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Posts posted by themanupstairs

  1. I'd love to be as confident as some are but I just can't bring myself to be. That Bournemouth equaliser has left a really sour taste despite the fantastic win yesterday. This club ffs...


    Beating that s*** tip Huddersfield next would all but guarantee our safety though. Can't stand them, their players, or their manager.

  2. Really?? Like a rag doll? But carried on and finished the game with no problems.  Jesus this place is getting like North Korea, anything said that isn’t on message is intolerable.


    I said he is a massive upgrade but twice in two games he has stayed down while the game went on around him.  He can’t do that every game, that’s all I am saying.  Just to reiterate I think he has been really impressive so far.


    An elbow to the head and a knee to the chest will keep anyone down for a bit of time ffs :lol: Do you actually think he waits around for the right contact/moment to go down and stay down?

  3. The only way this becomes a good result is a draw at Anfield next weekend.

    You wouldnt have been happy with 4 pts from Man Utd (h) and Bournemouth (a)?


    Of course I would have. But it's about the momentum. Losing two late goals today followed by a pounding at Liverpool won't be good for us at all. If we follow up today's disappointment with a valiant draw away at one of the best sides in the country, it would keep the run going.

  4. So, some of us older NUFC supporters will remember when them shithouses last dropped into the third tier. Much merriment was made by NUFC's support. So much so that NUFC's support was very much in attendance in that relegation play off game at Roker Park v Cascarino lead Gillingham.

    First and probably the only time I've seen three sets of supporters in one ground. NUFC given their own section in the clock stand (to the left of the Roker End as you face the pitch.) Others intermingled with the unwashed as the gates closed on the NUFC section well before kick off. Myself included.


    So, should we go back this season when the inevitable happens? I'll be sorely tempted. 


    If you do go this season, try make sure we are safe first

    That's a salient point. In Rafa we trust eh?


    This is the real reason you came into this thread :lol:

  5. I sincerely hope England fail to make it out of their group in the World Cup. I'm not English and I've liked and been behind so many English teams in the past in major tournaments but I can't think of a more despicable group playing at the moment.


    Dele Alli personifies everything that is wrong with football in England IMO. Karma is a bitch though so I'm not too worried.

  6. I think he's worth persevering with, we could just do with better options in his position to take the pressure off him a bit and give him a break, along with some genuine competition.


    His positioning is incredibly intelligent for a player of his years, and his graft often wins us the ball high up the field.


    He's a good player and I really think he's worth keeping.



  7. That's because there's a conformity problem in this board. People scared shitless from saying something "out of the norm" in case they're jumped on.


    Absolute rubbish. Couldn't give a fuck if someone on here agreed with me or not. Out of the forwards we currently have, Perez is clearly the best of the lot. Alongside a competent striker he will produce more as we put more pressure on teams.

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