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Posts posted by ChrisMcQuillan

  1. We always think we're not going to make any signings, until they arrive. We f***ed up last summer but the effect was made worse by other factors.


    We obviously need reinforcements, like every club does every window, but we still have time left.


    Out of curiosity, how many net transfers (in vs out) do you think we will bring in by the end of the window? Talking about first-teamers obviously.


    Hard to say. Possibly one out if Cisse goes, otherwise probably none out. Assuming selling people like Gosling for peanuts doesn't count as important.


    Coming in? Two forwards and possibly a defender? How can I say... it doesn't really affect the point I made.


    And I take it you will be happy with a net incoming of one forward and possibly one defender?


    We're not going to sign 5 or 6 players, man.

  2. It's galling to think a year ago we had one of the most feared strike forces in the Premier in Ba and Cisse, with Best as a battering ram option. Here we are in summer 2013 with Ba and Best gone and Cisse looking on the way out as well. All I will say is this thread will be interesting in the next few weeks, mark my Wonga-tastic words.


    What, it wouldn't be like us to sell them all and not replace?  Add to that we've got rid of Lovenkrands, and are looking rid of Ameobi.


    And we want to replace all of them with Darren Bent.


    It sounds like a bad joke.


    Or it's not the case.


    The manager said he wants him. 


    Yes, Pardew is interested in Bent. That doesn't mean the plan is to sell our entire strikeforce and replace them all with him.


    You're right.


    We probably won't sign Bent.

  3. It's galling to think a year ago we had one of the most feared strike forces in the Premier in Ba and Cisse, with Best as a battering ram option. Here we are in summer 2013 with Ba and Best gone and Cisse looking on the way out as well. All I will say is this thread will be interesting in the next few weeks, mark my Wonga-tastic words.


    What, it wouldn't be like us to sell them all and not replace?  Add to that we've got rid of Lovenkrands, and are looking rid of Ameobi.


    And we want to replace all of them with Darren Bent.


    It sounds like a bad joke.

  4. A few years ago, the top division was only drawing talent from Britain. Now it's from all over Europe and indeed the world. The standard has gone up and it's consequently a lot tougher for young British players to break into the top sides.


    Having said that, I think the raising of standards has inspired a select band of young players to really hard work on their skills in order to break through. The likes of Oxlade-Chamberlain, Wilshere and Barkley are as good as any young talent I've seen emerge in this country.


    Have a feeling Jack Barmby at United could be special too.

  5. 0 IN, 4 OUT


    4 players we won't miss.






    We were glad Harper was still here on a few occasions last season, and Simpson when Debuchy got suspended, and of course we're going to miss Perch if he's not replaced.


    Gosling's the only one we probably won't feel at all.

  6. Play him with Sissoko, let Sissoko break forward and have Cabaye play the Pirlo role.


    Have Tiote mop up behind.


    Cabaye and Tiote started a criminally low number of games together last season, the midfield has to be allowed to settle.


    Then play with two runners either side, Ben Arfa and Santon I'd argue.


    Back line can be Debuchy, Taylor, Coloccini and M'Biwa, if he's content to continue playing at LB for now.  He seems to enjoy getting forward.


    In home games, or away games against weaker teams, drop one of Tiote/Sissoko, and play someone with Cisse.  We don't really have the type of player to partner Cisse at this moment in time, but I'd argue that it would need to be someone like David Villa, who can hold the ball up and create as well as score goals.  Cisse will smash in plenty of chances, but we can't rely on him as a lone forward.  He can pick up on the deflections and scraps in the spaces created by the second striker.

  7. "Relentless, unflinching negativity" it was called by several when I said he was nailed on to go this summer if Pardew kept his job.


    I've no doubt that the deluded idiots who said that will find some way to defend us selling off our best players and keeping a dinosaur in charge of the team. This is the beginning of a mass exodus in terms of talent - Ben Arfa and Cisse are as good as gone too.


    f***ing sick. There is literally nothing to look forward to next season. Another relegation dogfight managed by a c***, he himself employed by a bigger c***.



    People will mock this but it's completely true.


    Pardew's mismanagement last season is now costing us our best players, this is what we feared after finishing as low as we did. I just get the impression the Pardew factor is going to hit us with full effect now and we're just going to build a woeful side. That might be me being over negative after last season but we'll wait and see.


    People can mock all they like, but it's been blatantly obvious for the last year.


    We didn't invest, I complained and got mocked because we finished 5th.


    We didn't sack a manager who was either going to relegate us, or keep us up by the skin of our teeth with bullshit tactics and woeful football.  I complained, got mocked at Christmas time for saying the writing was on the wall.


    We survive, players disillusioned, they leave, leaving us with Alan fucking Pardew and a low to mid table club. 


    If we'd just invested, or brought in someone decent to replace him and acknowledge that a train wreck of a season was unacceptable, then fine.


    But Christ, this club is in serious trouble with Ashley and Dekka and Pardew circle-jerking in the boardroom and cleaning up with big piles of transfer money cash.

  8. "Relentless, unflinching negativity" it was called by several when I said he was nailed on to go this summer if Pardew kept his job.


    I've no doubt that the deluded idiots who said that will find some way to defend us selling off our best players and keeping a dinosaur in charge of the team.


    f***ing sick. There is literally nothing to look forward to next season. Another relegation dogfight managed by a c***, he himself employed by a bigger c***.



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