn't cocky or anything, that's a very obvious fact.


    This means that we'll be able to attact the best quality Championship players to the club. Should be back up in no time, with players that actually want to play for the club.


    The only way we're going to become the next Leeds is if we refuse to spend any money at all.

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