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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 2 minutes ago, Shearergol said:

    Isn’t Kamara quite lacking in pace or is that a different Kamara?


    He lacks pace like Rodri and Fabinho do but it doesn't negatively impact how he plays 

  2. 1 hour ago, Dokko said:

    So what does everyone think will happen today? Reckon we relegate Burnley and finish top 10. Citeh win the title. Spuds get 4th place. Wham finish ahead of Manure (not that anyone cares about them)


    Liverpool win the title

    Spurs finish 4th

    Man-U to get 6th 

    We finish 11th

    Leeds to get relegated 

  3. 41 minutes ago, kingxlnc said:

    I'd love Ousmane Dembele as our Robinho moment. Even though his attitude is considered questionable, I think he'd be next level and a huge statement - him and ASM on each wing would be dangerous. And I trust Howe to tame him. When he signed for Barca they said he was a future Ballon D'or winner in the making. 


    Majed, make it happen. 


    I was against his signing and mentioned it several times on here, combination of his constant injuries and a hit and miss end product 


    However, since January he's been brilliant, he's remained fit and he's racked up the assists, so much so with 13 he has the most in La Liga this season (11 of those coming from Feb onwards). So him on the RW would be an impressive signing but I get the feeling he'll be staying in Barca.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Ketsbaia said:

    Four attempts [emoji38]


    Four years down there :lol:


    That's why I can't get too annoyed at the promotion.... let's just be grateful for the incredible comedy they keep providing.


    Four attempts, man :2funny:


    That's my thoughts on it too, League 1 standard is so bad I expected a club of their size to get out of it no bother but it took 4 attempts


    and even this latest one was touch and go, they relied on some late winners to just make sure they even got to the play offs


    If they are to challenge for promotion then there's a lot of work and money needed

  5. 11 minutes ago, KaKa said:


    Nothing to be upset about, it's his life, so if he's happy with that decision then fine.


    My point is that no matter how you cut it he's still making an obscene amount of money, every and which way, so there's nothing clever about his choice in that regard.








    Of course, I don't deny that, if he even joined say Liverpool he would still make lots of money


    Looking at it from a football perspective I would have liked to see him play in La Liga or even better the PL but he's still young, PSG are a big club (even if it's cos of the oil money and not historically) and it is his club as well, so him staying is hardly ludicrous 


    My point is more about a player being smart (with a risk attached to it of course) of signing short contracts and then seeing it out to then get massive wages and a big signing on fee too 



  6. 3 minutes ago, KaKa said:


    Oh for goodness sake man ... 


    Any offer on the table was going to set him, his family and multiple generations up for good. This is money he will never be able to spend all of.


    And so in that position he should have been making the choice based on sporting ambition, if he had anything about him. Taking the most money just for the sake of taking the most money is lame. Guy has already been at PSG for 5 years. He turns 24 this year. It would be the ideal time for him to leave and still have a chance to continue to develop.


    We'll all see how it plays out. PSG will no doubt continue to flame out, and Mbappe will stagnate, and only really shine in the French league where PSG can just stomp on everyone else. 


    Calm yourself down, not sure why you are getting upset


    I've made zero comment on it from a football perspective, just saying he's nailed it from making an obscene amount of money and he'll repeat that process in 3-4 years again. Not saying that is "right" or "wrong", just that from a financial point of view it's a clever approach

  7. Current Liverpool is obviously an impressive team and don't tend to lose but he didn't predict a single loss for Liverpool for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 season

  8. Mbappe has nailed it from maximising his income, he's going to earn ridiculous money over the next 3 years and he'll probably see his contract out and then sign another ridiculous 3/4 year contract 

  9. Just now, ManDoon said:

    Maybe, it’s a hard league though, Fulham being the outlier this season, they need a pretty much new team aside maybe two or three 


    It is but 2-3 canny loans can be enough to ensure you aren't in trouble and tbf PL clubs would be happy to loan them players as they'll get decent attendances 

  10. 1 minute ago, Comegetasample said:

    Trophy for coming 3rd? 


    Do the other 2 promoted teams get one like? 




    1st get a trophy, 2nd doesn't get anything


    Think it's the same in The Championship too

  11. Just now, ManDoon said:

    I don’t reckon like, they didn’t even win their dross league. They probably aren’t as good as Birmingham City

    They'll no doubt buy some players and probably get some useful loans from PL clubs


    Neil is a decent manager, especially for that level


    It will take some effort for a promotion push but I can see them being comfortably safe 

  12. 1 hour ago, Hovagod said:

    By the way, we’re probably going to get to Wembley ourselves in the next couple of years. When we do can it not be the basis for several thousand online debates about how many each had at Trafalgar Square the night before.  Can we just stick to bars and leave them to their own sad little tradition in peace?

    We already stole their flag idea so may as well steal "taking Trafalgar Square" too

  13. 8 minutes ago, Nun tumblers said:

    I think that's it for rangers, 


    Nah, much like Real Madrid in the CL don't write them off, they keep finding a way in this competition


    And they are still very much in it 

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