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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Where in the fuck did 5 minutes come from anyway? Roberts is right to feel aggrieved.
  2. Not enough love given to this. Lovely little write up about the great man
  3. Hangeland would be exactly the type of defender we need to have a quality pool of players at CB. Very good defender whose massive frame and experience would improve us no end! Would love it if we got him.
  4. What? does not pay attention to the rest je pense que c'est mieux si t'ecris en francais ici, et les twats geordies faisons la traduction avec google translate mate
  5. But has someone else bar Ben Arfa completed a dibble for us...? Andy
  6. They've been awful since we got promoted tbf. Plumbed new depths this year, at least 30% hit the first man. I keep scoring from corners swept into the near post (Colo mainly) on FIFA, and I keep thinking why on earth can't we have a man on the near post for flick ons? IMO Williamson should be there for every corner. You watch our players during corners, and they're ALL faffing about dead center in the penalty area, with hardly any movement. Ridiculous.
  7. They've been awful since we got promoted tbf.
  8. Long boot back to Cabaye on the centre spot then a lovely little through ball to catch them out as they're pushing out. Did we ever find out what our "perfect corner" we had worked out over the summer was? People keep mentioning Hatem against Spurs but I was away for that and never seen it if someone wants to describe it. Corner was played short, catching Spurs off guard. HBA jinked his way past 2 spuds before being brought down by Lennon to win a penalty.
  9. Love how there's no middle ground for some people. Marveaux is either the second coming, or turbo turd and needs shipping out asap. In all his cameos, he has never been as bad as Obertan has been almost every time he's played in the PL. Yet Pardew continues to keep faith that Obertan can eventually come good. It could be that they're working with Marveaux behind the scenes to get him up to scratch. Point is, we don't have a fucking clue, so it's best to give our players the benefit of the doubt before making sweeping judgements.
  10. Never leave early but of late I've been timing it so by the time I'm near a stairwell the whistle blows... Bloke sitting next to me for the first time said as i got up "You'll miss the winner" to which i responded by pointing out to him the exact part of the ground I'll reach when we do... And sure enough that's how it transpired which lead me to return back so far when he spotted me and we shared a knowing smile...
  11. I'm not sure I remember this accurately, but didn't SBR make only minor changes for the European games? IIRC we had quite a consistent starting 11 for all major competitions - injuries/suspensions allowing. The more the same players play together, the better understanding they will develop. At the moment our starting 11 have been chopped and changed for nearly every game we've played (variety of reasons) and imo this is the reason we haven't got going yet.
  12. Nevermind the fact that he should have been sent off twice over for awful, shithouse challenges on Mirallas & Distin. He's a horrible t***. Yup. Should've had his first yellow for the tackle on Mirallas that effectively ended his match. Red should have followed for his "tackle" on Distin, which imo is a red card challenge in itself. On side or not, the red shite deserved nothing more from what they got.
  13. Still a lot of neutrals who seem to think it was not only completely acceptable but in fact laudable - and not cheating because he was 'punished' for it. US footy fans in particular seem almost unanimous. Well yes I can see where that comes from. It wasn't so much the handball as much as it was his refusal to go down the tunnel having been sent off, then celebrating the way he did in front of the world cameras. Just told me something about him that day, and it's pretty obvious now the kind of low life human being he is.
  14. You can change the setting so you can see them. For realz? had no idea
  15. His handball and subsequent celebration of the missed penalty in the world cup is still one of the most blatant incidents of unsporting behavior I have ever seen. That and Rivaldo's "head injury".
  16. Genuine question, but why is it perfectly alright to swear at the ground (and I'm not at all opposed to it), but swear words have to get starred out on here? Surely the forum is an extension of the football ground/post-match pub?
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