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Posts posted by ShearMagic

  1. We beat Villa, Hull Lose - Up

    We beat Villa, Hull Draw - Up

    We beat Villa, Hull Win - Down

    We draw Villa, Hull Lose - Up

    We draw Villa, Hull Draw - Down

    We draw Villa, Hull Win - Down

    We lose Villa, Hull lose - Down

    We lose Villa, Hull draw - Down

    We lose Villa, Hull Win - Down


    Looks bad, but there is a chance. We aren't down yet.


    You're forgetting Sunderland.


    If they don't beat Portsmouth on Monday, and they lose to Chelsea, if we win and Hull win, they go down.

  2. Might be worth-while seeing if he'll accept a month-to-month contract.


    He's not likely to get offered anything better at this stage, when he's done with us he's pretty likely to move back to Australia to play in the A-League.

  3. How many chances has he had?


    And he's blown every single one.


    Whether or not it was a red card is irrelevant, there was no need for him to go in and attempt a tackle like that, absolutely none.


    He's scum. That wont change.

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