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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Neil


    Sorensen Makin - Bould - Brown - Gray Summerbee - Schwarz - Ball - Johnstone Phillips - Quinn What a team that would be. -------------------------- Not an inch of sarcasm.
  2. Honestly mate, I wouldn't go near us at the start of the season. That's why it's only 10€. Still, think you should be strong enough even at the start of the season to beat them. That's what I think each year when we have an "easy" game early in the season and each year we drop points. We should be strong enough but you know.
  3. Honestly mate, I wouldn't go near us at the start of the season.
  4. Thought he'd... *ahem* Offically retired as a striker.
  5. I won't lie, a small part of me wants you to lose to see the reactions on here. I reckon at least 1 person will claim "this is the end of my time supporting this club!!!" Never mind that, what do you make of the blue union nonsense? See 'not worthy of a thread' mate. A quite astonishing meeting. Utterly bizarre. 'Why won't you sell?' 'There are no buyers' 'Why won't you spend money?' 'We've have none' 'That's not good enough!' *bangs fist* At least it seems the majority of Everton fans rightly view this lot as the bunch of lopsided social misfits that they are, though. It's truly frightening for our own Chairman to seemingly know fuck all about how the Club is being ran and how to sell the Club. But as I say, I'll leave this for the other thread.
  6. Neil

    Other clubs' transfers

    See, if those 3 clubs are the only clubs in for him and he wants to leave, then it's a no-brainer. But us making an offer....
  7. I won't lie, a small part of me wants you to lose to see the reactions on here. I reckon at least 1 person will claim "this is the end of my time supporting this club!!!" Never mind that, what do you make of the blue union nonsense? See 'not worthy of a thread' mate. A quite astonishing meeting.
  8. I won't lie, a small part of me wants you to lose to see the reactions on here. I reckon at least 1 person will claim "this is the end of my time supporting this club!!!" Neesy coming back for a 1 post spectacular? "And 1 More Thing...."
  9. I won't lie, a small part of me wants you to lose to see the reactions on here. I reckon at least 1 person will claim "this is the end of my time supporting this club!!!"
  10. Our Chairman doesn't know, so how do I? Poor league finishes for the first decade of this Premier League? High wages? Or maybe just mindblowing incompetence. Actually, just read the report and you'll see why we're in the shit, utter fucking incompetence across the board. £24m operating costs. "I don't know where they've gone." It's truly an astonishing read and I really do urge others to take the time to read it. You'll be honestly gobsmacked by some of the stuff in there.
  11. its in reply to this http://peoplesgroup.wordpress.com/2011/08/17/the-blue-unions-meeting-with-bill-kenwright/ and its long but one of the strangest things i have ever read, he makes mike ashtley look like he knows his stuff Reading Arteta's recent quotes was a bit upsetting. Even though they might not bring anyone in, he was happy at least that they had hung on to their stars! [Well, Rodwell and Jagielka] See, I don't see the point in really claiming "you don't have it THAT bad here..." because I'll get laughed out of town. People think we're a lovely, happy club who just happen to be short of a couple of pennies to get a star player. We're fucking skint, and I mean skint, without any plans to get a new stadium and have few future prospects as it stands, relying on a manager to work miracles again with a small squad who continue to do well on the pitch, while we share the city and are frankly overshadowed by the twats across the park who are, however you look at it, one of the most successful teams in the history of European football. Zero fucking communication from the powers-that-be, as well. Not that I expect any sort of sympathy, but it's hardly rosy, is it?
  12. You stay out of this, you will never understand. If that was an Everton we-have-no-money-to-sign-anyone swipe, then I LOL'd, I proper did like. Were the Everton forums in meltdown when you got Carlo Nash as backup? Honestly, we just laughed. He's played one match in two seasons. He knew his role, similarly I'd imagine Elliot does knowing we've got Krul & Harper here. Yep. I'm really not sure what there is to say about this transfer. You've got a backup keeper in. No "get in!", no "he's shite", just, yeah, someone in. Let's hope you get the left back and striker in you really could do with, hunts for which will IMO have nothing to do with this.
  13. Neil


    Cos you're going down! Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. Yeah well at least our chairman isn't a tight fisted c*** who wont spend any money.... Oh I've been here before. You may have an incompetent board, a detestable chairman and a manager who is hardly popular with most fans, but at least you've actually signed some players this summer. We could have been asleep since mid-May, woken up and zero has changed.
  14. You stay out of this, you will never understand. If that was an Everton we-have-no-money-to-sign-anyone swipe, then I LOL'd, I proper did like. Were the Everton forums in meltdown when you got Carlo Nash as backup? Honestly, we just laughed.
  15. Yeah, but when it suits you he actually called Ashley up with a "come and get me" plea.
  16. You stay out of this, you will never understand. If that was an Everton we-have-no-money-to-sign-anyone swipe, then I LOL'd, I proper did like.
  17. As usual more people are kicking off about those kicking off than are actually kicking off. Kicking off. ereeee dafty i'll kick you... off? Off yer head. Dafty. Yeah.
  18. Neil


    Cos you're going down! Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2.
  19. People are kicking off because you're signing a back-up keeper? Nice.
  20. Aye. It's incredible that folk take an interest in the biggest fixure on the planet. Disloyal pricks should just watch a recording of Saturday's 0-0. Taking an interest is one thing, but the arguments that happen on here because of this fixture are often nothing short of embarrassing. Don't see anything embarrassing about it. The sheer amount of them in recent months is why there's been so much talk about them and hence you'll see more comments hence you'll be more likely to think people are getting too worked up about it. Either way, don't see anything wrong with what people say about these games.
  21. But he didn't see the incident.
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