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Everything posted by ShearMagic

  1. They're missing a few key players through injury. Corluka will probably have to play centrally with Dawson. If that happens, Oba will have a field day.
  2. Whre's the shit defence and great attack option? Then you probably wouldn't win many games either. They're equally as important as each other. I don't think you can say one is more important than the other really.
  3. I think it really depends what sort of team you are. My philosophy has always been - if you don't concede you can't lose. I mean, you'd hope that you would also score some goals, but at the end of the day I think if you make yourself solid at the back and hard to beat, that those goals will come and you'll win more games than you lose.
  4. He'll go to whoever offers him the most money. He's a great striker, but anyone who thinks he's not in it for the money is dreaming.
  5. His second half was the best I've ever seen him play for us.
  6. When we actually play properly and don't sit too deep after going in front, we hold onto leads relatively easily. Against Villa after we scored they never looked in it, and today after we scored it's the same. We've proven that we can hold onto leads extremely comfortably by playing possession football, so there's no reason for us to sit deep at all. The defence simply has to stay as is, it's been absolutely fantastic.
  7. Enrique was easily man of the match for mine. Defensively he was brilliant, and offensively he was brilliant. Definitely the best game he's played for the club. Hopefully no-one picks up any injuries during the week and we can play with the same starting XI against Spurs.
  8. Are people seriously suggesting that Nicky Butt shouldn't be offered a new deal? Have people seen our midfield options? I'd much rather Nicky Butt there than Cacapa. Fact of the matter is, we can't really afford to let anyone from our midfield go at the moment, because we have a horrible lack of depth.
  9. Would people be happy with a point from this game? Had we have beaten Stoke I definitely would have been, but we're going to draw our way to relegation if we keep getting points. I suppose a lot depends on the performance though.
  10. We're worse. The better team doesn't always win. What is this, nursery school? Well you said it's not beyond the realm of possibility for us to win. It is, because we couldn't even beat Stoke at home. I can't see us winning any time soon. It's not because we drew at Chelsea We didn't win though did we? And how we drew that is beyond me, if Chelsea could finish we would've got our usual humping.
  11. We're worse. The better team doesn't always win. What is this, nursery school? Well you said it's not beyond the realm of possibility for us to win. It is, because we couldn't even beat Stoke at home. I can't see us winning any time soon.
  12. I know Kinnear has the final say on all things, but surely he consults Hughton about substitutions as well? I know at the end of the day Hughton could've said no thats a fucking shit idea and Kinnear still went ahead with it, but do we think that's likely? Or would they both have agreed on it? Hughton is a very good coach, but even as an assistant manager I'm not all that confident in him these days, and he'll likely be on the touchline by himself for the next 3/4 games.
  13. Just words. He'll take us down, an eventuality that looked nailed on from the start and even moreso now. f*** all we can do either way. I don't think he'll take us down. There's still 22 games left in the season. and I expect at least 20 to be tougher propositions than Stoke at home What, you mean like Aston Villa at home? The thing is, the league is so close and unpredictable this year that anyone can beat anyone really. With the exception of the big 4 of course.
  14. Just words. He'll take us down, an eventuality that looked nailed on from the start and even moreso now. Fuck all we can do either way. I don't think he'll take us down. There's still 22 games left in the season.
  15. Alright, I've calmed down now so let's see what I can come up with that will actually make sense. Joe Kinnear - He's been out of the game for four years and is clearly looking out of it tactically. I'm not quite sure why he moved Beye to a position that he's never played before in his life. Clearly the obvious thing to do would be to bring Taylor on, and then just push Coloccini (who has experience in midfield) into a CDM role, maybe play with a sort of diamond formation with Jonas up top and Geremi and N'Zogbia on the wings. Anyway, there's a fuck load of possibilities that he had, and he took a fucking horrific one because he's clueless. Bringing Cacapa on for our only player who actually looked any good in the second half in Geremi was just the icing on the cake. But, I don't think the defensive minded approach was exactly what he wanted, because if you remember after the West Brom game he said we were too deep, so I don't think he would've made the same mistake twice. Anyway, for those saying 'sack him' and stuff like that. I don't think that's actually a realistic possibility at the moment. There's no-one on the market who would take the job for half a season, so at the moment we're stuck with Kinnear whether you like it or not. So, instead of constantly bagging him, how about we get behind him and the team a little bit to help them out of the mess we're in?
  16. Coloccini shouldn't be getting ghosted by Ricardo Fuller, but Enrique's effort was just as crap there. It was obvious what Fuller was going to do, and Enrique was in the perfect position to just stick a foot out and steal the ball, just before it happened.
  17. ShearMagic

    NUFC Captain?

