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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Since Mike Jeffrey was meant to the next best thing. And then Paul Brayson. And then Brian Pinas.
  2. Bruce can get to fukc. I hope this is announced today! Man what the hell is this? I'm back on the NO forum ffs! This is brilliant.
  3. I used to get the urge to put my foot through the screen whenever Pardew was interviewed, mostly towards the end of his reign here, but with Bruce it's on a different level of hate altogether. I hated him before he even arrived, I was devastated when he was appointed, and I hate him even more now. Just so frustrating that 99% of us knew exactly how it would all pan out yet the idiot who owns the club thought it would be a good idea to pay Sheff Wed £3m to get him here. This. And it was less than 99% of us unfortunately.
  4. The answer cannot be anything other than Rafa Benitez.
  5. I think you either accept it or you don't, as soon as you start the discussion on morality then you begin from a losing position, as the negatives of the regime currently outweigh the positives. Trying to justify if or overtly celebrating it (please no headscarves ) is just painting us in a bad light. Is anyone justifying or celebrating human rights abuses ffs? What absolute nonsense. People are overtly celebrating the departure of the club's horrible owner to be replaced by extremely wealthy new owners. The two issues ARE separate and people will eventually have to come down off their high horses when the realisation of their hypocrisy sets in. You still talking about journalists here? I'm talking about people who are wagging their disapproving fingers at NUFC fans over this takeover, be they journalists, own fans or other clubs' fans. Suddenly internet people have moral issues with the Saudi government? Is the concern for the victims genuine or is it just a fashionable topic to pontificate on? If the concern is genuine what have these people done to put pressure on their own governments to stop actively aiding this regime? Why does it come as a surprise to you that people are more concerned with something they hold dear to their heart than something they don't? It's important to me that NUFC is something to be proud of. I think it's the most important factor for me. It hasn't been for some years, but it is in serious danger of being even less so under the prospective new owners given their past and present. I don't think I need to have a long history of campaigning against Saudi Arabia to feel that way. If my mother suddenly decides to marry a serial killer and I'm not happy about it, an argument of "well I didn't hear you complain when he married his last wife!" doesn't hold a great deal of water. So the reputation/perception of NUFC is more important to you than the death and suffering of those unfortunate enough to be within reach of the Saudi oppression? Is that a fair summation? Is the success of Newcastle United more important to you than the death and suffering of those unfortunate enough to be within the reach of the Saudi oppression? I haven't said that and I haven't even defended the Saudis man. I desperately want the club to be rid of Mike Ashley, and at the same time I hate that it's the Saudis who are looking likely to replace him. On a personal level, having the richest owners in world football doesn't excite me in the long run. Yeah we could win one or two trophies and celebrate them. But soon enough it would become everything I already hate about modern PL football. Incessant product saturation using the top brands in Super Sundays and Super Monday Night Football Pundit Wankfests.
  6. I think you either accept it or you don't, as soon as you start the discussion on morality then you begin from a losing position, as the negatives of the regime currently outweigh the positives. Trying to justify if or overtly celebrating it (please no headscarves ) is just painting us in a bad light. Is anyone justifying or celebrating human rights abuses ffs? What absolute nonsense. People are overtly celebrating the departure of the club's horrible owner to be replaced by extremely wealthy new owners. The two issues ARE separate and people will eventually have to come down off their high horses when the realisation of their hypocrisy sets in. You still talking about journalists here? I'm talking about people who are wagging their disapproving fingers at NUFC fans over this takeover, be they journalists, own fans or other clubs' fans. Suddenly internet people have moral issues with the Saudi government? Is the concern for the victims genuine or is it just a fashionable topic to pontificate on? If the concern is genuine what have these people done to put pressure on their own governments to stop actively aiding this regime? Why does it come as a surprise to you that people are more concerned with something they hold dear to their heart than something they don't? It's important to me that NUFC is something to be proud of. I think it's the most important factor for me. It hasn't been for some years, but it is in serious danger of being even less so under the prospective new owners given their past and present. I don't think I need to have a long history of campaigning against Saudi Arabia to feel that way. If my mother suddenly decides to marry a serial killer and I'm not happy about it, an argument of "well I didn't hear you complain when he married his last wife!" doesn't hold a great deal of water. So the reputation/perception of NUFC is more important to you than the death and suffering of those unfortunate enough to be within reach of the Saudi oppression? Is that a fair summation? In the same way the cost of my phone contract is more important to me than the death of someone I don't know in Eritrea yesterday yes. I will be putting much more effort into addressing the former than the latter. I'm a human. That's exactly my point. All humans are hypocrites by default. We have a perceived powerlessness (rightly or wrongly) to change things we have no control over. NUFC fans have no control over who buys the club and what they do in their spare time. The responsibility lies with those who can make a change and in this case it's government/PL etc. Protesting against new Saudi owners won't stop the oppression. They might decide against buying the club and pump their cash elsewhere. My gripe isn't with questioning the morality of letting Saudis control the club. My gripe is with the condescending notion that if they do buy the club it's somehow our fault and indirectly implicates us in whatever abusive activities they indulge in. You're either fully up for the fight against injustice or you're not. Anywhere in the middle is hypocrisy (I include myself in that btw). On the reverse side of the coin, I find the whole sudden waving of Saudi flags in usernames and memes cringeworthy. In an ideal scenario we'd get serious business people with acceptable levels of financial muscle to buy the club (who aren't involved in illegal or abusive activity), and they go on to build the club in the fairytale way we all dream of. The chances of that happening are remote unfortunately because of the way the PL has become and all the outrageous money that has been pumped into it. Football is no longer a competitive sport and is now a lucrative entertainment product. Personally I'd rather it went back to being a real sport even if it meant I, a foreigner, had less access to the club I support and love.
