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Everything posted by Neil

  1. Tbh despite Blues pressure, they didn't really carve out that much in the way of chances.
  2. For me, most cases are like this. I see it as Kenny not wanting to enhance his performance, but being stupid by leaving himself exposed to the risk, through going outside of the club's medical service.
  3. So that's Peterlin and 16-year old Luke Garbutt. The top 4 is ours.
  4. http://www.whoateallthepies.tv/glen%20johnson%20horror%20hair.jpg
  5. That'll be the 15th won't it? Won't be here I'm afraid personally.
  6. I saw "Newcastle.... 0-7 Crewe" on the SSN ticker bar.... for a minute I was speechless. Well, not a minute. That's a total exaggeration. Sorry.
  7. Without thinking too much, what sort of period would people fancy the next one? Nice for them to be regular but not too close together, could lose their edge. Late August - Early September?
  8. Tbh tactically I thought we got it spot on first half, things starting coming apart in the 2nd half, myself included, I think the decision to go to a flat 4-4-2 and Gimp coming into defensive mid mid-way through the 2nd half though stemmed the flow a bit. Blues had much more of the 2nd half but didn't create that many clear cut chances. Neither did we like.
  9. Some fucking shocking "clearances" from myself, usually play it on the ground actually but it was edgy to say the least. Considering it's the first time I've played CB in any sort of competitive match though, I wasn't too disastrous. I do however now have a undying love for Optimistic Nut.
  10. Wouldn't mind light showers for a bit actually as stu said there might be. Would rather that than melting.
  11. Some cheeky pasta for me too Josh. It's specifically cheeky.
  12. Dirty tactics from Ian (Prophet), coaxing me into drinking last night with a few mates, and then fucking off himself! Not to worry Reds: no side effects, so I'll be on form. I.e. stumbling about, smashing things clear (mis-hits) and falling over.
  13. So where is this magical place we're meeting then? As opposed to saying where we're NOT meeting...
  14. Neil

    Do we need agents?

    Aye I think so. Ronaldinho's is his brother iirc.
  15. After hearing rumours of us going after a Serbian lad, Marko Pantelic, I saw that he doesn't have an agent, because he wants direct contact with the other club. Also heard (not sure how much truth is in it) that Paul Scholes is the only player in the PL without an agent. Do players actually need agents? We often hear about agents being somewhat shady and pocketing a lot of money for themselves. What are your thoughts on this?
  16. Neil and Neil will be defensive cohorts. I just wanted to use the word 'cohorts' tbh.
  17. too much logic! Fair AND happy is just being unreasonable.
  18. Everyone seems to talk as though Owen and Valencia are directly replacing Tevez and Ronaldo. Who's to say they won't get a couple more quality players in?
  19. Obsessed. Yes we know you are. Now get his cock out of your mouth Oh, right sorry. Owen is a cunt etc. RARRRRR etc. Sheppards to blame etc. Pffft. Etc. FYP.
  20. This is the most sickening thing ever ... I detest this guy. You can just feel the smugness seeping out of that photo. This guy took the piss at Newcastle. Where is the stupid sulk he had on his face 99% of the time he was here gone now? Filth. On his 2nd face.
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