    To be honest, the best two captain candidates we currently have at the club are Beye and Barton. That means it should be given to Beye, because having a classless person like Barton captaining our club would make us even more of a laughing stock. I mean, Beye has experience at it, he's captained Marseille and he's also the current captain of Senegal (I think).
  18. The players couldn't give a flying fuck if we stay up. As long as they're still bringing home they're ridiculously over-inflated paypacket at the end of each week, they'll keep playing like shit. They don't give a fuck about the club, only about their bank balance. How is that even fucking relevant? Did you see the first half? We were 2-0 up and playing fucking brilliantly, because we have a group of quality players that were playing to their strengths. What has their wages got to do with anything? It's just an excuse for me to get that off my chest. It's a fucking joke. Everything.
  19. The players couldn't give a flying fuck if we stay up. As long as they're still bringing home they're ridiculously over-inflated paypacket at the end of each week, they'll keep playing like shit. They don't give a fuck about the club, only about their bank balance. Do be quiet. You actually disagree with that? if you do
  20. They were good enough until the manager got a chance to speak to them. So the only time he speaks to them is at Half Time? Erm.. yep So 11 players decide to play great first half, and shit second half. Think about it.... Besides, it is a managers job to motivate the players. Ask Sir Bobby and he'd tell you just that. Having our only ball-winning (well actually, any kind of central midfielder) going off at half time didn't help his cause, especially since he didn't have Geremi on the bench like he would have every other week. Surely you're not only blaming the manager though? They're fucking professional football players, if they need a fucking manager to come and rub them on the back and tell them everything will be oh fucking kay then they're fucking idiots. Surely when you're 2-0 up, you don't need your manager to fucking 'motivate' you? It has been proven time and time again at this club that you need a good manager to get the best out of good players. You must have a short memory. Kinnear played the best team by accident, and then completely dismantles it when the majority of the forum realise he's gone totally the wrong way about it. We haven't had a good manager in ages, because which good manager would actually want to come and manage us, only to be sacked 6 months later? Yes, that includes Keegan, he's not a good manager in my eyes, and yes, have a go all you want because I said that.
  21. The players couldn't give a flying fuck if we stay up. As long as they're still bringing home they're ridiculously over-inflated paypacket at the end of each week, they'll keep playing like shit. They don't give a fuck about the club, only about their bank balance.
  22. They were good enough until the manager got a chance to speak to them. So the only time he speaks to them is at Half Time? Erm.. yep So 11 players decide to play great first half, and s*** second half. Think about it.... Besides, it is a managers job to motivate the players. Ask Sir Bobby and he'd tell you just that. Having our only ball-winning (well actually, any kind of central midfielder) going off at half time didn't help his cause, especially since he didn't have Geremi on the bench like he would have every other week. Surely you're not only blaming the manager though? They're f***ing professional football players, if they need a f***ing manager to come and rub them on the back and tell them everything will be oh f***ing kay then they're f***ing idiots. Surely when you're 2-0 up, you don't need your manager to f***ing 'motivate' you? It's more probable to assume that there was something wrong with one individuals tactics, motivation, and substitutions than to assume that eleven individuals spontaneously decided to lose all interest and play like shit in the second half after a blinder of a first. Occam's Razor and all that. So the players are absolved of any blame? Always been the fucking problem with us, how many managers have we been through now? And we want to sack another one? Oh lord
  23. They were good enough until the manager got a chance to speak to them. So the only time he speaks to them is at Half Time? Erm.. yep So 11 players decide to play great first half, and shit second half. Think about it.... Besides, it is a managers job to motivate the players. Ask Sir Bobby and he'd tell you just that. Having our only ball-winning (well actually, any kind of central midfielder) going off at half time didn't help his cause, especially since he didn't have Geremi on the bench like he would have every other week. Surely you're not only blaming the manager though? They're fucking professional football players, if they need a fucking manager to come and rub them on the back and tell them everything will be oh fucking kay then they're fucking idiots. Surely when you're 2-0 up, you don't need your manager to fucking 'motivate' you?
  24. They were good enough until the manager got a chance to speak to them. So the only time he speaks to them is at Half Time? Erm.. yep
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