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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. The player liaison guy liaison guy of course!
  2. He is an 11 oo 10 mind. Football manager that is!
  3. No doubt! Exciting times
  4. And a basket case team. So glad we’re doing it like this. Credit to our business structure and Eddie and staff
  5. Think they’ll give Krafu a chance after his good showing before his injury! The rest yes please.
  6. Yes. I think there’s more to come this window. Champions league marra!
  7. Great time to be alive and watch us finally lift off and realise the dreams Kev instilled
  8. Could still happen. Elite RCB next summer
  9. I still think this is possible
  10. “How the fuck is Chelsea so dumb like the kid is so talented & technically gifted! Good going on attack & defense too, his potential... man I'm jealous of Newcastle if they get him!!!”
  11. He’s a passionate ornithologist so there is a link there!
  12. This is revenue, club promotion and extending and growing our fan base as much as it is a chance for folk to go and see 2 national sides play a game of football at a very reasonable price for a family.
  13. Look at Maguire for value!
  14. Same agent as Tino too!
  15. A few Chewsee fans comments: Valerie likes his Hazardesque arse so win/win for us!
  16. Exactly what I thought when I saw him in that game. Bring him home
  17. He made a good impression at our place in a shite Chewsee side. That’s the first time I saw him play and thought he’s a Howe project!
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