  7. I think you either accept it or you don't, as soon as you start the discussion on morality then you begin from a losing position, as the negatives of the regime currently outweigh the positives. Trying to justify if or overtly celebrating it (please no headscarves ) is just painting us in a bad light. Is anyone justifying or celebrating human rights abuses ffs? What absolute nonsense. People are overtly celebrating the departure of the club's horrible owner to be replaced by extremely wealthy new owners. The two issues ARE separate and people will eventually have to come down off their high horses when the realisation of their hypocrisy sets in. You still talking about journalists here? I'm talking about people who are wagging their disapproving fingers at NUFC fans over this takeover, be they journalists, own fans or other clubs' fans. Suddenly internet people have moral issues with the Saudi government? Is the concern for the victims genuine or is it just a fashionable topic to pontificate on? If the concern is genuine what have these people done to put pressure on their own governments to stop actively aiding this regime? Why does it come as a surprise to you that people are more concerned with something they hold dear to their heart than something they don't? It's important to me that NUFC is something to be proud of. I think it's the most important factor for me. It hasn't been for some years, but it is in serious danger of being even less so under the prospective new owners given their past and present. I don't think I need to have a long history of campaigning against Saudi Arabia to feel that way. If my mother suddenly decides to marry a serial killer and I'm not happy about it, an argument of "well I didn't hear you complain when he married his last wife!" doesn't hold a great deal of water. So the reputation/perception of NUFC is more important to you than the death and suffering of those unfortunate enough to be within reach of the Saudi oppression? Is that a fair summation?
  8. I think you either accept it or you don't, as soon as you start the discussion on morality then you begin from a losing position, as the negatives of the regime currently outweigh the positives. Trying to justify if or overtly celebrating it (please no headscarves ) is just painting us in a bad light. Is anyone justifying or celebrating human rights abuses ffs? What absolute nonsense. People are overtly celebrating the departure of the club's horrible owner to be replaced by extremely wealthy new owners. The two issues ARE separate and people will eventually have to come down off their high horses when the realisation of their hypocrisy sets in. You still talking about journalists here? I'm talking about people who are wagging their disapproving fingers at NUFC fans over this takeover, be they journalists, own fans or other clubs' fans. Suddenly internet people have moral issues with the Saudi government? Is the concern for the victims genuine or is it just a fashionable topic to pontificate on? If the concern is genuine what have these people done to put pressure on their own governments to stop actively aiding this regime? Do any of these people actually know the history of the kingdom and how it came to be? Perhaps a slight in-depth understanding of this history might shed a bit of light on the hypocrisy I'm talking about. My overall point is that there's no doubt the Saudis are an oppressive extremist regime who can't be allowed to carry on what they've been doing for decades. Not only on a local but also a regional and international scale. The responsibility of that doesn't lie anywhere near Newcastle United fans though. And if people are happy to turn a blind eye to crimes of other nations/owners/criminals in their sport or league then they can also leave NUFC well the fuck alone to get on with it.
  9. I think you either accept it or you don't, as soon as you start the discussion on morality then you begin from a losing position, as the negatives of the regime currently outweigh the positives. Trying to justify if or overtly celebrating it (please no headscarves ) is just painting us in a bad light. Is anyone justifying or celebrating human rights abuses ffs? What absolute nonsense. People are overtly celebrating the departure of the club's horrible owner to be replaced by extremely wealthy new owners. The two issues ARE separate and people will eventually have to come down off their high horses when the realisation of their hypocrisy sets in.
