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Everything posted by Neil

  1. http://www.wwe.com/f/ep/image/2011/06/20110622_past_ppvs_wm17_l.jpg
  2. James Milner. Always good for an assist. Brought in Benzema. I've only got five transfers left now. 5 is about right, think I have 5 too. Had 15 for group stages, so if you have 5 left for the last round of games, you're doing fine surely?
  3. Got Benzema ©, Rami, Johnson and Welbeck today.
  4. Found the bit in bold disproportionately funny.
  5. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/154/912/berneydidnotread.gif?1318992465
  6. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/154/912/berneydidnotread.gif?1318992465
  7. Already on a couple of occasions, you can get 40+ points from just 1 game. This time tomorrow I could be out of the top 5, even top 10. Rami to tuck in a hatrick tonight.
  8. N-O Observational Theme #521: SDBS commenting on how much spare time Polic has at Microsoft. (Seriously IP, sort it the fuck out. Pure fucking dafties.)
  9. A France win with Benzema scoring would be ideal for my group winner accy and Benzema to be France's top scorer bets.
  10. Spain's dazzling midfield dominated the comprehensive 4-0 victory over Ireland from start to finish but David Silva perhaps made the most significant contribution with two assists and a coolly taken goal of his own.
  11. I bet Keane really, really wanted to punch Chiles there. The latter is just making little quips about cheering Keane up and the such, while the former has just seen his country get absolutely thumped and knocked out of the European Championships. Just fling him out of the studio.
  12. Tomorrow's main bet: £50 on over 2.5 references to Ibrahimovic's performances against English opposition.
  13. Not letting this one go by unnoticed.
  14. 38 so far, Torres MOTM would be ideal but Silva MOTM would be very acceptable.
  15. For some reason got a bad feeling about France. Everyone was saying England were defensive/gritty and so on against them, but I wasn't particularly that impressed by the French. Decent but far from great.
  16. How can you see your latest points for today?
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