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Posts posted by ShearMagic

  1. I guess Alan Shearer is kneejerking too.


    In short, yes. He's probably not even seen the tackle in replay yet.


    What was Barton apologising for then? The ref's mistake?



    The tackle was unnecessary, and I can understand the ref giving a red from the position he was standing in, only seeing the back of the challenge. It was still not a red card challenge though from watching the replays, which is why I'm this annoyed with people saying it was when it quite frankly, wasn't.


    Pretty much how I saw it mate.

  2. It's already been mentioned, but he's generally pretty cool on the ball, which leads me to believe that in a winning team he'd be a decent defender.


    However, we're not a winning team, and we're constantly under pressure, which catches out his lack of pace/positional sense.


    If he played for Man Utd/Arsenal/Liverpool/Chelsea, he'd be a very good player, because their defence is hardly under pressure.


    i'd imagine duff would be up there


    Maybe i should have clarified: over the last two seasons, not the last game played.


    He'd still be up there.


    Have a go at Duff for being s*** all you want, but he puts the effort in, something a lot of our other players need to do.


    There's far better players than Duff in the side, but none of them have the heart he does. Well, not many of them.


    He's a winger, he's supposed to produce in the final third. His best perfomances have come at left back, so yes I agree he puts the effort in.


    I disagree. It always appears that we miss Duff when he goes to left back or is just not playing. Out of the squad he is probably the last player I have any beef with.


    Anyway, that's besides the point. I always think Enrique covers alot of ground.


    Erm Duff is largely shit. He doesn't score enough and most of the time he rarely looks a threat. Not the player he was 5 years ago... or the player Milner was last season.


    I'm pretty certain he earns much more than the likes of Ashley Young.


    Duff puts the effort in though, unlike nearly every other member of our team. At least he fights for the cause.


    He's not even that bad, you have a go at him for not delivering in the final third, but neither does Jonas, who is everyones lovechild.


    i'd imagine duff would be up there


    Maybe i should have clarified: over the last two seasons, not the last game played.


    He'd still be up there.


    Have a go at Duff for being shit all you want, but he puts the effort in, something a lot of our other players need to do.


    There's far better players than Duff in the side, but none of them have the heart he does. Well, not many of them.

  5. Level with Boro with better goal difference, three points behind Hull with better goal difference. Beating Middlesbro alone might conceivably do it.


    That's what I'm hoping for.


    Realistically, we're going to pick up another 4 points maximum, that's a win against Boro and a draw against Fulham. We might manage to get a point off Villa on the last day, if they're not playing for anything.


    Problem then is, we need to rely on Boro and Hull not picking up anymore points for the rest of the season.

  6. We wont break them down.


    The only thing I'm concerned about is whether or not we can keep them scoreless and secure a point.


    f*** that s*** man, its 0-0 and we dominated the 1st half, lets go out and get the 3 points.


    Yeah, but we won't.


    I'm not saying sit back and defend the point, we have to keep playing how we're playing, and I don't think we've dominated.


    We've dominated possession, but what use is possession when you don't use the ball? We've had about 2 shots.


    We were creating lots of chances though, compared to Pompey who other than a few set pieces havent looked bothered.


    Lots of chances?


    Oba with the massive choke, Viduka with a header, Smith with a shot from outside the area?


    For the amount of the ball we've had, we haven't created anywhere near enough.


    Smith had 2 shots, Duff and Guthrie also had shots.


    From well outside the area.


    They're not clear cut. They'll go in 1/15 times or something like that.


    what you gaining from being negative about it ?


    The fact that Martins just missed an absolute sitter is more than enough evidence that we can get chances.


    While theyre defending deep, that leaves them open to conceding dodgy rebounds.


    I'm gaining nothing. I just don't have false hope.

  7. We wont break them down.


    The only thing I'm concerned about is whether or not we can keep them scoreless and secure a point.


    Fuck that shit man, its 0-0 and we dominated the 1st half, lets go out and get the 3 points.


    Yeah, but we won't.


    I'm not saying sit back and defend the point, we have to keep playing how we're playing, and I don't think we've dominated.


    We've dominated possession, but what use is possession when you don't use the ball? We've had about 2 shots.


    We were creating lots of chances though, compared to Pompey who other than a few set pieces havent looked bothered.


    Lots of chances?


    Oba with the massive choke, Viduka with a header, Smith with a shot from outside the area?


    For the amount of the ball we've had, we haven't created anywhere near enough.


    Smith had 2 shots, Duff and Guthrie also had shots.


    From well outside the area.


    They're not clear cut. They'll go in 1/15 times or something like that.

  8. We wont break them down.


    The only thing I'm concerned about is whether or not we can keep them scoreless and secure a point.


    Fuck that shit man, its 0-0 and we dominated the 1st half, lets go out and get the 3 points.


    Yeah, but we won't.


    I'm not saying sit back and defend the point, we have to keep playing how we're playing, and I don't think we've dominated.


    We've dominated possession, but what use is possession when you don't use the ball? We've had about 2 shots.


    We were creating lots of chances though, compared to Pompey who other than a few set pieces havent looked bothered.


    They're trying to slow the game right down at every opportunity, and try and catch us out. They'll take a point though.


    Exactly right.


    They've executed their plan perfectly to be honest.


    We don't beat them and they're pretty much safe, why do they need to go for the win?

  9. We wont break them down.


    The only thing I'm concerned about is whether or not we can keep them scoreless and secure a point.


    Fuck that shit man, its 0-0 and we dominated the 1st half, lets go out and get the 3 points.


    Yeah, but we won't.


    I'm not saying sit back and defend the point, we have to keep playing how we're playing, and I don't think we've dominated.


    We've dominated possession, but what use is possession when you don't use the ball? We've had about 2 shots.


    We were creating lots of chances though, compared to Pompey who other than a few set pieces havent looked bothered.


    Lots of chances?


    Oba with the massive choke, Viduka with a header, Smith with a shot from outside the area?


    For the amount of the ball we've had, we haven't created anywhere near enough.

  10. We wont break them down.


    The only thing I'm concerned about is whether or not we can keep them scoreless and secure a point.


    Fuck that shit man, its 0-0 and we dominated the 1st half, lets go out and get the 3 points.


    Yeah, but we won't.


    I'm not saying sit back and defend the point, we have to keep playing how we're playing, and I don't think we've dominated.


    We've dominated possession, but what use is possession when you don't use the ball? We've had about 2 shots.

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