  10. All this post has done is just show everyone that you've never been in the chat section tbh. There's quite literally a thread on the Saudi's that's been there since 2015 and likewise the U.S thread. Plenty on here put the graft in for political parties, organisations, charities, and in QuakesMag's case has even made documentaries about this sort of stuff. You're just showing your own ignorance by assuming this has only been brought up now tbh. Again though, framing not wanting the football club to be owned by literal murders isn't a PC bollocks like. It's just not. I've been in the chat section plenty in the past thank you very much. I'm far more aware of the atrocities committed by the Saudi regime than even the likes of QM. My point was regarding the emerging noises in the London press who are suddenly questioning the morality of NUFC fans for getting excited about a takeover of their club. These hypocrites never made a peep about the vicious Saudi regime until stories of this takeover began to come out. The Saudi regime, along with the American and British for that matter, have been committing atrocities for decades. These wankers don't mind all the killing but strongly oppose the takeover of a football club? You do realise they're football journalists, aye? They don't get paid to write about the atrocities committed by whatever country. However, when one of those countries takes over a football club, it becomes relevant to a football journalist. If they're football journalists then why get into political commentary? Why aren't they on Abramovich's case every year? What about the Al Nahyans? Come on man. This is a pitiful attempt by some people to show that they know/care about world affairs on the interwebs when in reality they know next to fuck all and have done next to fuck all about injustice. I'm not absolving the Saudis of anything. A quick search of my previous posts on them in the chat section will tell you exactly what I think of them (ahem kisearch). I'm just saying you can't go all up in arms because a football club is being bought when nowt is being said about these people or done to stop them carrying on in Yemen (and elsewhere).
  11. All this post has done is just show everyone that you've never been in the chat section tbh. There's quite literally a thread on the Saudi's that's been there since 2015 and likewise the U.S thread. Plenty on here put the graft in for political parties, organisations, charities, and in QuakesMag's case has even made documentaries about this sort of stuff. You're just showing your own ignorance by assuming this has only been brought up now tbh. Again though, framing not wanting the football club to be owned by literal murders isn't a PC bollocks like. It's just not. I've been in the chat section plenty in the past thank you very much. I'm far more aware of the atrocities committed by the Saudi regime than even the likes of QM. My point was regarding the emerging noises in the London press who are suddenly questioning the morality of NUFC fans for getting excited about a takeover of their club. These hypocrites never made a peep about the vicious Saudi regime until stories of this takeover began to come out. The Saudi regime, along with the American and British for that matter, have been committing atrocities for decades. These wankers don't mind all the killing but strongly oppose the takeover of a football club?
  12. With all the injustice in the world and all the murder of innocent civilians in every war going on now (nevermind what's gone on in the past), it's the takeover of a football club that raises the alarms? Fuck off. Seriously. Until every self-righteous SOB takes it up with their MP's and governments to stop human rights abuses the world over, you can save your PC bollocks for something that actually makes a difference.
  13. The sheer number of chances he faces every game will always end up in mistakes. Fantastic goalkeeper and one of the best scouting jobs we've ever done.
  14. Fuck me what a brilliant thread and idea! Voted for Barcelona. Just started watching home to Swindon in the PL. How good was Andy Cole's hold-up play!?
  15. Formidable team and deserve the title as much as any team ever did. Hilarious that they don't go the season unbeaten though
  16. Absolutely right. A club by definition is something you are a part of and are involved in. A fan by definition is a "fanatic" of said club. We have neither. We are an entertainment product with consumers.
  17. That was a hell of a downgrade but at least under Shepherd we knew there was some kind of ambition (where's NE5?). Rafa breathed life back into the lifeless corpse that was NUFC. Sadnesstan has got it spot on actually...it was the combination of misery under McLaren, euphoria with Rafa then back down to the current status quo that's got me all fucked up. In more than the 10 years I've been on this board I never logged out. Now I barely even look.
  18. It's still the most epic of come-downs going from the elite Rafa Benitez to the way below average Steve fucking Bruce. In all my 30 years supporting this club I don't think I've ever experienced such a rollercoaster of emotions as going from elation in the Fulham game to abject depression the day Bruce signed.
  19. Lazy, disinterested and a bit of a pussy. Coasted through the game like he didn't want to know.
  20. Post of the fucking year this! Brilliantly said.
  21. themanupstairs

    Ki Sung-gone

    Comparing Ki to Colback is.....
  22. He's nowhere near as odious as al pards but he's inferior even to that scumbag. What an awful decision by fat mike to appoint this cabbage
  23. Or maybe not everything is played out in the media and known to the general public? There's no doubt that Ashley is a massive prick to deal with but we don't know for certain that he won't sell at any price. Assuming the bid/deal is genuine, I'm pretty sure Staveley would know what it would take to get him to sell, and has informed these potential suitors accordingly.
  24. Definitely agree with this. Staveley has been trying for a while though. Would she really be wasting hers and the investors' time if she knew Ashley wasn't a willing seller? Maybe previous attempts have tried to get the fat cunt to lower his asking price knowing how much he's hated by the fanbase and now they've gone out to get bigger money players who can actually pay what he's asking?
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