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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Posh clothes please. You don’t roll them sleeves up.
  2. William Hill 20/1 max allowed bet 12:50!
  3. Maybe KK’s selling him the project!
  4. you tease you! ?? I’m calling it ten Hag
  5. He’s a polarising click bait merchant
  6. Just watching his press conference would wind me up. West Ham badge kisser couldn’t get to Chewsea quick enough. No thanks ??
  7. Years of Ashley, Bruceball abuse effect.
  8. Wasn’t it the Everton away win?
  9. Plus he needs to bait the fans, in anyway he can!
  10. Yes. Doesn’t align with the agenda!
  11. We have cooks and broth ??????
  12. Jim White still hearing voices! ?
  13. Getting past Bruce’s inflated damaged ego and “internal” head voices would’ve been hard.
  14. International break as prep too. Fresh start ???
  15. 5 traits of narcissism are needed for narcissistic personality disorder diagnosis For a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder a person must have five of the following nine symptoms: Grandiosity and overestimates their worth and abilities Belief of being ‘special’ and that only other ‘special’ people are worth time and energy Fanaticizes about success and their own brilliance as well as other personal qualifications that are special Needs constant admiration Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., believing that they are so special, others should give them favorable treatment Exploits others, i.e., takes advantage of people as their right to do so Typically arrogant and self-serving and patronizing of others Lacks empathy, i.e., doesn’t have compassion for others and doesn’t understand these feelings of others Envious of others although they won’t show this and also believes that others are envious of them. ?
  16. Just gives them more time. Totally OK with this. doesn’t mean he will be ?
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