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Everything posted by Neil

  1. This is the problem underpinning the rules. It's all about changing things day to day, and that really limits the variety of players people will have; compared to setting up a team for, say, a round of group games and having to leave them until the next set of games.
  2. Not really something I'd say "yeah, that's very likely" but just don't think the handicap is decent value at odds on. Wouldn't go into it fully confident it would come off.
  3. Although Spain obviously have the quality to score plenty tonight, I'm not so keen on the handicap. I think Ireland will ultimately do little but make it as awkward as possible and I'm not sure Spain will quite cut through them at will. Single goal victory is very possible.
  4. Silva, Jelavic and Buffon currently playing for me today. 1 change today and 1 change tomorrow will leave me with 5 or 6 transfers for the final round of group games. Pleasing.
  5. Fuck's sake Pure Dafties, sort your lives out, Completely Ineptitude needs your help.
  6. RTG would be proud of that logic.
  7. Moyes being linked to a Premiership vacancy. Makes a change.
  8. If Gomez doesn't get MOTM, there will be blood.
  9. Eh? Ireland are 14/1 alone. Yeah, I'm assuming its a mistake. But that's what it says. "Italy and Spain both to lose their matches" - 5/1
  10. 5, I think, at least 34 points incoming for anyone with Gomez as captain, I'll be lucky to be in the top 7 at this rate. Every fucker seems to have him as captain as well, man Do you? Nope Good, we can tumble down the table together. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/005/393/i-know-that-feel.jpg Anderson man. you're not going to be suddenly fucked just because Gomez is doing the business. You'll probably still be in the top 3, if not top.
  11. Pretty sure loads have said "yeah yeah, I'll make my team public" and haven't. People can perv on my team as much as they want. Go on, perv.
  12. I'm doing well in this thing since actually reading/being told the (I maintain, bizarre) rules. Hope it can continue.
  13. Surely a bit unfair if it's at half-time. Still not sure they'll score. Just saw the coach giving instructions to them at the whistle. Think vdV will deffo be on, and think Huntelaar will be on shortly after. Obviously im guessing but.... Poor joke was poor.
  14. Has anyone seen that banner on the Sky Sports website with Le Tiss? Spain and Italy both to lose their next game. 5/1. Yes, 5/1. VALUE
  15. Surely a bit unfair if it's at half-time. Still not sure they'll score.
  16. That is how you fucking do it.
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