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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 1 hour ago, Pilko said:


    "Sunlun's going down and the Mags are going up" in 2017 most probably.

    Nah, I'm sure after that we regularly had "Sunlun get battered everywhere they go" but that fizzled out as they started to just draw 1-1 every week

  2. Just now, Barnes23 said:

    Kind of defeats the object of signing Pope if it's just going to be Darlow coming in if he's out.

    Agreed, doesn't make us massively better off really


    If he does leave then I hope we are in for a younger keeper that's better than Darlow

  3. 17 minutes ago, Mazzy said:

    Fuck off with loan deals. Unless they are paying his full wages they can get lost. 


    This is a ridiculous and self harming attitude to have


    Gayle needs to go, for it to be on a permanent someone will need to offer close to what we pay him which is unlikely.


    A loan deal where some/most of his wages are covered benefits us 

  4. It's funny how he couldn't get away from Juve fast enough after they got worse, now seems set to do the same to Man-U. For all that he's spoken about as this mentality monster he seems to run away quick enough.

  5. Surprised no one picked up on this part of his interview "I think Newcastle for now is the best step for me to develop myself


    Doesn't bother me as ultimately he's signed and as long he performs and we remain ambitious he'll be here for a while but knowing how some of our fans are I'm surprised they haven't panicked over it 

  6. 45 minutes ago, xLiaaamx said:

    Internationals won't be back for a while. 

    That usually means it's pointless having training on and you might as well fly off to Portugal

  7. 6 minutes ago, Scoreboard82 said:

    I'll put me tin hat on here but some season ticket holders would argue being able to buy an extra ticket is reward for spending thousands of pounds over the years through some shit seasons while some just fancy it since the takeover. I'm not talking about Ashley acceptance here either because many have been ST holders for decades and pre Ashley. Personally I chucked my ST when Rafa left, after having it for 29 years before anyone accuses me of thinking I'm holier than thou.

    But a season ticket holder has a ticket, that is their reward


    Obviously it's tough to find a solution where everyone is happy but allowing members to have priority then ST and then general sale seems fairer imo, though I accept I speak from a position of bias


    What is clear is that long term there needs to be a solution because our current stadium isn't big enough

  8. 35 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    I don’t either, doesn’t seem fair at all. Guess they could buy a membership as well though, unless that was also banned. 

    Fully agree with this


    They should restrict it to Members first, then ST and then General sale


    Otherwise seems a little unfair on members 

  9. 1 minute ago, sushimonster85 said:

    My dad got in just after 10am, went to buy but said his age wasn't verified. Checked his personal details and his age is in there. Subsequntley has been booted and now back at the back of the queue bless him. Anyone else ran into anything like that? 

    I'm 8 mins away but I don't recall logging in anywhere so I have a feeling this will happen to me :sad:

  10. 8 minutes ago, bowlingcrofty said:

    Yeah even if they sell 10,000 memberships today (which I doubt they will as people are logged in on multiple devices), then there’s still a ticket for every member at every game - and that’s under the assumption that every member wants to attend every game too.

    What about Season Ticket holders? They'll still be able to purchase a ticket won't they?

  11. 9 minutes ago, FloydianMag said:

    Just had a thought, should Eriksen decide to sign for us it’ll tip this lot right over the edge. It would be a joy to behold.


    If he does, he'll be considered shit and past it, if he rejects us then well it will be funny a world class player rejected us


    They have all bases covered

  12. 1 hour ago, Wandy said:

    It is hilarious how they now trawl the internet every day in a desperate search for kindred spirits who may think in a similar manner to them when it comes to NUFC. This is their football-supporting life now, utterly consumed by rage and envy of their neighbours. Thoroughly heartwarming. 

    I think that is what is really upsetting them, the majority of the football world has just gotten on with it and they need everyone to despise us like they do


    They've convinced themselves that all these signings (which are also shit in their minds, go figure) mean nothing to us because we are raging that everyone hates us

  13. It's all a coping mechanism, they can't bring themselves to credit any of our signings. They rubbished the Bruno signing by suggesting if he was any good better teams would have signed him


    What's utterly mental though is that they have seen Bruno play and a lot of them still try to claim he's average, they are broken so they have to resort to such nonsense


    Apparently Botman can't be good because he hasn't played for the Dutch National side, even though he's only 22 whilst Van Dijk was 24 when he made his debut for his country 


    I hope we sign at least 2 more top players, it will destroy them and no doubt they'll plunge even deeper into nonsense to try and cope with it

  14. 4 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    The plans will see it brought to PL standards in terms of pitches and some facilities, but overall it will always fall short of even Leicester’s facilities. 


    That to me shows how serious they are and should allay any fears people have that they won't spend


    Could easily have said pointless wasting money for the next few years as we'll be building a proper facility 

  15. 49 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Trying to claim its corrupt. No more corrupt than Ryan Reynolds’ gin company being linked to Wrexham the fucking numpties.

    We have countless other examples in the league that is corrupt, this isn't it


    Though I can't wait until a PIF owned company does sponsor us, the fewm will leave the atmosphere

  16. 1 minute ago, The Butcher said:

    Can anyone remember a single goal Gabriel Jesus has ever scored? [emoji38]

    Aye, he scored twice against Liverpool in a huge title race game


    I think he's a quality player and will do very well for Arsenal 

  17. 7 hours ago, sleazy said:

    Is Botman shit yet? 

    Yes because he can't get in the Dutch National side


    Using Mackem logic, Van Dijk is shite cos he didn't make his International debut until he was 24 

  18. Delighted with this, even though I've never really seen him play but it's a statement signing. 


    Also makes a mockery of all those that kept saying sod him, we need to move on. Just shows the club know what they are doing.

  19. Such a good signing, excellent value too


    To think we've almost signed a new back 5 for around £50m, all with PL experience and all homegrown, not glamourous but bloody sensible

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