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Everything posted by themanupstairs

  1. Since religion's involved in the debate why don't we see some figures on how many lives have been ruined by that? I wasnt having a go at Wonga by the way, my comment was aimed at all those who say 'they pray on the poor etc' Doesn't Wonga let the consumer know what the interest rates are? Or is everything hidden in small print? Genuine question by the way. I can think of many businesses that do not divulge the full extent of harm their business can and does do, and are still looked upon as professional role models.
  2. What they are saying is true though: As a Muslim myself I certainly won't be buying the top with Wonga on it! What they are saying is true in reflecting their particular laws (though it's a joke that the journalists only start fishing for quotes over this particular deal), but the old bollocks I take issue with is the hard and fast rule they are holding onto in the first place. These kinds of short term, high risk loans fill a gap that has only appeared fairly recently and has a lot to do with the speed with which transfers and transactions can be done now. To apply this long standing Muslim law to it as a practice seems to me inflexible, verging on the absurd. Islam is all about perception: if you believe strongly that something is wrong then don't buy it. if you don't have an issue then don't buy it. Quite simple really........... I wish that was the case and it was all down to individual perception (like your good self when wearing a plain Newcastle top by choice, got a few Toff tops myself ), and that the religious law was open enough to interpretation to not get tripped up by new forms of business a few hundred years later. However, what we have here is the Muslim Council wading in and effectively telling a number of our players not to wear our s*** before they gets a chance to form their own minds. And, forgive me, but that kinda grinds my gears.
  3. Morally and etichally do you approve of what Wonga do? Seriously though, does Wonga force people to borrow at such high interest rates? Wonga isn't for the penniless. It's for those who need a quick advance just before their wage comes in.
  4. I can't believe that it's anything more than some sensationalist s*** to play to the cameras, for the purposes of the show. It isn't really a "reality show" ffs, and if he and the players think the fans believe it then they need help. "Reality shows" are done with hidden cameras. There's nothing real when you know the cameras are there.
  5. that is brand new information!
  6. No one is desecrating any holy symbols of religion here! Just saying pretty much what you've said in your first paragraph. Just because it's Islam doesn't mean we need to be more delicate or whatever. Hypocrisy is hypocrisy no matter who is guilty of it.
  7. Sharia Law is a really poor choice of words from the Independent. It has extremely powerful and negative connotations. The Old Testament/Torah forbids usury (making loans with excessive interest rates) so if for example we had Orthodox Jews or Christians playing for us there would probably be similar advice coming from the relevant bodies. The fact that our Muslim players take their faith seriously isn't any great problem. yup. I'd like to think that our players, of any creed, don't have the kind of brainless faith as to refuse to play in a Wonga sponsored shirt for example.
  8. Sharia law, D Miliband and the FA can all fuck off tbh. Very few, if any, sponsors have any kind of moral standing, and play a positive role in society. Even Barcelona under UNICEF. The UN including all of its sub-organizations is the biggest scam in recent times and causes far more death and misery the world over than Wonga. I am by no means defending Wonga, but people truly can fuck off with the double standards. If Al Qaeda wanted to sponsor some football team's shirts, they wouldn't look out of place with some of the other names on show.
  9. his desperation to pretend he knows what he's doing is embarrassing. What an impostor. i'm beginning to hate him fat Sam style.
  10. Doesn't matter who it was against. Suarez is the biggest cheat in the league, but Huth is a thug with priors and should have seen red and then some.
  11. IMO partnerships are all about the mental relationship between two players. It's not too dissimilar to marriage actually. They both have to be willing to sacrifice personal glory for the greater good of the team. If one of them isn't willing, they should be moved on. Absolutely no "physical" reason why two top class forwards like them can't play together. Their physical attributes aren't all that different, and neither is their technical ability. Shearer and Ferdinand worked because both players understood what had to be done to make it work, and the manager at the time made sure they were provided with enough chances to fill their boots. At the moment there doesn't look to be enough harmony between Ba and Cisse, and they don't get anywhere near enough chances. It's a big problem and if it is solved I see no reason why we can't seriously ruffle some feathers, at least, high up in the league.
  12. I dont get it yeah you do
  13. This international break is probably going to be one of the most pivotal points in Pardew's reign as manager of this club. He has got to dig deep and make a very important decision. He has to have a long hard look at our squad and realize that this decision can only be to play 433, in principle, in order to get the best out of what he has at his disposal. He has 8 years on his contract now, so there is no rush. He has "8 years" to put in place a footballing "system" (shudder at the risk of sounding RAWK-like) that is played from the senior team down to the academy. He knows well that under Ashley we won't be making big signings all the time to remedy gaps in the squad. He knows that we will need to promote from within. Therefore the younger players who get a chance in the first team should be well drilled and educated on how the first team plays. Signing that long term contract has made it a long term project. For me he shouldn't worry about getting top 6 immediately. I would take 11th or 12th if it means we play relentless attacking football, home and away. It's the only way to play football imo, and we have the players to do it. Also, playing this way gives us a better chance of winning knock-out cup ties, and consequently a better chance of reaching a cup final, or winning it even. Enough shoe-horning, enough by-passing the midfield and asking them to fight for the second ball. Ben Arfa has to be given the licence to roam, and remedying our full back situation has to become the only priority in January. Pardew has to prove that winning the manager of the year award last year wasn't a complete fluke.
  14. Quite unbelievable to have almost no goal-mouth threat when we have 3 of the best forwards in the league in Ba, Cisse and Ben Arfa. The team should be set up to provide them with chance after chance to fill their boots. Instead, it is set up to nullify the opposition and just hope one of these will produce a moment of magic. Utterly ridiculous, and Pardew knows it.
  15. He wasnt blatantly off his line, and the way Cleverly shaped up, it was almost certainly a cross. A taller keeper would have saved it imo.
  16. wonga.com is fucking shit wonga.com is fucking shit Well at least the song works...
  17. Danny Simpson started off well, and made a block on a cross coming in from the left wing by not backing off. Then he reverted to type. Baffling. Good game overall. Good to be back under the floodlights in midweek Thought James Perch and Shola were outstanding, as was Cabaye.
  18. The BBC report on this match is vomit inducing. Reads like a report from a Liverpool fanzine. Shocking attempt from a media source that is meant to be unbiased.
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