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Posts posted by themanupstairs

  1. The first few pages of this thread make for fun reading. The hope we had...  :lol:




    Someone in that thread:


    « Reply #138 on: Wednesday 23 May 2007, 05:07:05 pm »


    Mike Ashley+Sam Allardyce=Success!!


    Get the f*** in!! :D


    And then a couple of posts later:


    « Reply #140 on: Wednesday 23 May 2007, 05:07:22 pm »


    I for one think Big Sam will be safe, this bloke won't of bought the shares not knowing what he's coming into...


    In just under 3 minutes, he managed to say the words "football club" 13 times. What this moron is doing on TV f*** only knows.


    Why did you count?


    Because the phrase "football club" when clearly said in a football errrr club context is one of my biggest pet hates. When I heard him trawl it out 3 times in the first 10 seconds I decided to keep counting. Plus I'm currently unemployed.

  3. His work with us and his communication with the media and fans has the hallmarks of a long-term project. Building on the likes of Lascelles and Merino, I'm sure he desperately wanted to see it out. He'll be as gutted as we are if the takeover fails IMO.

  4. Can only see more of their players downing tools tbh. It'll only take one negative result against one of those teams around them to remove any ounce of positivity from the new manager bounce.


    Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk


    Yup. take a look at the midfield and forward players alongside Shaqiri in their last game and tell me why he wouldn't be giving up. Joe Allen and Stephen Ireland ffs :lol:

  5. Alan Brazil said this morning that Sky are not prepared to outbid everyone for the next TV deal so we might end up with the 6 packages been split over 6 broadcasters which means it would cost a fortune to subscribe to all of them which could in effect lower the appeal of premiership football just like the BT deal and the record low viewing figures for European league football


    Just put the fucking lot up for affordable legit PPV live streaming all over the world. Job done. All this satellite network bollocks is outdated and unnecessary. Netflix and/or Amazon will step in and make this happen eventually.

  6. West Ham interested.


    Probably not a popular choice, but if the price was right, Id be tempted to sell.


    For 25-30M they are welcome to him.

    Aye, because 25-30m would help us how much?


    It wouldn't. But if we were to sell, might as well overcharge.

  7. Woeful at any kind of decision making. Doesn't help when he's also awful with no time to think. In an ideal world we'd cash in on him and send him back to the championship where he belongs.

  8. Arda Turan loaned to Basaksehir for 2 years and a half :lol:


    We'll still be entitled to transfer him during that time.


    Stock seems to have massively dropped. Any specific reason or was he just not that good?

  9. Dont understand the views.  Atsu is s*** and we've nowt on the left really.  Sick of people viewing us in the Ashley person view point instead of reality.


    :lol: So Ashley is not a reality? Well I never...

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