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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Is that at me? What's so unbelievable at not being a golf fan?! Who else do you think it was aimed at? Read your post back, it sounds ridiculous for several reasons and tops some of the other questions you've asked in the past!
  2. That's one post too far, your cover is definitely blown now. Miles too obvious not to be a WUM.
  3. Just read the article and still can't find where Pardew says this.
  4. 1/4. Cheers Ronny. 1/2. Cheers my Germans. 3/4. Cheers Mr. Alonso. (Jose's boys doing the business, as usual) Is Ashley one of Jose's boys? Burn I even joined in with D28 for this bet - hot dang! To be fair, that's a very unfortunate effort. Effectively a crossbar's width from winning great money. Very unlucky boys. I was an inch away from £1250 I from 950€. It's time that this Euro madness is over. We're all so much better - well, apart from probably that pato lad (is that his name?), who 'apparantely' won so much in the end after being down almost as much as I've been - at PL / CL / league football. Bring back the PL. Saying that, I've still got something in the 365 account for the two semis... Not sure why you felt the need to include that in your post? Completely unnecessary and comes across as extremely arrogant.
  5. Same here. I'm sure they'll make it up to people who don't get on anyway.
  6. Stop trying to make me feel worse. I'm genuinely gutted for you! It should really read "NATWEST IS FUCKING SHIT."
  7. Abeid, there's another one too. Much more promising than Gosling too.
  8. Cabaye, Tioté, Jonas, Amalfitano, Perch, Vuckic. Rumoured to be looking to bring in another CM this summer too. I think we'd be fine. We'd need to. I see quality, quality, mixed bag, unproven, on a roll last season and injury prone youngster. Wouldn't be confident going into four competitions with those as our options. What would you class Gosling as?
  9. Aye, forgot about him!
  10. Cabaye, Tioté, Jonas, Amalfitano, Perch, Vuckic. Rumoured to be looking to bring in another CM this summer too. I think we'd be fine.
  11. Russia did, too. Spain, France, Holland, Denmark... Denmark? Dutch were nowt nor something. Spain have been dull and unadventurous apart from the Ireland game. France have been OK at an absolute best. Playing without getting anybody into the box. Average against us, poor against Sweden and might ruin it altogether here. It's generally been a good tournament though so can't complain too much. Agree with all of them. But the point about Russia stands. Best sort of football for 180 minutes. Sadly, they forgot how to do it against the Greeks. You obviously didn't watch the Poland game then. It was the same as in the first game for long parts of the game. Second half Arshavin was too tired to produce anything of note and also Poland were really going for their goal. Too tired. What about the rest of the team? They did nothing in that second half, they were pathetic. Still only 2nd half. So, you probably didn't watch the first half then.
  12. Russia did, too. Spain, France, Holland, Denmark... Denmark? Dutch were nowt nor something. Spain have been dull and unadventurous apart from the Ireland game. France have been OK at an absolute best. Playing without getting anybody into the box. Average against us, poor against Sweden and might ruin it altogether here. It's generally been a good tournament though so can't complain too much. Agree with all of them. But the point about Russia stands. Best sort of football for 180 minutes. Sadly, they forgot how to do it against the Greeks. You obviously didn't watch the Poland game then. It was the same as in the first game for long parts of the game. Second half Arshavin was too tired to produce anything of note and also Poland were really going for their goal. Too tired. What about the rest of the team? They did nothing in that second half, they were pathetic.
  13. Russia did, too. Spain, France, Holland, Denmark... Denmark? Dutch were nowt nor something. Spain have been dull and unadventurous apart from the Ireland game. France have been OK at an absolute best. Playing without getting anybody into the box. Average against us, poor against Sweden and might ruin it altogether here. It's generally been a good tournament though so can't complain too much. Agree with all of them. But the point about Russia stands. Best sort of football for 180 minutes. Sadly, they forgot how to do it against the Greeks. You obviously didn't watch the Poland game then.
  14. Apparently Debuchy is starting on the right of a midfield 4. EDIT: Might actually be a midfield 5.
  15. He's a head away from being banned for a long, long time there.
  16. I've read this five times now and I still have absolutely no idea what it means.
  17. How has this thread reached the point that people are now complaining that they can't place related bets? There's a reason they call it related.
  18. It's run up the inside was halted twice aswell. Farhh would have been very, very close to SYT with a clear passage through. I'll be backing it big in its next race. Aye, I think it would definitely have beaten Carlton House with a clear run. I'll be on it too.
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